When did you learn the slaves didnt build shit?
When did you learn the slaves didnt build shit?
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You make it tough to hate on blacks when you post based cowboy Curtis lookin fella.
dont hate blacks. hate niggers user. learn the difference.
Most people in the US moved here after slavery.
Most immigrants that came here during slavery lived in the north. Where slavery was rare or non existent.
During slaverys peak only 2% of people in the SOUTH owned slaves.
All business built on slavery were destroyed during and after the civil war.
Slavery in America was a blip compared to other slavery and serfdoms.
I respect that man in the pic
I suppose you're right. America after all is not made out of cotton.
There isn't one. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a good amount niggers will tell you this. It's only people with their one black friend that say different
When my grandparents explained to me about they and their brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and aunts and uncles taking jobs no one else would do because they were so glad to have gotten to Ellis Island in one piece.
Commit seppuku stormcunt.
Actually no, too honorable. Kill yourself for giving the madness of the left ammunition to feed normal people.
Or better yet you could kill your worthless ass and not spread your horrible genetics. Everywhere you're the majority of the population is an absolute shithole for a reason. Worthless nigger
What else, white boy? You gona say we didn built the pieramids?
>muh genetics
humans are humans, period
I do think some genetic groups do produce varying qualities of people, but no group produces 100% garbage and stereotypes are only useful in generalizing.
Except abbos, but those aren't modern human and we all know it.
with regards to the aboriginals I will rest my argument, for further reading is necessary.
Just shows what an absolute moron you're. I'm sure you try and do all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince yourself that it's just one big coincidence that everywhere on the planet that niggers dominate is a shithole. Whatever helps you sleep at night
Can we clone this man and disperse him throughout Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore and St Louis areas..
there are shitholes dominated by literally every race dude. But the third world is developing at a faster pace than the first, this is a fact. I am optimistic things will only get better.
>Slavery in America was a blip compared to other slavery and serfdoms.
Millions of slaves and a deadly trans-Atlantic slave trade unprecedented in history.
Do you have to be a cunt or are you just having a bad day?
They're as human as Neanderthals were, only they survived long enough for leftists to demand everybody ignore that they were isolated there for the last 40,000 years.
We can still interbreed, again like Neanderthals, but if they had died out before the arrival of europeans it's entirely likely they'd be on display in the natural history museum with a chart showing which branch of the hominid tree they stem from and what their relation to modern man is.
Or, if neanderthals had survived, we'd now be subsidizing large-browed trailerdwellers who are literally incapable of adopting new behavior.
You just happen to ignore the safest places on the planet are dominated by whites and asians. Don't worry nigger I'm sure this is all just one big coincidence and if the world stopped babysitting Africa tomorrow it would turn into a prosperous
You should look up the definition of the word blip, fins the correct definition. Then re-read what I wrote. You will see that I'm correct.
Then the problem has nothing to do with race but how whites treated africans. Whites made blacks dependent instead of guiding them the real path.
There is no prosperity in a socialist civilization. It will only create spoiled manchildren and never independence.
Don't you find it a beautiful statement about western civilization that you can scoop up pretty much any race of human from any backwater shithole, sprinkle them around here and within a few generations there's a percentage who turn out like the based black man in the OP? Sure, it's not nearly as high a percentage as would be ideal, but it says to me that at least some genuinely try.
>there isn't one
you dumb nigga
Building things requires skills, like masonry, or carpentry. Slaves barely had the skills to pick cotton.
I think the percentage of good/decent nogs is about the same as married couples raising all of their kids together. So not very high, but not nonexistent.
I've had to deal with a good amount of white niggers, like yourself. Your argument is invalid.
My statement obviously flew over your head. Africa is incredibly resource rich and has the most fertile land on the planet. Yet they have to be babysit like children so they all don't starve to death. If the niggers had a brain in their head they would've dominated the world. That is obviously not the case though and even in 2016 we still have to take care of them like overgrown children. Every race started out the same. Some had the mental capacity to build culture and civilizations. Some didn't and lived in mud huts while eating each other. You can choose to ignore it but don't get mad at those that don't
Truth hurts huh nigger?
I'm not a nigger I'm white but I'm assuming since you called me a nigga you're one. So once again, truth hurts huh?
slaves provided the brute force needed to build this country if that, slaves were nothing more than beasts of burden; if you buy into that shit you might as well say horses and cows built this country.
What part of it is invalid nigger? What place on the planet where niggers are the majority is a nice, prosperous, civilized society?
Oh and I grew up in southlake Texas. You can google it if you like
Slavery of any kind is the racket that the Money Printers use to ensure huge profits.
Wage slavery is the smarter form of it that goes on in 'Murica these days.
Save that hate for the Money Printers (Kikes) who are the real masters of society.
>there are blacks that aren't niggers
back to stormfront you cuck
sho duz massa
of course not, the money from it did
When will muslims start paying reparations for destroying and enslaving most of europe and the surrounding areas?
Cool pic. All the blacks I know are secretly nazis who hate their own kind.
Lots of black down here wear, fly, and represent the flag. It's quite common where I'm at.
the majority of construction would be done my skilled labor at all times. you want some idiot off a boat to do masonry on a expensive building? i would hope not
as far as money made well slavery didnt last long in america. no "400 years of slavery" bull shit. most of the wealth that poured into america came from coal for a long time and proprietary advances like automobiles being made and sold globally as well as gold / silver / iron / copper mined in the country
Thanks for proving I'm right. I'll let you niggers go. I'm sure you have a busy night of drink malt liquor and ignoring your several children ahead of you.
i dont drink nor do i have kids. im not a degenerate like yourself. good to know your thinskin cant handle bantz stormcuck
You know not even a million slaves made it to the USA, right? Most went to South America and the Gulf of Mexico. Even then, USA outlawed the Transatlantic slave trade in the early 1800's.
Lol, no.
is this Sup Forums?
so many niggers and redditors on Sup Forums lately
Did your Dad whisper that in your ear during your special cuddle times you ignorant fuck?
There is absolutely a difference you faggot. Just ask your wife's Bull.
>Dur, I can't tell the diffrent nature of a black uncle Tom and a nigger, lollololollolollolollilo ol lolollollololoololooloolollollolkkllolo l lolo ol lolooll ol lo
Remember all those slaves working in the Colt factory and locomotive factories and garment factories? Me neither, that was child labor.
>slaves helped build the Southern agrarian economy. Dismantle the farms.
Black man here, do not spread that nonsense here. Get off my board, please and thank you.
kek. No, you just hate black people but are too afraid to admit it.
You seem mad to type out that much text. But really whites made blacks dependent.
Whites put blacks in slavery in the past, treated them like animals like you'd want to do, and then put them in socialist welfare today. Really the problem was how whites treated them.
Glad you got that off your chest now? Ready for nappy time?
>he believes in yoomun beans
...and the way they reacted and got baited into being the Dem's bitches. Oh and the Hollywood/music industries little play thing.
after the civil war, the South was decimated. Everything the niggers helped build was destroyed. They literally did not build a single notable thing after the civil war.