Who is right, Sup Forums?
Who is right, Sup Forums?
Kosovo belongs to the Serbs!
The Thalmor
Isn't it obvious ?
Maybe, maybe it should be independent.
House Mormont of Bear Island
>puppet state
And you even ask?
Sided with the nords, any other choice is degenerate.
Not really
Deport dark elves
They aren't assimilating and they don't respect Nord culture.
true M8
Dagoth Ur, you n'wah.
Correct answer.
If the Imperials allow the Thalmor to do as they want they'll successfully wipe out all life which is their end goal. If the Imperials just joined up with the Stormcloaks and gathered allies from those that dislike the Thalmor they could easily stomp them.
The Empire.
What is this? A thalmor puppet for ants?
I'm playing through skyrim because I couldn't be bothered to until now and I think I'm going to side with imperials just because their towns aren't shit. I've got a nice house in solitude and every other city is ass.
Fuck the war. I want a government that can actually run shit well.
Skyrim belongs to the nords.
The EU has no right. Especially with elves at the helm.
This is the only correct answer.
PS: Vivec is a cuck
The empire? You mean the ones who were going to put you to death for no reason whatsoever? Good choice, cuck. Liberal spotted, folks.
Reminder that Trump would side with the Stormcloaks.
>implying the imperials can know what's best for skyrim being thousands of miles away
Any warrior mains in here?
I want to start a heavy armor class, but I don't want to be shit and get bored before even getting to whiterun.
Maces, axes, or swords?
How soon should I do the companions quests?
I like playing as a dark elf and going to windhelm and hearing about my fellow dindu elf's experiences with racism in the city.
I always max out one-handed axes (but I dual-wield them) and then branch into swords later on for some variety. Axes attack pretty fast and Bethesda did an amazing job with their weapon designs. Not to mention their finishers are great.
Shame flails are so rare in vidya
The other dark elves in windhelm don't really seem to care that much about you in the long run, even if you are a dark elf.
The Stormcloak rebellion is financed and led by Thalmor.
The Empire is the only chance for the human masterrace to stand up to the elves.
yeah they should have explored that idea more and more interactive, I would love for the little community of dark elfs to idolize you after they hear what you have been doing in the world. You can be their hero
That would've been great.
I don't want to believe
>Any warrior mains in here?
Why would you want to be a warrior when you can become a sneaky death dealer?
>Maces, axes, or swords?
>How soon should I do the companions quests?
As soon as possible, if only to get the werewolf form and disease immunity. Plus being able to take the companions and powerleveling your warrior tree for free is breddy nice.
Depends on how strong Thalmor and Empire actually are.
either of them are strong - Nords are better off as part of the Empire
otherwise they are better off independent.
>Picking sides in a war that has nothing whatsoever to do with you and benefits the Thalmor either way
>Allying with either people who want to cut your head off for jumping the fence into Skyrim or think you're racially inferior/want to cut off all diplomatic ties with other nations and face the Thalmor by themselves
>Not staying out of it and just kicking the shit out of any dirty elves who try to talk shit to you with the army of dragons that are loyal to you at the end of the main quest.
This thread has inspired me to start a new skyrim character, anyone got any unique ideas/things to do on it?
I already have a level 101 sneaky stabby shooty imperial though.
It's fun, but the slit throat into casting invisibility into slitting throat combo gets old after a while.
wrong faget
the (((thalmor))) only believe that earlier on, since they released Ulfric, that he works as a resource for them. But that was BEFORE he was captured in an ambush by Empire forces and ready to be beheaded.
The idea that the Empire will be weaker without Skyrim or from battling Skyrim is idiotic. The Empire itself is compromised. It is a diseased cancer. You can't reconcile and work things out. You will be subverted at every turn and real power will be stripped from you and any agreements will be arbitrary.
The rebellion is not financed by the thalmor. There is no in game reference to that and there is only a dossier saying they BELIEVE Ulfric is a resource. He's playing the Thalmor. He knows they are paranoid and he slipped out the first time by not revealing his power level.
