>Live in California
>Hipster knocks on my door
>Proceeds to shill for Bernie
>Listen for 10-15min
>Asks at the end if Bernie has my vote on Tuesday
>Laugh at him and tell him I'm voting Hillary and was just making him waste his time
>Tell him to enjoy his ramen noodles for dinner since Hillary is going to get the cash he sent to Bernie after he drops out
>Close the door in his face
Tomorrow is going to be great, Hilldogs
Live in California
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probably should have talked to you for a few more minutes. I have a much higher success rate if I go on for 20 minutes than if I go on for 15.
I still can't figure out who these mysterious people actually voting for Hillary are. Shes the only candidate that you can accurately describe with the word evil.
Yeah, it is!
Daily reminder to win bernie-faggots to Trumps side you must approach and mock them as Hillary supporters and not Trump supporters. I like to mock them and tell them to get in line it really gets to them.
They are people that either aren't invested in politics and are just voting for the name they recognize (that hasn't been labelled as Literally Hitler). + social brownie points for voting for the first female president.
at the rally in long beach right now
Some fat chick rode her bike past everyone yelling "feel the bern" and everyone made the same joke back to her about how she needs to feel a burn... Cause she fat
I wish a cute bernie support would knock on my door. I'd let her rant for 20 mins then offer to take her to dinner. A bernie supporter never turns down free meal.
dude reddit lmao
>Live in California
>I'm voting Hillary
I support Hillary because she's a moderate liberal like myself. I have lots of friends, both liberal and conservative. They're all moderate. Never go full retard, regardless of your slant.
There's also nothing wrong with her being an evil hardass. Evil hardasses have been the best presidents in the past. I don't need the president to be my friend or make me laugh. It's a fucking job and I want filled competently.
>Back during Obama re-election, Romney.
>There is somebody going up and down the neighborhood doing the whole speech shit about why you should vote for him.
>Its 10:40am, I'm already drunk cause its my day off.
>Open the door, and listen to them.
>Just stare at them, and allow my eyes to start to drift apart looking in different directions.
>Allow my mouth to open a bit wider every so many seconds for shits and giggles.
>The guy and girl both just stop talking and whisper "should we go, he looks like he has issues"
>invite them into my house.
no thanks sir.
>They both start to leave.
>Start crying into my hand.
>The guy starts coming back to me to see if I'm ok.
>sober up quick and pat his shoulder" you got way to trusting of a heart son, im fuckin with you.
>He starts to leave.
Hey champ here.
>Give him a 5.
hope it helps.
What evidence has she ever provided to support the idea that she's competent? You keep hearing about her "experience" but all her experience seems to be in doing stupid shit, like toppling Gaddafi for the lolz or keeping secret documents on an unsecured e-mail server or completely failing to support Iraq after the withdrawal, leading to the rise of ISIS.
It's sad, one of my best friends is a Bernie bot.
Dude hates drugs, hates booze, loves guns, but loves Bernie.
He actually fell for the free college meme.
I kind of feel bad for him
>no Hillary supporters are on Reddit so they must not exist
You are a HUGE fucking faggot bitch if you actually are voting for Shillary. That said, thank you! The more strife you cause within your shitty retard party the more likely a non-democrat will win.
>>Live in California
well theres your fuckin problem
Bernie is evil as well, but because he is a jew, he has the innate ability to look like a normal human being.
I can't wait for his autistic shills to be silenced forever tomorrow. Sanders can talk about going to convention all he wants, losing California is the end of the road for him.
>voting for either of them
We don't need the bernfaggots anymore since Trump's numbers against Clinton continue to go up and the bernouts don't need to vote against Hillary, they just need to not vote at all, which is just as good.
>Wants to be like Merkel
>We don't need all the votes we can get
trumps a nitwit and would be buried by sanders.
clinton is the only chance trump has
>excited about voting for hillary
people who don't use reddit or 4chins
those disgusting normies
yep good job hillary you just gave trump the presidency. I just hope he decriminilizes marijuana. idgaf about all the other shit and ill watch the whole country burn.
