What's wrong with a degree in political science Sup Forums? I'm going to be picking a course to major in soon

What's wrong with a degree in political science Sup Forums? I'm going to be picking a course to major in soon.

I want a job in politics. Should I take a degree in law or economics instead? Is political science a liberal propaganda course?

Most politicians have experience in law or business.

Poly sci will teach you how to shit talk if you get into a debate society based on it. Law will teach you how to expertly shit talk, if you get into trial law.

>Le STEM maymay

Yeah it's not like Engineers are becoming inundated even worse than Lawyers are or anything.

That meme is fucking stupid. Skilled trades are shit tier?

Why is civil and mech engineering downgraded?

Whats the outlook for Theology majors, i've always been interested in it. And I don't see why Business would be in shit tier. I majored in business with an emphasis in Finance and got a pretty good gig working at Big 4 and eventually started my own business with a friend.

Yeah. I thought theology would be shit tier. Business actually sounds good

Is there a problem with law?

Its because its americans making this. A business degree from a US public university gets you nowhere in the US and is filled with useless courses, business schools here actually pump out people that businesses want to hire.

Its not the same job market, and we don't flood ours with 10 quadrillion niggers who just barely passed ECON 101 with a little bribe from "coach" to the department.

>Is there a problem with law?
Good luck getting a job. I'm not sure about Canada, but in the US, lawyers have an unemployment rate of around 15%.

>Not God Tier

>mid tier
What the fuck?

Why is mech/civil engineering not considered as good as the others?

Yeah, it should definitely be in waste of life tier.



>be mech
>making $80k starting in aerospace
Should be God Tier desu

Holy shit your chart is beyond bias and retarded.

>bottom of the pile

my 30k starting says otherwise

I'm sorry, what?

>be me
>math Ph.d
>starting 300k

Right, any kind of biology should atleast be top tier

>30k starting

shit nigga how do you live?

>not waste of life tier

Yeah, this list is shit.

what Sup Forums thinks about industrial engineering?

Medicine is already top tier, and anything else you can do with a biology degree is mid tier at most

Graduated Poly Sci major here. Don't really regret it, I enjoyed the courses, taught me how to write really well. Job market is nonexistent though. I lucked out getting a gig at a think tank.

>tfw majored in a foreign language and have a cozy job lined up abroad
>mfw STEMniggers are getting outsourced to Pajeet and Chang
You're only a waste of life if you're not at least near-fluent by graduation.

30k GBP ~= 43k United States Burger Dollars

You can make serious money with an art degree: hint add lots of programming. Silicon Valley is hiring lots of people if they have a strong foundation in CS and an art background.

Of course doing both yin and yang will feel weird oftentimes and if you have an artistic brain the programming will kill your soul but such is life.

Tfw you dropped from God tier (physics) to low tier (IT) for a job opportunity that turned out to be shit.

If it's a joint degree with something applied like mech

>tfw I'm bad at all the high tier subjects
Fuck I wish I wasn't so retarded at anything STEM related.

>be comp eng
>80k usd starting

not even joking breh

>>Why is civil and mech engineering downgraded?

because the aspie who made the chart said so

stop reposting this bullshit. it's one person's opinion.

Right, because Doctor Goldstein can totally prevent microbes from fucking your water up.

It's engineering for retards, but it's also undoubtedly needed. Top tier as long as you don't have an ego

43k US is not good. That's horrible.

> Jew
> economics

What a surprise

>major in International Business
>Be forced to take a language and blemish your GPA because you suck as languages

dont care though. getting a job at one of the largest logistics firms in the country and can only speak english

> £30k

Everything is more expensive there, too. Enjoy living in poverty surrounded by Muslims.

Why did you obviously post a math Ph.d when you are humanit-shitter major?

industrial engineering student here
ok. i can live with that...

Let's be honest, is theology a career? I'd love to be one

Physics here - own my own business and am worth over $20mil - I'm only 30. Suck it faggot.

Depends what you concentrate in. I'm a 3rd year doctoral student at McGill and there are literally zero liberals in the PhD program. Only a couple in the MA program.

Good pay too, I work for Pugwash and a few other non-proliferation consultancies in Canada and the US and travel a lot (Prague/Paris last year for secuirty policy and climate policy meetings with world leaders. Even met a few very cool delegates from Russia over the 6 weeks.) You just need to be dedicated and get involved and love what you do.

Don't listen to STEM idiots if they say it's a waste of time - believe me it is not. I got a BSc in Chem before I got my Poli Sci undergrad and then into this. Wouldn't change a thing. Any degree is what you make it.

Sage all advice other than this. I guarantee no one else on Sup Forums has this much experience in either field.

It should either be low or shit tier.

>A business degree from a US public university gets you nowhere in the US
just stop talking

Are you rich? Are your parents rich? Don't pick anything below top tier unless you want to be a sandwich artist.

God-of-gods tier PhD in both mathematics and Engineering reporting in.

