Well Sup Forums ?
Well Sup Forums ?
I have talked to Danes, they state Denmark has no minimum wage and pretty high taxes. Sounds like Occupy Commies is lying yet again.
America can learn that
>90+% whites of northern heritage create prosperity
>Population of 5 million.
Well they're the only Western European nation that is relatively nationalistic and homogenous. Aside from maybe Switzerland.
>Socialist countries of Scandinavia have minimum wage
What is this myth? None of us has minimum wage. We got unions and welfare.
Man, I wish we could be like Norway and not have to worry about national defense because large countries on the other side of the planet are expected to defend us should the time come.
They pay taxes out the ass so much that they dont have kids because they cant afford them. This in turn has caused the Danish government to start a campaign to encourage procreation among the population.
>$5 per trash bag
America also has around 66 times the population of Denmark.
got u fampai
>muh taxes
Those pay for infrastructure, education, healthcare etc all of which are actually pretty good in Denmark
Id call that a fair bargain
>5 million population
>$20 minimum wage forbes.com
And roughly 8 times more niggers than their entire population.
Minimum wage point is a lie.
They've got a decent amount of oil income.
They're also white and northern European.
Problem is, health care in countries that supposedly provide free health care is terrible and often time means months of waiting. Which is why everyone goes to America for the newest and best medical treatment
which is also 99% white
very high suicide rate?
am I supposed to kill myself too
Denmark has billions in oil and takes over half a citizens income in taxes and still provides shitty services.
I'd tell you to think on that but I know you're a liberal and know that thinking is too hard for you, especially when it comes to gibs you feel entitled to for existing
ever waited to get on medicare so you can see a doc for your chronic condition.
i didn't think so.
I would add to that no Nordic country has anykind of minimum wage law. Basically unions and employer organisations agree on certain standard salary for the job. Then in some countries local branches of unions can negotiate with employer to a certain degree on terms and salary.
Is it even legal to paint your face like than in Denmark anymore? I'm assuming it'd go against several anti-nationalism and patriotism laws that exist in the EU.
t. Dad died of cancer because they couldn't figure out it was cancer for a year
Name one Danish company.
ib4google list of names.
No because I pay for private health care in america. When I lives abroad HF seeing a compenetent doctor in short notice when you don't have private.
>shitty services
Pick one.
Can't even tell if your joking. Americans are literally this retarded.
lol so they've switched from using Sweden to Denmark? Another tiny, almost entirely white country that isn't comparable to America at all? Notice how they never use Switzerland in these comparisons even though the Swiss have one of the highest living standards in the world? I wonder if it's because Switzerland is probably the most capitalist country on the planet and everyone has guns...
Lego, mister burger.
That's not how the danish economy is you piece of shit. I have heard Canadian Rednecks from small podunk towns in Ottowa understand not to committe zero sum fallacy. Your pic is about as factually based as /r9k/'s ability to get women. You have more autism than /k/ in a room full of mosin-nagants and dragon dildos. Your shit is more off base than the young turks on a good day. You're dumber than brit /lit/s trying to meet at a pub in London. Your pic is about as convincing as Greece's ability to pay debts. I'd have better odds at betting on India to Poo in Loo before you could create a coherant thought.
You're a faggot and I hate you.
I agree. If the US stopped paying for the military of countries like Denmark, we'd have more money for out own social programs.
its sad that sweden instantly sucks ass after letting in a bunch of shitskins LOL. fucking idiots.
Also they have low corporate taxes in order to not chase away jobs, something those occupy retards would never allow.
Denmark has 1.5% the population of the US, a completely different economy and ethnic monogamy. Both nations cannot function the same.
Do you understand that jews are evil now?
>"free" = good
>ITT: "el araucANO" forgets that USA has 10x the population of Dennark
>and often time means months of waiting
only for bullshit cosmetic shit i suppose
health care here is pretty good, people are satisfied with it
anything acute is treated immediately
you don't need the newest and 'best' medical treatment to have a healthy population
lol not really. We actually get americans coming here because the flight is cheaper than treatment even on private hospitals.
Everything about Denmark is something that triggers those socialist retards - very free market, very low corporate tax, strong homogenity, strong national awareness etc. yet they cannot shut the fuck up about it. And they will call others uneducated.
But then these idiots will tell you race doesn't matter when they make these comparisons. And when you ask them why they never use any brown 'socialist' countries as a comparison they call you a racist and run away.
So America can magically have all of these things if we just raise taxes on the rich?
people posting the same post over and over again
What's the definition of insanity again? i forgot
Of course. Rich people after all are stationary objects, incapable of any reactions, so they just wait for some Bernout to rob them.
Maersk. Novo Nordisk (medicine). Actually there are quite a few that people usually don't realize are danish.
Don't believe everything you hear. It's a nice place but it's hard to translate the success to other places in the world.
One of the thinkers who had a big impact on how modern Denmark and its school system turned out was Grundtvig. That also affected the US btw. peopleseducation.org
Is there a lot of Jews in the country who control the media and politicians? Is there a lot of niggers too that keep voting for shitty candidates, cause of "gibsmedat" multicultural issues? Probably two of the biggest problems in the USA right now.
8euros for a pint of beer.
Lol it doesn't even have minimum wage and how the fuck they got that 20$ number
Free healthcare is good if you country has only 5 million and life in an almost disease free country(not because of the healthcare but because how the human body works)
No corruption is a meh when you can legally get a lot of money out of oil companies while being a politician
Yeah they also has less children
They also have the biggest private debt in the world and have the 2 or 3 biggest envirnomental footprint in the world (i.e. they pollute a lot)
>well, of course Danes are happy; they are medicated to be!
>in Denmark's neo-communism no one will ever own or accomplish anything
Geez, could you get more overdramatic?
