They fucking piss me off. Why don't we hate them as much as we used to?
Can we start an Irish hate thread going?
Other urls found in this thread:
You have a small dick
Why are you mad? I said Ireland, not England.
>t. Seamus O'Finnigan
Why the fuck are ginger women the biggest race traitors ever?
Every time I see an interracial couple on facebook it's a fucking ginger cunt.
Is it some kind of advanced genetic cuckoldry?
Only kikes and proddie subhumans dislike Ireland. Which are you, OP?
I never see that, but almost every Muslim convert is a ginger cunt.
I'm someone who hates Irish fags. They think they're so relevant, but they're not. They're literally worse than Canadians.
you have become obese and sluggish, you don't even care when the CIA tortures you or when your capitalists ship your jobs overseas
>Why don't we hate them as much as we used to?
Because enough people learned to spot D&C kike shills, and we're not suckers for infighting shitposts.
I'd honestly trade every Irishman here for a Mexican, fucking dumb mick scum.
The other races of the isles just aren't quite as fashionable
What did the Irish ever do to you?
You're just sad because our country isn't completely pozzed
>Irish 10/10's
Irish yoga
Do they have an Armed Forces? I've never once heard a thing about their air force or navy. I think they refused to let their "army" (grown up boy scouts) go to Afghanistan.
Hey wait a second
>that flag
You just want in on being white, you aren't fooling anyone.
You will never be white, argentina
>irish mansion
I agree. I live in German/Nordic midwest area and the few Irish towns are cancer. It's as if their failure is genetic
>Irish world influence
I only hate obnoxious Irish-Americans. Annoying cunts ruin my favourite colour annually
Irish people usually seem pretty cool desu
It is. They're all fucking dumb paddies who were the niggers before niggers had freedom.
>Irish football
divide and conquer of the 4th kind
>live on island that is surrounded by water full of fish and that has many lakes and rivers with fish
>die from lack of potato
Did a catholic priest molest you or something?
Ireland is great what's wrong with them?
>the isles
why on earth would we need any military shit? why we we fight in Anglo-style warfare on behalf on oil companies and israel?
our army mainly participates in humanitarian missions for the UN
>Irish clergy
At least they know how to make alright beer.
They're extremely liberal, always act like they are relevant and talk about how they built our countries. Whenever I've encountered them on Sup Forums, they've always been annoying. Fucking potato niggers.
>I live in German/Nordic midwest area
you live in neither, you live in an American area
> the few Irish towns
American towns
this is soccer?
we care far more about gaelic football, hurling and rugby
>Extremely liberal
Are we talking about the same Ireland here?
the fish were considered property of the Crown and the penalty of this was severe, considered stealing
you'd know this if you read anything about it
You must be thinking of Northern Ireland. They're the conservative ones.
>always act like they are relevant
>They think they're so relevant
a-america n-number o-one, w-were the b-best at everything. nobody else should be known for anything
since the existence of the Republic, every single Government has been led by a centre-right party
No even in the rest of Ireland, abortion is illegal. So they aren't as liberal as we are
>They're extremely liberal
Don't confuse a cohort in Dublin as Ireland retard.
the second-biggest party in Northern Ireland is a lot more left wing than the second biggest party in the republic
Americans on Sup Forums no nothing about Ireland, or the wider world in general
Irish spelling.
What about Irish birthrates my friend :^)
What does this mean?!
that's rare for me
remind me again about the respected Canadian writers?
They're quite /fa/ desu
I know it's saddening. It's like if we said all said Americans were like San Francisco leftist cunts.
go away, reddit
they're just idiots, they show it time and time again
this thread in particular too
People don't really hate the Irish outside of Auld Firm 90 minute racist retardation.
chelsea fans too
Chelsea fans are not human.
I really love the Irish.
Their banter is sublime.
Chelsea fans are a special form of retarded.
the irish already know they are the scum of the earth
they don't need yet another thread to remind them of this
It's true, they're really not.
does that jew kid have concentration camp #s on his hoodie sleeve?
American muh heritage are the scum.
The Irish in Ireland are, poignantly enough the last unsullied British isles natives we have.
That's a little bit too extreme, they're not "unsullied" at all, that's the Welsh.
Whilst I like the Irish yeah.
> thinks Irish are scum
> celebrates St Patrick's day.
The Welsh didn't get the Nordic infusion, the blonde and red hair.
When was that considered bad anyway.
We fucked up our little bear bro. He should be with us now but for our mistakes.
Although... They're still white now. Maybe we did them a favour.
That is even dumber
From experience, it depends on where they live in Ireland if they're a cunt or not. Generally those from the south of Ireland are quite nice people.
Look up penal laws yank.
