admit it Sup Forums, you actually like him
i mean who here is not entertained by how he's making that shit hole of a country known as canada even worse than it already it
Admit it Sup Forums, you actually like him
Other urls found in this thread:
canada has never been relevant
>tfw our housing bubble is about to pop and our economy is going to collapse 2008 America style
Australia is on the same path, once our economies are destroyed and unemployment gets to double digits then you will see shitposting on an unimaginable scale
holy shit, and i thought my pecs were unimpressive.
>our housing bubble is about to pop
How can you be so sure? I've been hearing that it was going to pop since 2005...
For some reason the way it's written triggers me.
that sounds awesome, I eagerly await the renaissance of Sup Forums
>prices have been rising exponentially in vancouver and toronto, increasing 30% year over year
>head of major banks coming out and saying they're reducing lending and want government to change down payment rules
>debt at all time highs
>studies show most Canadians would be unable to pay bills if interest rates rise even 1%
>federal reserve raising interest rates
>real estate development at 8% of GDP, historical highs
>people panicking with crazy bidding wars because they fear missing out due to rapidly rising prices
Classic bubble behavior
he looks like a beta cuck
this is from an alpha male living in LA who bangs 10/10s on the regular who isn't a nigger lol
the guy seems like such a douche bag. i wonder if he actually thinks he's making the world a better place with all these hollow gestures. he seems like the kind of guy that constantly congratulates himself
>Bragging on an anonymous site ????¿¿¿¿¿
I'll give him one thing
He inspired me to start lifting weights so that I can kick the shit out of him
living in LA = LithuaniA?
Get outta here, Joe.
chief leaf is a cuck
please annex us america
>In this new program, you can take a refugee right into your home. The plan's in development. You can sign up for it ahead of time. You can do it now if you want.
> he's making that shit hole of a country known as canada even worse than it already it
HEH for a second there I was about to admit my arguement as invalid but I see that you have placed a typo..
>mfw this is ultimately inconsequential because Canada is just a buffer zone for the US and the status quo is enforced by force much beyond even our own internal ''politics''
tbqh I'd shag him after a few pints but he's a cunt politically.
I like that he is going to be a very prominent poster boy for the vapidity of modern liberalism in the future
I hate cucks, period.
Even well-intentioned cucks.
Canada is the jew's experiment to see how cuckolded a group of whites outside of Euraped can be
so far it's working
I'm a chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock and I make $190,000 a year.
He does provide teh lulz, i'll give him that.
considering you're less white than we are and liberals I know here are starting to get pissed off about all the brownies I certainly don't see the point
ill leave this here....
>i mean who here is not entertained by how he's making that shit hole of a country known as canada even worse than it already
see flag
Trudeau will be PM for life. kek wills it
kek can suck my dick
he will...
kek is obviously a transgendered faggot frequenting anime boards to sell his products.
>fuck pillows shaped like little girls
you fucking Sup Forums fags are worse than niggers.
ultimate degenerates.
Truly a performance worthy of a part time drama teacher.
it's because you're imagining that irritating, cherping, Canadian mannerism associated with it
says a lot about the canadian population, eh?
Sure does bud.
Once again, fpbp.
No. I despise him.
Once Trump wins Canada will be follow suit. The sad reality is we watch your politics and vote based on that.
Also please annex us already.
basically you're cucked even when you try to be uncucked
Trump is more entertaining desu and not a flaming faggot weedman
It's ok dark syrup your our little half brother we wouldn't let you DIE we just laugh when shit happens like with everything else.