American socialists who hail Denmark as some sort of utopia of fairness, health and happiness are retarded.
People who try to counter this by posting this image and shreeching about
>muh taxes
>muh suicide rate
>muh antidepressant
are equally retarded.
We are doing pretty well in Denmark with the system we have for the moment. That doesn't mean it will work for a country with 80 times the population and 50 million niggers
Same here. My grandmother lived in Canada and had to go to the US just so she could get proper care when she had cancer.
>2 or 3 biggest envirnomental footprint in the world
>and I base this on absolutely nothing
America and Denmark are in such different situations, demographically, politically and resource wise, trying to say one should copy the other is sitraight up pants on head fucking retarded.
learn not to be idiot.
Fuck you, you dirty wetback.
Copenhagen = rape capitol of the world
90% white, 10% muslim.
The rioting Danes that destroyed Praha a few years back were actually muslims on a school trip.
But its services arent shitty, its really easy to look that information up. And the United States is vast with an enormous amount of resources.
I would tell you to actually look up facts to support your argument, but you're a retarded shitposter.
Kek. I fucking love this.
There is no months of waiting unless it's a procedure which can be stalled while the health of the patient is still assured. The only Danes I hear cry about waiting time is old dumbasses who are to lazy to call for an appointment and to lazy to sit an hour in the waiting line at the hospital.
Our healthcare system works fine, especially because we have both universal health care and private health care.
Denmark not on that list (USA nr 1 ahead of sweden and south africa)
the danish are faggots anyway. they don't even like king diamond
I remember a few months ago a couple Dans came to Canada, specifically Toronto. They apparently wrote a letter or something criticizing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. They even complained about how wide our fucking highways are they were that vapid.
Must be great living in such a large country that you can literally walk border to border in a day.
My girlfriend works a business network that connects danish companies to chinese companies which host over a thousand big danish corporations. We have a giant export of swine to China, England and Russia (or we use to have before our government decided to support Ukraine so Putin cut us off).
We have more pigs in Denmark than we have people.
whats the tax rate, Texas?
>and still provides shitty services
Nice opinion. Do you actually know anything about it or are you just pulling it out your ass?
Don't worry about it. We can handle the bantz.
By all means please add a source to that, cause it's completely ballony.
>Must be great living in such a large country that you can literally walk border to border in a day.
You'd have to be walking pretty damn fast ;^)
It would never work in a country as large and complicated as the USA.
really maks u think...
The real problem is that the cost of care is higher in the US. Americans are less healthy, take more meds and go for more expensive treatment.
We'd need to raise more in taxes than do to run a similar system.
>According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, 1 in 6 U.S. women and 1 in 33 U.S. men has experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. More than a quarter of college-age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14.
I call bullshit.
you've never been to Italy. especially in the south, the only solution to public hospitals is nuking them.
Implying any of the rapes that aren't in India are actual rapes and not "I regret blowing Chad" rapes.
also 99% white
>actually comparing Southern European siesta niggers with productive nordics
Kek. I'm actually comming to visit south Italy this summer - better wear kneepads and helmet.
>small nationalist country with a homogeneous white population
socialist policies work well when all your tribe live under one banner
90% white 10% muslim.
With the percentage of white declining now that our government is flooding us with Syrians.
I agree, Denmark is a better place than the US, but what they have will not work here. They have more social trust. Maybe if we had a homogeneous population we could be more like them. They fucking leave babies outside of stores because they trust other Danes not to steal their child. Would that happen in America? Fuck no. Completely free healthcare would be taken even more advantage of than our heavily subsidize healthcare already is. Plus it's very fucking easy to commit healthcare fraud in America; our government is a bloated, bureaucratic piece of shit.
We might be able to do something similar to Denmark if our system was completely changed and if we deported or got rid of our leaches. Or just get rid of everyone who wouldn't easily blend with current white Americans to raise the social cohesion of the US.
We actually had a big public debate a few years back, where people were complaining about the muslims consuming too much free cool aid and cake at the hospitals.
Maybe, there's always a political agenda. That was when it was suppose to be worst. In the most recent studies the USA are 3rd with Sweden and South Africa ahead.
>According to George Mason University, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics, 1 in 3 American women will be sexually abused during their lifetime. About 19.3% of women and 2% of men have been raped at least once in their lives. Additionally, an estimated 43.9% of women and 23.4% of men experienced other forms of sexual violence during their lifetimes. Many victims of sexual abuse were victimized at a young age, about 79% were first raped before age 25, and 40% before age 18. (usatoday).
Link for it in the link.
The problem with recent studies is that cultural differences cloud the result. Historical hindsight is often better to get a picture. Basically some place don't have a culture for reporting it. Like rape wasn't even a crime in France before 1980.
Surround ourselves with dikes to stem the flood of Mexicans.
Socialism works when you don't have niggers who won't work or Mexicans who don't have the education chops. I admit it. Not for the US though.
>I have talked to Danes
wew, that makes you some kind of expert
where exactly are you going danebro?
it has little to do with the intrinsic characteristics of people
it's just private healthcare, in the fucked up world we live in, is the better option.
more like 5.
Not sure yet, but defenatly south Italy. It's for my honeymoon.
I'm going to enjoy it when Trump shuts off the free military support to the EU, and they have to pay for it on top of all the welfare for their kike-imported niggers. :3
>occupy demeJEWS
Of course private health care will always generally be better/faster. If it wasn't it wouldn't exist here.
That doesn't mean having free public healthcare can't be good. As long as you have the right system, it can work.
>America can learn to become a nation of 5.6 million people.
I personally suggest Calabria. the beaches are literally Caribbean tier and the food is really peculiar. also the price is not inflated as in Puglia or Sicily.
dumping some pics
Hopefully we wont be in the EU at that time.