>British isles
stop using that fucking term
>Maybe we did them a favour.
multiple genocides is a favour?
>Have gay pride floats in ST Patrick's day festival
>Call us degenerate
You are in the British isles.
Deal with it.
>muh laws
Big place, small population, lot's of areas to hunt game, gather berries, fish etc.
It's literally just
>hurr our incompetence and failure to adapt is England's fault even tho it was Scotland that invaded! HURR DURR
They can clit off.
>Enslave the Welsh
>Bring the potato famine to the highlands of Scotland
>Invade and kill off the Picts
>Invade England (get your arses kicked)
Talk shit, get genocided.
welsh 10/10's btw fuck the irish but fuck the scots and the welsh more
Actually I've been to Dublin and it looked like a nice place
You have to be careful not to find yourself in wrong alley though, street gangs will shank you without second thought
>y-yeah! i'll confuse their rural heritage for p-povert!
>Y-yeah! 'Paddy' is that word muh anglo bros taught me on Sup Forums!
Google 'penal laws', cuck.
All of this salt, yet you would never say a word of this to an Irishman face-to-face.
Same old story.
I'm on your side.
You were the in every elite regiment Britain ever had, before and after we fucked you. And then for decades never acknowledged you were there.
You kept Britain Christian when Rome fell. Also, most of western Europe too.
So yeah.
It's a shame we're not together but, you didn't get the multicultural shit we got throughout the 20th century and you're still a white country.
>Talk shit, get genocided.
>we actually do something about it
>you get rained with semtex through the 70s until the 90s
>do fuck-all
>Big place, small population, lot's of areas to hunt game, gather berries, fish etc.
lol you stupid cunt
>You were the in every elite regiment Britain ever had
out of neccesity
we were poor as fuck and needed the money
t. great grand dad fought for the brits in ww1 and each subsequent generation was taught never to do the same
>You are in the British isles.
we are not
Paid for by the Portugal tourism board tm.
ya know i take it back
ireland is pretty good at the bantz
The Eternal Potato strikes again.
Seriously I heard some fucked up stories about vicious youth gangs in Dublin
Is that common or sensationalism?
nobody cares what you think
The Catholic Church forbidden to keep church registers.
The Irish Catholic was forbidden the exercise of his religion.
He was forbidden to receive education.
He was forbidden to enter a profession.
He was forbidden to hold public office.
He was forbidden to engage in trade or commerce.
He was forbidden to live in a corporate town or within five miles thereof.
He was forbidden to own a horse of greater value than five pounds.
He was forbidden to own land.
He was forbidden to lease land.
He was forbidden to accept a mortgage on land in security for a loan.
He was forbidden to vote.
He was forbidden to keep any arms for his protection.
He was forbidden to hold a life annuity.
He was forbidden to buy land from a Protestant.
He was forbidden to receive a gift of land from a Protestant.
He was forbidden to inherit land from a Protestant.
He was forbidden to inherit anything from a Protestant.
He was forbidden to rent any land that was worth more than 30 shillings a year.
He was forbidden to reap from his land any profit exceeding a third of the rent.
He could not be guardian to a child.
He could not, when dying, leave his infant children under Catholic guardianship.
He could not attend Catholic worship.
He was compelled by law to attend Protestant worship.
He could not himself educate his child.
He could not send his child to a Catholic teacher.
He could not employ a Catholic teacher to come to his child.
He could not send his child abroad to receive education.
>you didn't get the multicultural shit we got throughout the 20th century
Yeah we got it in the 17th. "Multicultural shit" is the reason that I'm both living in Ireland and have a British flag above my post.
>tfw the first Catholic mass in Westminster Abbey took place in 1966, to mass protests
>tfw it's illegal still for a Catholic to be in charge of England
>tfw they call us sectarian
Long live the united people.
There were Old English residing in Ireland from the 1400s.
Ireland was then, a developed country nobles sent their kids to be educated.
God bless Oliver Cromwell for burning everything and making it all stone age again.
And making the Irish despise us forever.
Fuck you, Protestant.
eternal anglo strikes again
There hasn't been one youth murder this year. Only drug dealers killing one another.
Physical assaults are incredibly low. The most violence comes from people being drunk but that happens in every country.
t. ancestors came over in 1840
>tfw I just want Britannia to be back together and become the main force in fighting against the "refugee" crisis.
>BREXIT might be the start of it
>EU could get salty and puts trade bans on Britain
>Ireland basically now has an Ultimatum due to reliance on British goods
>This could be the beginning of some very interesting years
Didn't so faggot get shot in Tallaght or somewhere this weekend?
You lads have some gang problems.
at least it isnt a mosque mr. 2015