No flat earth thread flat earth thread

No flat earth thread flat earth thread

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If the earth is flat how are bums round?

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Anyone else here actually talk to a flat earther IRL? its some fascinating shit. I had a long conversation with one, just to get an idea of what he believed, and to pick his brain a little. I learned:

- The earth is flat
- None of the stars, planets, or other outer space bodies are real
- We're inside a clear dome that is around the outside ring of earth
- the government knows about the dome and has launched missiles into it to try and crack it, unsuccessfully
- the sky is blue because its water. We're underwater, but it doesnt come in because of the dome
- its kept secret because it would prove intelligent design, which would make the masses harder to control


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This bridge is 22 miles long, not over 100. Stupid fuck

Earth flat niga

the cam got better duuhhh

Fake af

Got a shirt from them
shirt comes as an extra long and it's pretty solid quality. GF got it for me as a joke but those tards know shirts 8/10 (fabric isn't super soft and the neck rides up a bit)

Oh and the logo won't come off for a while (I think)

Weather changes dipshit, so does technology....

Retarded or trolling?

Attached: OP IS FAGGOT.jpg (490x348, 13K)

We should have a new genocide. People who are this dumb.

Do the size of the continents also change? Like how north america looks over twice as big as it is in 2007 than it does in 2012?

It looks twice as big in 2012 than in 2007, rather*

They don't change, just the distance and perspective does.

Take a picture of earth at 5 feet away, then one at 500 feet, big difference.

Same when a satellite in LEO takes a pic as apposed to a Lagrange point.

With so many flat earthers, why doesn't one of them become an austronaut and see for himself?

Same to you, gullable retard

Because we still don't have the tech to get outside low earth orbit

P.s. earth is still flat from low earth orbit

Yes we do, I work in the GIS field, for mapping. And my favorite satellite is at a fixed point called a Lagrange point. That is WAAAYYY outside low earth orbit.

Why would they not just take a picture from the same single orbit and then, that way there are no discrpencies between the size of everything.

I mean you woukd think since they already say they have to Photoshop it into a composite they could at least edit the pictures together in such a way that it doesn't look dastardly disproportionate.

Idk I'm not really a flat earther per se but some of the shit they bring up really does make you wonder

>Why would they not just take a picture from the same single orbit
They do, most high powered photographic satellites have a live feed owned by the agency, corporation, or group that the satellite belongs too.
>Idk I'm not really a flat earther per se
If you take anything the flat earth trolls say as serious, no you might not be a flat earther, but you're showing off your lack of knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence.
>the shit they bring up really does make you wonder
How, people can be so fucking retarded? You're right about that.