So USA is going apeshit? Is USA an heroing?

So USA is going apeshit? Is USA an heroing?

Attached: wtf.jpg (1142x612, 288K)

It's just package bombs. I know that sounds like a ridiculous and casual statement to make, but for real. I think out of like 4 bombs, only two people have been injured.

This shit ain't a problem.


>350 million people
>One of them putting firecrackers in boxes

You should worry more about your own shitty little insignificant country and why you have no influence on the world stage.

Bombs don't kill people, people kill people.
The only way to fight bad guys planting bombs is with good guys planting bombs.

Got eem

That was clever, I'm sure the other guy doesn't get it

the us mail service has a long and storied history with violence, from the mail bombs of the 90's, to the serial killers employed there, to the anthrax of the 2000's and now these package bombs.

its time to shut down the USPS and ban mail for public safety! its not your right to get letters!

Damn, I can't use pic related for insulting Brits anymore.

Attached: image.jpg (562x680, 69K)

Yeah, guess I'll have to go back to insulting them by pointing out they're Brits.

It wasn't clever at all, you fucking mong. The comparison doesn't work because it hinges on a characteristic of the weapons being compared (the use) that is completely different from one to the other. Meanwhile, makes logical sense because it is comparing a characteristic of the two weapons that is the same (the ability of criminals to obtain and use them regardless of a ban). It appears YOU, the low-iq, unthinking sheep that gets all of his opinions from mainstream media propaganda, are the one who "doesn't get it." What a shocker.