Is there such a thing as a European Identity?
Is there such a thing as a European Identity?
no we aint states all set up at the same time..we are countries with long and rich histories dating back 1000s of years
anyone who considers themselves european is a fucking cuck
Why can't we all just speak English? Fuck language barriers.
Interesting, isn't it, that these people want loyalty to a meaningless pan-Euro concept, but furiously deny any Occidental culture? It's actually just like when Obama tries to fiat a business into existence.
It would be Christendom, which Europe has abandoned
Yes. Its just not what EU wants it to be.
>Magna Carta
>Wealth of Nations
>Plato: Republic
>Declaration of the Rights of Man
>Social Contract
Yes, and it's only natural. Millenia of shared history, religion and culture will do that to you. Especially in an ever more globalised world where we can clearly see how "similar" we are when compared to arabs, Chinese or Africans.
Give it a century and we will be discussing Western Identity.
>Magna Carta
You mean the thing that was and remains almost entirely an anglo thing?
Trial by jury remains a rare thing outside the common law democracies.
By that judgement India has more right to consider itself European than say, Poland.
Why does Sup Forums hate the EU for forcing a European identity, while the love the Roman Empire?
>Yes. Its just not what EU wants it to be.
This is pretty close to the truth, I'd say.
Because a Empire sounds cooler than a shitty Union.
For me the embodiment of the European identity is Leonardo da Vinci. Which would yet be another proof that the EU has nothing to do with the true Europe. Absolutely nothing.
The works of a European mind:
The EU:
There will be once it's all Muslim.
Yes, but it should come second to one's national identity.
hahaha fucking tutti frutti
>breath like a fucking camel
Mate,.. english people dont like other english people, but love going to the hotter places in euro zone for beers
Because the EU does not force a European identity, it merely uses the pretense of an already existing one to profit of its people and subvert its existence
u agree....every other language is shit
i mean what the fuck is this shit?
i agree***
And Poland knocks it out of the field, fellas!
This. Even if there is such a thing as a European identity then it certainly does not include us.
Definitely, but not the kind that the EU pushes.
>the Roman Empire
The Roman Empire has built roads throughout Europe. Other than that, what did they do to the people so far away from Rome? How much local autonomy was actually taken away by the holy empire, Sup Forums?
;- )
India doesn't have trial by jury anymore.
I wish I could find the part of House of Cards where Urquhart says English should be the language of Europe
No. Take a look at the very oldest fragment of Old English: it's a British merchant moaning on about how weird the continentals are, how rude the people, how bland the food, and how cold the climate, and how he wished he could leave sooner.
We've been at war with each other on and off for the entire of history. And will be again, very soon indeed, no doubt.
>How much local autonomy was actually taken away by the holy empire, Sup Forums?
I depended on how much you resisted.
But the EU isn't it.
The EU's approach to "ever closer union" is just a gateway for perpetual mass immigration of separatist ethnocentrism from outside the EU.
The fact that the left remains deliberately ignorant of the ramifications to that is why i have abandoned the left. They have abandoned a unity in favor of ethnic gangs and are actively preventing Europeans (or "white people") from having any unity.
English is Latin, French, German etc
Clothing styles and cultures were all common
The clothes in your .gif are almost identical to those of the French army or the Spanish etc etc.
The real difference is between the cosmopolitan elites and urbanites WHO HAVE NO CULTURE and the rest of the European people.
yes, mostly cuz since Europe is a small continent ideologies spread through the continent fast, Greek values, Christianity, Humanist and Secular values
Portuguese 1st, Iberian 2nd, European 3rd, fuck the rest
EU ain't for Europe btw, they ain't even trying to create just 1 European culture and ethnicity like Stalin did in Russia (which I find retarded), they are purposely trying to destroy all European cultures and ethnicities by bringing in mass people from completely different cultures here
if the EU had balls and shot the shit skin invaders on sight and acted a bit like america i could get on board with combining our powers if it was ran more honestly and open
but the way it is reeks of corruption.
so... is European identity like asian identity or something closer? East asian countries share a common confucian culture but they hate each other. Do any eu countries hate each other like China hate Japan hate Korea?
Actually the EU elites have no such lofty goals as destroying European culture. In truth they are just importing immigrants based on the predicted decline of population. It's done to prevent it and help the biggest European companies find cheap labor in the future. It's not a good thing mind you but it certainly isn't some conspiracy against the white race or Europeans in general. It's just the repeat of what happened with Turkish workers in Germany.
At this point I believe there isn't REAL hate between any EU country. And I'm from the butthurt belt so I know what I'm talking about.
same, I'm not even that much for Euro or Schengen, I just believe we should all have 1 single foreign policy when it comes to the rest of the world to make it easier to protect Europe, the only thing EU is doing doe, is making it easier to destroy it
I know, but it's a consequence of those policies
You beat me to posting this image
Being cucks
The only thing we europeans have in common is a shitload of refugees demanding white women and money
>says the ladyboy
>the synthetic country of Singapore
>calling others cucks
Faustian Spirit
The showmaster, Hugo Egon Balder is a jew!