Play as a race that wouldn't normally work well with a build type, such a vampire orc.
And they fucking.
The empire is cucked. Long live Ulfric Stormcloak!
>The idea that the Empire will be weakened by losing the majority of it's manpower and economic base is idiotic
>Ulfric was just pretending to be retarded
ok kid
you mean like being a vampire just for the sake of being a vampire even if you have no intention to use the perks?
>Not becoming a khajiit stealth archer who is in the thieves guild, companions, dark bh and magic college while simultaneously having 3000+ bounty in every city from failed pickpocket attempts when you were level 5
>playing as an Imperial
Fucking Serbs have nothing better to do but to bitch about Kosovo in every fucking thread, You people do so NON fucking STOP. I even see you on youtube comments bitching and complaining.
Give it a fucking rest.
>he doesn't want to maximize his shekel income
That was just one example, but yes. Or you could use the perks for said build and see how it works out despite the race not really being the best choice.
>not stacking money on top of money
>being this shit at pickpocketing
>implying any of my characters have ever been pressed for shekels
>implying you cant do this with literally any race
Seriously do you all even know about the benefits of investing in enchanting and alchemy?
about to start new playthrough, what do? picked nord btw
Are Khajiit Gypsies?
Stormcloak battlemage
This image is accurate.
Holy shit, thalmor shills at full power in this thread
if it fucking works for hilary clinton IRL 100 times why can't it work for ulfric?! you fucking fairy
>travel and live in tents
>not trusted
>notorious thieves
>peddle shitty wares and drugs
The dragonborn was in the wrong place at the right time, he was collateral damage. To me, the stormcloak revolted seems like a way to boost Ulfric's ego. He blackmailed in some way the precios high king. Ulfric was a respected warrior of the great war, and the high king was not as strong as he was, but Ulfric threatened him with no sovengard if he refuses.
A united empire is better. Some people get the idea that the Empire is some kind of foreign gobernment by the imperials. It's not as extreme like that. A nord can be proimperial (Empire) and a imperial (race) can not give a fuck and support the elves. Rikke is an example.
They can teach irl gypsies few things about being gypsie,
1 septim has been deposited into your Imperial Bank Account
khajiit are fucking arabs
its so obvious
>live in desert
>basic nature is to be duplicitous and lie and deceive all outsiders
>moon center of all thought, theology science, etc.
It's also possible khajiit are indian/arab combined. I think i remember some shit about caste systems i forget
>implying Ulfric isn't a Thalmor puppet manipulated into further weakening the empire
>implying the empire isn't amassing forces behind closed doors in order to beat the Elves
>implying the ban on Thalos wasn't only a bargaining chip in order to end the war quickly
>implying Thalos isn't getting toleranted by known Imperial Supportes such as Jarl Barlgruf
>implying ending the civil war as quickly as possible isn the best possible outcome
>implying Skyrim on its own could support itself with food and other Important goods
If you support the Stormcloaks you guys truely are good goyim.
us nords need to wipe out these filthy sub human cats
Videogames are for degenerates.
Learn traditional games. Like chess or backgammon.
>good for your brain
>not anti social
>you will not only challenge others, but you will challenge yourself
>big internet community, if you wish to lock yourself away
>thousands of years old
>beautiful artwork if you wish to collect
>when you play it is reliving history
>a great community if you wish to play face to face
>reduces stress
>can be played literally anywhere
>sharpens your thinking skills
Why don't you play chess nor backgammon, nor any other ancinent game, Sup Forums?
Why do you love shit that erodes your synapses and neural pathways?
Play chess. Do it.
It isn't degenerate. The rules are easy.
It will grow your brain and will give you special properties of power of wizardry.
1 septim has been deposited into your Imperial Bank Account
I can agree with that
>mfw my friends unironically call me "racist" for siding with the stormcloaks
Not offending elf feelings is literally more important than Skyrim's survival for these people
The imperials are right and the empire is the best for Skyrim, we just need to suck elves cocks a little bit more and gain forces to destroy them once and for all
1 septim has been deposited into your Imperial Bank Account
Depends on what mods you can get.
