>Be me
>14/88 Type
>Forgot wallet at restaurant
>Some guy who I can't tell is a poo in loo or a spic rushes and hands me my wallet
>Probably one of nicest things someone has every done for me
I don't know how to feel right now
>Be me
>14/88 Type
>Forgot wallet at restaurant
>Some guy who I can't tell is a poo in loo or a spic rushes and hands me my wallet
>Probably one of nicest things someone has every done for me
I don't know how to feel right now
Wow really makes you think.
Hate individuals for their actions.
It just so happens a lot of individual blacks are niggers and a lot of individual Jews are kikes who deserve the hate.
>There are some decent non-whites
>this means I should let my country be colonised by them
I am #poomissile now
Not stealing somebody's wallet is not a super-nice, commendable action. It's just what non-shitty people do.
You forgot to type Racists BTFO as your thread title
You should just be nice to people, and focus on being a good person who judges the good and the bad in others.
You can only warn others. Hating or even focusing on controlling others is a waste.
That's where I've come around to.
I'm not anti racist though
Yeah I dropped my phone once and the only ones helping me find it were brown immigrants
>say thank you and pass on the favor to someone else.
syrian find wallets here and give it back like almost every week now.Are the propaganda teams really that stupid that they think we believe this shit?And cant they make up something new like they heal us from cancer or something?
Enjoy your first moment of really being human.
I don't judge people by the color of their skin, I judge people based upon the environment they are in and the environment they were raised in.
NOT MY FAULT MOST BLACK PEOPLE ARE RAISED WITH A FATHER WHO IS DEAD/IN JAIL, time to lock those doors when driving though this neighborhood.
This is also why I support abortion. Do you really trust someone who wants an abortion to raise a kid?
Maybe you should become a little more moderate.
Glad you see the light.
>implying culture isn't the cause
>implying the decent blacks won't be a breeding ground for niggers due to the Black culture to which the vast majority adheres
you forgot the end of the story PCuck
>look in wallet
>cash is missing
This is a reddit tier troll post, but i'll give you a serious answer anyway.
Learn to separate the micro form the macro. There are some good people in all groups at the micro level, but that doesn't change the fact that large numbers of that group doesn't have a negative impact on society at the macro level.
Also, its not the immigrants you should be hating. Your hate should be directed at our traitorous elite who flood our countries with thrid worlders.
nope the 20 was still there
indians and hispanics are generally honest people.
most blacks wouldnt say a god damn thing though. or theyd keep the cash and hand the wallet to a manager if they were feeling nice. otherwise theyd just throw it in the garbage on their way out the door.
sorry to my leftist friends but its true.
blacks by vast majorities where i grew up and moved away from are niggers.
Cool story bro. But if you really cared about your fellow man, you'd realize multi-cult is setting us up for a bloody Western civil conflict.
His life, and the lives of his childern, as well as yours, are at risk cause of globalist Marxists.
what a fucking loony faggot
The other day a Paki gave me a travelcard and saved me the just over a tenna. Came up to me, all polite like, called me mate and so on. I sat down on the train journey into London and really started to revaluate shit. I felt pretty fucking bad and even started to reconsider shit.
Then I looked up from my kindle and saw that I was the only Englishman in a carriage of colonials.
We need them here.
>Wow really makes you think.
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