It's a pretty good salary in the UK. Most other graduates won't be earning 30k+ for at least 10 years after graduation whereas in software development you can expect that fairly shortly.

Computer science "waste of life" tier?


My first job out of college with a CS degree started me at 75k with full benefits and 7% 401k matching. Are you, perhaps, an aut major? As in, a professional autist?

Physics and chemistry are not better degrees than mech or civil engineering you fucking doofus.

>God-of-gods tier
But that's not medicine.

>I want a job in politics
here's your problem.

t. Undergrad who only took up to Calc III

>MFW 2 Shit Tier Degrees

My first job after God-tier PhD paid $200k + 401k + stock options now worth $1.5m

> Math and physics in god tier
> Mech E in shit tier tier
What is the list based off of, because evidently not on the ability to make money or find a job.

What about Geoscience's?


>theology mid tier
>above music

waste of life: language

are you retarded? how is studying imaginary people more impressive than learning mandarin chinese or arabic or russian? you're a fag dude

> Most other graduates won't be earning 30k+ for at least 10 years after graduation

fuck thats depressing. why bother with life at all?

I have 3 MDs working for me.

>My first job out of college with a CS degree started me at 75k with full benefits and 7% 401k matching. Are you, perhaps, an aut major? As in, a professional autist?

He's just jelly that his autistic passions are worthless

Coding is fun, makes you a good living and everyone thinks you're a rocket scientist because most people are utterly computer illiterate. Life is good.

Gods-of-Gods-of-Gods tier PhD in physics and chemistry reporting in.try harder m8.

>he thinks college will make him successful

Stfu you are ruining it for the rest of us

What is the tier list for trades? Is it even worth it to get one?

Shit tier unless in petroleum

I don't believe that for a second because someone arrogant enough to make that post isn't making that kind of money

>political science
>for politics

If you have your heart set on a politics degree, at least see if you can do a Politics and Economic degree at the very lest

Well I live pretty much as far away from London as possible and still be in England. So my expenses are tiny. Like seriously houses where I live cost about 90k.

But if everywhere was like London then yeah I'd be getting out and earning $100k somewhere in the US.

>hunter gatherer
>low tier

What an absolutely uninformed list

What a coincidence, I'm an MD and I have 3 engineering PhDs mopping my floors and bringing me coffee. You can definitely believe me though, it's the internet.

>he thinks he can have a opinion with this flag

>why bother with life at all?

>tfw doing a combined Business and Mandarin degree

I don't know

Who else is a CS major that's starting to hate their field now?

It's become so mindless, it's filled with Pajeets, and pretty much every programmer/IT person is hated by business people.

The pay is good but that's about it.

I'm looking at transitioning to a BA role and getting out of development and IT.


>mid tier (economics)
>work at a grocery store


>mathematics/physics/engineering on top
>computer science on bottom

why is economics a shitty major?

It has no basis in reality.

these infographics always trigger me so fuckin' hard tbqh..

STEM is a meme.

Also, as for polsci, the biggest problem with it is that it falls into the category of one of those degrees that doesn't really teach you anything very practical, and is generally considered to be a vastly easier degree intended for the slow kids who couldn't quite into law, philosophy, history or perhaps even english lit.

desu god tier degrees at the moment are probably mostly business/finance orientated ones, law is oversaturated with shit, and unless you're coming out of an ivy law school, good luck finding decent employment.

first problem one of your degrees is a language

you obviously haven't been to college then.

How do I become a professional welfare recipient?

>It's become so mindless, it's filled with Pajeets, and pretty much every programmer/IT person is hated by business people.

Work in a smaller company where the business people are also programmers. Might be lower paid but it's worth it.

whats better? Accounting? Finance? Business administration? International business?

>cost of living dirt cheap
how is life away from the desk?

>not understanding the value of a languages degree

t. assmad STEM kiddie
how's your 300k/yr. starting salary from your math major treating you?

How the fuck is engineering god tier
Business administration

This. I love the daily challenges and puzzles involved with coding. Comparwd to most millennials entering the work force, I'm extremely well paid. For doing something I find fun and is a respectable career. Happy life desu famalam.

What is this supposed to mean? A degree in physics will land you a job teaching high school physics. Have fun drawing blocks on inclined planes faggot.

Whats the problem with Computer Science? I initially had Engineering but changed it to that did i make a huge mistake or is this just memesters at play?

Pretty good, you're never far from the seaside or countryside where ever you are in England. The city I live in is really good, some northern cities are shit holes but the one I live in is low crime and always has stuff to do.

Weather is shit but that story is the same every where in this country.

>Low tier
invalidated. Where's the real tier list

>thinking language degrees matter at all
what are you Japanese?
also the 200k/yr salary is doing me just fine.

>Shit Tier - Everything that's not listed

Architecture is not listed you faggot

>mfw CS/math double major

I'm a God that's wasting your life, faggot

yea my gf makes that in HR two years out of college.

It is though, mostly due to the really high unemployment rates.