Whether you altright edgy crybabies want to admit it or not this is a revolutionary 8/10 album and in light of Peep's...

whether you altright edgy crybabies want to admit it or not this is a revolutionary 8/10 album and in light of Peep's death is also the most sincere contribution to music in the past decade
fuck the edgy haters

Seems to me the only edgy crybaby here is yourself

How is it sincere? He didn't kill himself like he said he would, he accidently OD'd.


That is reason alone to rejoice this faggot is no longer spreading stupid memes.

Pic related is better and it's his only good album


Back to the 90s soyboy fayjet

only someone who shares my political orientations could fully understand the appeal of a wealthy addict complaining over largely unedited samples.

Lil pump is alive and well, don't worry user

>part 1


do people actually think pump is peep or is it meme

It's ok. Hellboy and crybaby are a lot better

there’s literally zero samples on this album, dipshit

>being this retarded
Lil peep, Lil pump, and X are the official rappers of the alt-right.

I always felt like he was smarter than the rest of the bunch, seems like I was an idiot.

>fuck the edgy haters
t. edgy fag who likes edgy fags


its a meme but the guy you replied to is actually serious and that's embarrassing

I'd like to point out that 2 out of Fantano's last 3 albums that he gave a "Not Good" to were Lil Peep and Linkin Park, does he know something we don't?

i played that game on my dad's powermac in the mid 90s

He was. Abusing drugs for as long as he did makes you fucking stupid.

>any difference whatsoever

what was the other one?

>whether you altright edgy crybabies want to admit it or not this is a revolutionary 8/10 album
genuinely want an answer to how? or even some justification outside of a bad shared opinion of ignorance.
> in light of Peep's death is also the most sincere contribution to music in the past decade
you have not listened to very much music at all, have you?

would rage again

Lil Dicky, he best be careful