nothing wrong with having pride

you should shame gibsmedat fags

Look a monkey learned to use Sup Forums!

On one hand there's nothing wrong with pride in your race but on the other it feels like it's done out of insecurity and put on social media for reassurance. I mean, they're not referring to any achievements and it's not an actual holiday.
Plus it's D-Day today but I'm gonna generously assume that it's a coincidence

NIggers are proud of all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons.

It must be terrible having to reaffirm that you're not a waste of oxygen every day.

If they are kings and queens..... why did they allow themselves to become enslaved for hundreds of years?

No people but the blacks call themselves kings and queens. You can't all be kings and queens. In a society where everybody is a king or queen, then there really are no kings and queens to begin with


Id probably go to gaol for posting something like this. How is it allowed for some people only?

Good, I agree with this, I want blacks to get out too.

You have too much time on your hands.
Get outside OP.

wayt mufhuggga shut yo asss up shieeeet




Apparently most black people make fun of these people. They call them "hoteps" or "hotep ass niggas"

Fucking savage


Start a white out day hashtag to piss them off

You were never kings.

Picture related, king tuts sandles with beaten black slaves won in battle he literally walked on niggers.


Holy shit

You were always niggers.....Picture related.

>black day on 6/6/16


Goddamn, Egyptians didn't fuck around.


They were less and treated as such .....same reason every non black with any understanding and experience with black culture knows ......to this day thousands of years later.


Pride is a deadly sin, you asshole.

is it coincidence that "blackoutday" is on the same day as the DDay?

Shut your pie hole your a disgrace to YOUR forefathers......

Fucking merkelite cuck.

You should learn proper grammar before saying stupid shit like that.

You got the point faggot.

get help

Tumblr hashtag raid anyone?


I now like Australia.

pride is the biggest cancer right now
and gaypride is like being proud of being a stupid mental ill faggot... its beyond hell actually



She's pretty fuhkin high yellow to be talkin bout "Black" pride.