If God Emperor Trump were to annex Canada, would there be any opposition?
Annexing Canada
might be some from the UK, but i doubt it
Why do you want to include Nunavut? There is none of it up there.
If this happens I hope he lets Quebec fuck off and die
yes, most canadians hate the usa, the younger ones especially. there's not much they could do about it though and it honestly wouldn't be so bad. the provinces would still be allowed to govern themselves like a regular state except now everyone would be protected under the bill of rights
They would get more freedom right?
if you resist occupation, they win
>protected under the bill of rights
like i said though, young canadians are taught to hate the usa so they would never go for it, or at least what the usa stands for. you know, guns and freedom and all that good shit
Of course not, they don't have any wall.
> wanting 20 more blue Senate seats
He better be an emperor by that point.
i'd turncoat
>NATO treaty article six goes into effect.
>Most first world countries declare war on America.
It would be insanely hard because of how many people would go guerrilla warfare. I don't think U.S.A understands how much Canada hates them and how far they would be willing to go to stop it.
With what army? You limeys are really the only NATO shitters that don't rely on the US's.
the outspoken critics of the US tend to be liberal. they're not the type to own guns. they dislike confrontation. I think of anyone I'd ever known who would actually be willing to die for this country.
The armies that Americans on pol mock without understanding that size means nothing in modern warfare.
id hope for a protracted canadian sniper war.us needs to tank,die and be rebuilt.we need an absolute fuckin meltdown to fix shit here and get off this jew inspired form of capitalism that does nothing but reward the least deserving.
I would be against annexation, I love my country but if you were to somehow instigate a coup to depose Trudeau and implement a real conservative government I wouldn't be against it. Maybe turn us into a self ruling client state.
Probably not, this would be the last time he or any republican would get elected though. Even "redpilled" canucks are so far left they make Hillary look like conservative.
>size means nothing meme
Things like technology, industry, and logistics being equal, which in a war between 1st world NATO countries they would, then pretty much it's gonna come down to size.
We should have done it in '98 during the ice storm - all their defenses were down.
Shit, we had to rebuild that country for them...
>home turf
>home advantage
Units in the US thats even regular army specialize in the terrain of other countries as well as the CONUS. Very rare other countries conduct full scale drills in the US
It will literally be America vs the entire planet, I doubt home turf or your feeling of American invincibility will matter.
>the whole planet
>China being assed to leave their sea reefs to go defend Canada
no, we hate america here as a fashion statement
when i wear my trump hat i get a lot of thumbs up and good sentiments from the older people, there would be A LOT of canadian homegrown support for an annexation
>Implying China wont jump at the chance to decry the imperialistic pigs of America for an unprovoked invasion.
The US is only 61% white (which is even skewed upwards) and Canada is 84% white.
I honestly don't want all the shitskins having the ability to invade.
>implying they wouldnt head the other way towards europe along with russia where a majority of europeans have no means of defense
China's force projection is so shit they literally have to build sand islands off their coast in order to limit American ships. How are they going to launch a trans pacific invasion?
I wouldn't oppose
Pls annex us senpai. Before we colonize you.
We're %74 white