A modded Forsworn shaman game can be a lot of fun, especially with Alternate Starts making certain people auto-hostile to you.
Modded adventures of an Orc Stronghold ran by you could be fun.
Dunmer is always, always fun.
Reminder that Breton are the true masterrace, benefiting from elf blood whilst being human. Reminder that Ulfric is a hypocrite that stole from the Bretons.
>le thalmor pawn meme
any villain can say a hero is useful to him
they always misjudge in the end
>Skyrim Politics: Pick the bear or the dragon
>morrowind politics: Various factions with their own interests and desires for isolation, within each faction there are competing sub-factions each vying for control within their group, and player actions actively shape the outlook of each group, and most groups are open to be led by the player.
fuck germany has fallen so far...
>not a puppet
>Jarl has to tolerate Talos worship he is on the perimeter of Empire aligned cities/forts.
>farms on the edge of every town
>blacksmiths making weapons all day every day
fuck outta here. bretons are manlet subhumans. having elf blood isnt something to be proud of you utter faggot
Sorry but TRIPS speaks the truth, an unified Empire is the only way to the defeat the Thalmor.
Conquered is the word youre looking for
1 septim has been deposited into your Imperial Bank Account
This. Get rid of the eternal elf, who ever wins will solidify power without being subverted.
Aleister Crowley, the devil worshipping degenerate, nicknamed "Wickedest Man in the World." found chess to be a colossal waste of time for idiots and small minded men/braggarts.
It's college level faggotry. It's
>le ancient magic the gathering
It's fucking stupid.
Imagine Brits and Americans fighting each other when there are chinks invading both countries.
62 good men.
Skyrim is importing goods from all around the empire. There is no denying the fact.
Jarl Barlgruf isn't the only one to tolerate Talos.
Even legate Rikke worships Talos.
Only a united empire can stop the Thalmor cuckening.
imagine germans and britons invading each other when there are jews/russians ready to destroy both countries....oh wait....
Check ESO's tank guide for the best tank in the game, grind smithing and build a dwemer beast.
You are just a nord racist afraid of a multicultural Skyrim. The dark elves and the argonians are honest folks
#Skyrimisforeveryone #openborders #redguardslivesmatter
The White-Gold concordat is just a temporal problem, after unifying all Tamriel the Empire will be stronger than ever, they will finally defeat the Thlamor and let the Nords and the rest of the Empire worship Talos again.
My take on all this
>Thalmor are much more stronk than anyone thinks
>Given enough time they will take over the world
>Only option is to reunite the other races of tamriel to dispose of the thalmor as the birds alone couldn't do it
>Perhaps the dragon army the dragon born has could help
Talos himself said in Morrowind that the Empire was old and shitty.
>The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty.
skyrim is for the nords, get out impfags. take your curved swords and your nigger dark elves with you
this is about more than the white gold concordat
what makes you think the empire would win
what makes you think that ulfric wouldnt help the empire against the thalmor anyway cause they are literal scum
empire is now the cuckpire, cucked by filthy elves. the only way to throw off the shackles of imperial faggotry is to hang all of them from trees
It's also stated (I forget by whom) that the Thalmore didn't start cracking down on Talos worship until Ulfric started acting like an upitty nigger.
Also checked
the ones who kill elves
I really like the dunmer, the rest of the elves can fuck off imo
Honestly, it doesn't matter what side you pick. You are the dragonborn so whatever team you side with will be the winning team against the High Cunt Elves.
>not using mods
also do you even have the fucking hearthfires mod? the best house is the one you cna build near falkreath
>implying Ulfric isn't a Thalmor puppet manipulated into further weakening the empire
The Empire already has fucking Thalmor soldiers patroling its soil and enforcing their law
There is nothing left to weaken, cuck