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"Buzzfeed declares bankruptcy after ad revenue falls to record lows"

I am now a #CruzMissle

rlly mks thnk

It's not funny, witty or clever to memereply. Stop


It's their lose


BTFO! i am now a #cruzmissile!

really dont need a swedecuck who didnt get his fix of somali dix to tell me how to post, okay???

Come on, man. You want a good reply? This is nothing more than virtue signalling. "Oh look how good we are, we don't even want his money and we make that as public as possible!" Otherwise they wouldn't even post it on Twitter. I hope Buzzfeed goes bankrupt.

Buzzfeed hates ANYTHING conservative. I'm surprised they even agreed to it in the first place. Would be the same thing with Cruz or any Republican that appears to be slightly more than moderate. They can't take getting triggered

>we've now hit the point that liberal companies are bragging that they make less money

I'm now a #shillforhill

op, trump did this on purpose because he knew buzzfeed would not run his ads. he knew he could get more publicity from them declining to run his ads than from them running his ads. he always manages to get publicity. he plays chess and they play checkers. he won and they lost.


Anyone who replies to threads like this without saging are part of the reason this board is getting so shit. A thread like this should have been deleted already by a janitor. There's no discussion content just a picture and a meme. Sage this shit.


rip it limb from limb then leave it to die

>openly subversive communist site won't help promote a nationalist, capitalist candidate

What a shock.

Don't they realize that he sacrificed his daughter for the 8 trillion?

h-holy shit..........DRUMPF BTFO..........now I'm #GettinMerry4RickPerry




True senpai. 3d chess

Must be nice to deny people service because you disagree with serving such a clientele...


You seem triggered my boy? Sad that we're in your Safe Space?

As if the people that browse that clickbait site even vote or would even vote republican.

>implying anyone who reads buzzfeed would even consider voting for Trump

>forcefully eliminate potential clients
>cause prices of your product to plummet
>revenue goes to shit
>company dies
>T-Trump... BTF... oh!

Wow fuck this. #VoteJebOrBePleb

Wouldn't see be against the equal time rule or something equivalent to online news?

literally eidelson

I'm surprised they even had one to begin with

Fuck DRUMPF, he's finished............Now I'm a #Pistol4Kristol and I'm ready for the #FrenchRevolution

Why would the RNC advertise on Buzzfeed?

Jews are so salty right now. Soon they will be ashy.

You did it, you pushed me over the edge


>Buzzfeed finally caves and is forced to sell RNC a ppc ad package.
>Ads are about dishonest media.

They have so much money they need to waste it on ADVANCED warfare so they put ads up on Buzzfeed to make liberal autists sperg out and post really dumb shit about Republicans or go on killing sprees screaming BERNIEEEEEEEEEEE and convert people by seeing the autism of the left.

> yfw someone is being a nigger faggot around you

This will not affect Trump in the least.


Lel these cucks post 20 muh racism stories about Trump a day. They will continue to give him far more exposure than their piddly million would accomplish.


>We're not going to accept ads for Trump.
>However, we will keep calling him a xenophobic misogynistic racist until we reach a critical-mass parody of ourselves and liberalism that would make anyone vote Trump

This gif

He's playing 5 dimensional intergalactic chess, and his opponents are playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.

If fags can sue cake shops for not selling them cakes, why can't this same logic be turned around and Trump sue that shitty website?

I hope this place goes the way of Gawker


top fucking kek

I have a vibrant life that allows me to sit around and think of these stupid fucking things

It's called being unemployed, not too glamorous

Jesus mate, fuck off back to ((reddit)) cunt.
Can't even fuckin swear properly.