You're a fucking idiot if you think far left shills would vote Republican. Having them sit out the election harms Clinton well enough when you consider Trumps numbers against her are rising
>Buried by Sanders
>Can't even win the popular vote of his own party
This. I shill on jewtube and twatter as a feminist white male hater supporting hillary.
yeah hernies gonna wipe the floor alright
>she's a moderate liberal
>nothing wrong with her being evil
>best presidents were evil
You're voting for the American Merkel. You're voting for a literal power hungry criminal bent on globalism.
>implying there are any pro-Hillary posters on Sup Forums besides the odd paid shill here and there
If anyone here says they're actually for Hillary they're either shilling or trolling. Literally no one likes this old hag other than women because muh vagina, old people because the Clinton News Network told them to and niggers because name recognition. Three demographics Sup Forums is entirely devoid of.
cant secure an email server from getting hacked.
cant follow up after libya debacle
beat by obamer
yeahhhh go fuck yourself. ohhh so moderate
Can't wait for tomorrow, while I enjoy watching Hillary squirm, I can't fucking stand the Seltzer Man
... all of this stuff is already law. There are posters warning against straw purchases at every gun store I visit.
what is voter suppression and fruad
what is his polls with independents that cant vote in dem primaries
CAfag here. I hope they come knocking when I get home from work so I can tell them Clinton is getting my vote because their candidate is an old white MYSOGINIST MALE and asking them why they're bothering when they should just stop being racists and back the POCs choice for president
Assault rifles are still legal... and you can use them for a variety of tasks including hunting and self-defense.
Tbh I want Bernie to win California by some insignificant amount like 1% so all all the bernouts get excited then angry when they find out it doesn't fucking matter
half of the bitches votes are from "voter irregularities" and some douche fucking with the voting machines.
minus the semi autos, but yeah.
thats the point. hes detached from reality and nobody seems to notice
I'm voting for Hillary tomorrow because I think she's easier pray for our trump/god
Well you're right but only because Cruz isn't in the running anymore. For now.
99% of gun grabbers probably don't even know what semi-automatic means.
Guys I'm nervous. I thought Trump was going to win, but then Something Awful said that Hillary is a shoe in. Is it already over?
dead people
>dumb, uneducated minorities who want gibs
>middle-aged housewives
Sanders lost most of the states with open primaries. Most of his victories came from caucuses.
People who actually have jobs and don't want "LE RADICAL GUY VERSION 7.4" like Bernie or Trump
Really seems like 100% sometimes.
Any number that isn't 80% is a loss for them and even if he did hit 80% he'd still lose unless he posted similar numbers in the other states, and he'd still lose because Clinton would still have necessary delegates by then before he would.
There is no scenario where Sanders wins. it doesn't exist, it will never exist.
>I kind of feel bad for him
Why? He's obviously far more intelligent than you. In fact, I'll bet he's feeling sorry for YOU right now.
Fuck off cis het white male! You'll be feeling the burn in jail when black man rapes you after I report you for stare raping me!!
Shillary won New York by 15 points so i'm kinda counting on her to win California by at least 5 points
Despite the libtard image the silent majority (housewives, blacks, old people) will push her to victory just like in NY
Nobody's voting for your meme candidate while he alienates every minority out there and Obama has a 50+% approval rating, Trumpfag
>Live in Oregon
>Furry knocks on my door
>Proceeds to shill for Hillary
>Listen for 10-15min
>Asks at the end if Hillary has my vote on Tuesday
>Laugh at him and tell him I'm voting for Trump and was just making him waste his time
>Tell him to enjoy his ramen noodles for dinner since Trump is going to build the wall and kick them out
>Close the door in his face
Tomorrow is going to be great, fellow Trumpkin.
>lesbianism: the reality
>Defeated a dozen other Republican candidates easily
>Hillary can't even curbstop an old socialist
NY-fag here, attending a Berniecuck-filled public uni.
I can't wait till tomorrow night to see all the rage and butthurt from them trying to figure out why Dems don't want Sanders.
Ordering a big ass pizza, playing vidya, and swimming in Berniecuck tears.
Whatever your a dumb fgt
Just genuinely laughed at the idea of president trump, honestly I think he will do good things for your country that will benefit everyone in the long run, but the world has still gone full on reality TV