I didn't know!! I swear! I did not know!!
just saying, since the moral corruption and the sexual degeneracy is a major tool of the jews to dismantle our nations.
Now i understand why he changed his name from Egon Hugo Balder to Hugo Egon Balder. Sly bastard.
Hugo Egon Balder heißt in Wirklichkeit Egon Hugo Balder. Weiß doch wirklich jeder.
Off topic, but this post reminds me of what Ive been thinking recently. If we don't have the bollocks to leave the EU - and I don't think we will, only the Swedes are more pathetic than us - then none of you bastards will. Poles may be relatively based but you enjoy sucking on the EU's teet too much to ever leave. Sort of the flip the side of the British scenario.
So this puts us in a pickle. Nationalism isn't going to help us achieve what we need to achieve. So perhaps we should build a new movement that is nativist instead of nationalist..
Basically think we should try to build a new Roman Empire. Some kind of European Imperium that is expressly designed to cultivate a common European bond whilst nurturing and protecting our old nations. I don't think weve got any hopes otherwise.
There is no single European identity but there are many European identities/cultures.
>anyone who considers themselves european is a fucking cuck
You're retarded, it's a biological fact that they are European. Not that you would care about that Mohammed.
>Millenia of shared history, religion and culture will do that to you
Explain that shit, Paco.
>Shared history
Yeah, like all those times we tried to exterminate eachother.
Yeah, like all those times we waged religious wars
Yeah, like ... uhm... what do Portuguese and Estonian culture even have in common? Poortugal has more in common with Morocco than Estonia, and I'm not even meming in the "HURR DURR ALL IBERIANS ARE AFRICANS" way, I'm being dead serious.
Und er ist Jude. Das weiß nun wirklich NICHT jeder.
No, there is a European continent, but no "European culture", there is a loose idea of "Western Civilisation", but this cannot be defined as a specific identity that is expressed by nations. People that say otherwise are normally Yanks, or ignorant of the history of Europe.
Das ist korrekt. Ich wußte es nicht.
Es halt wieder diese degenerierende sexuelle Moral die da vermittelt wurde.
European identity kicks in when you compare continents. People consider themselves europeans when there's talk about colonization and whites holding majority of world as colonies, when there's talk about technological and civilizational advancement of whites etc. European identity = white people history (because USA isn't old).
But when you consider just europe, it instantly switches to national identity.
To create european identity you'd need to fuck europe really badly by creating huge crisis and create common enemy in form of someone from other continent. You'd have to fuck peoples lives so much that the only chance for survival is to cooperate with other european nations because they're still much closer and alike you than your enemy, wheter it's looks or culture, or anything. But I can bet the moment threat is fought off and everythign calms down, people will go back to national identity and shit on their neighbours. You can't erase hundreds of years of culture development within few years without either killing majority of people, or creating superior culture that would swallow european one. It cannot be done in a peaceful way.
Roman Empire actually built something. Roman Empire left us lot of important for humans achievements. EU fails hard so far. Economists, politicians etc jerk off to numbers and graphs, but common people don't see any improvement. It's all good on paper, but awful in practice. Building aquaparks, renovating hotels and buying shitty quality whiteboards for schools doesn't solve the basic problems most people suffer like unemployment, wages so shit you can't afford having family, lack of affordable housing and overgrown beurocracy. This last one is getting worse thanks to EU. And how much would you like someone who imports animals, savages and criminals into your country so corporations had cheap labor? And ofc this won't even work because those animals won't want to work. It's all huge, corrupt failure.
You are close to the truth, but not far enough down the rabbit hole yet.
The recreation of the Roman Empire including the acquiration of the natural ressources and geo strategic gain to dominate the mediterranean and Middle East are the current long term plan for the EU establishment. As you might not remember, the Roman Empire was a multi cultural Empire dominated by a ruling class in central Rome. Hence the drive for eradicating national homogenity and integrating Islam and North Africans aswell as Arabs into Europe.
The Union for the Mediterranean
This is basically the long term plan. After the extension of Europe into the East follow its extension into the south. - At least so they hope.
>Magna Carta
British, and most European countries don't even use it because they use the French Code Civil.
>Wealth of Nations
Literally a description of an economic system.
>Plato: Republic
Ancient Greek philosophy that was being read and applied in the Islamic world as well. And Ancient Greek philosophy that despises democracy, the governmental form the EU so much prides itself on...
>Declaration of the Rights of Man
>Social Contract
French or British, depending on what flavor you prefer.
So... French and British things. That's fine, but how does that justify France and Britain joining a union with fucking Bulgaria and Sweden?
The German Reich
No, just as there isn't a thing as a Spanish identity.
Jesus. No wonder Finland never accomplished anything significant in history.