New York Times Reporter Asks Bernie If He’s Sexist For Continuing To Run Against Hillary

oh ok

Bernie supports are literally fresh meat for Trump to pick up. They're all waking up to how shitty the PC left team is when it turns against their own faggot savior. Now when Hillary starts pulling this shit on Trump all the Bernie people are going to see it and be so furious at it they'll either go to Trump or just stay home, which also benefits Trump.

all part of the plan

Oh, I love a good paid hit piece.

>Pandering for Dummies vol. 2

wow what a misogynist.

old white male holding a woman back

berniecucks literally getting owned with their own methods of attack.

>He’s Sexist For Continuing To Run Against Hillary
Wouldn't the opposite be true? I'm not going to open that and read but it's most likely something stupid so I think I'm right.

Youre dreaming. Trump is everything bernouts hate

Its sexist if he does and its sexist if he doesn't, there is no way to win with them



The reporter was no doubt put up to do this by that shill NYTimes politics editor, who is hot for Shillary, Carolyn Ryan.

They both ran campaigns without special funding you dumbass

I can't believe she actually said this
Is this no low to which Hillary won't stoop

>They both ran campaigns without special funding you dumbass

First of all, that isn't true of Bernie.

Second of all, Bernouts don't consider Trump's campaign fincance to be on the same level because he's just a rich white man funding his own campaign. Nothing special to them, not like Bernie milking his poor college graduates dry to fund his campaign.

haha, no way. they will toe the line and vote for hilldawg. we could spin it in our favor, however. they truly believe trump would destroy this country. maybe make them think trump getting elected and the chaos it would cause would lead the way for their glorious communist revolution. communists don't actually believe in change through the system do they?

I think you're underestimating how evil she is.

Hillary is racist for running against Obama

Hillary is an anti-semite for running against Bernie

>it goes round and round and round and round

Anyone replied to that tweet yet?

Trumplets should have done more to recruit bernouts that are buttmad at Hillary.

Instead you just laughed.

Did you learn nothing from the jews?

Why are we not using these things to get Bernies male supporters turn to Trump? I think they are not that hard to influence

Because we're lazy.

At least that's why I don't do anything activism related anymore.

you're wrong about that. the independents are what we want, bern victims are not necessary for a win. you also can't reason with people that far gone. they think trump is literally hitler. there can be no reasoning with them

>thinking Bernie supporters can follow a logical train of thought

I'm not talking about that kind of guys, I'm thinking about atheist edgy redditors

they are not ripe for harvesting yet brother

>they think trump is literally hitler. there can be no reasoning with them
well they also think Hillary is the fucking anti-Christ.

Lesser of two evils.

so the underage that can't vote anyway?

i truly believe hilldawg is pure evil too. all the signs are there

Ever heard of the amazing atheist?

no, i don't watch youtube, or rather i don't watch personalities on youtube. i have seen the amazing racist though

Aren't there a lot of frustrated guys that are starting to hate sjws, feminism and even women I'm starting to believe that are not yet Trump supporters? I don't know if I'm overestimating

>thinking redditors can follow a logical train of thought

The left is playing a game of snake: only a matter of time before they start eating eachother.

I said they may be easily influenced, it can be done with this frustration ("feelings")

The universe is sexist everytime a woman is born, and sexist everytime a woman isn't born



I hate that stuff but it has potential for Trump, we have the duty to use memetic warfare or others are going to

the left used to hate israel and were always protesting it on campuses. i honestly don't know what the fuck happened. those same protestors were the ones supporting bernie fucking sanders who has connections to and spend time in israel. the left are like children and never consistent about anything except hating the other side

The whims of the cunt supercede the very laws of reality.

Why can't we control these retards and let them be used by Hillary?

im dieing over here thanks OP i needed a good laugh

I mean not have them controlled by Hillary

How are there still young men not going to vote for Trump at this point? And who are they?

>Bernie supports are literally fresh meat for Trump to pick up.
I am a liberal and I fucking hate Hillary and the media SO MUCH I want to vote for Trump.

We can still do it, Trump understood it but we didn't

No, I think you are right. You probably won't pick up a bunch of female bernouts, but there's a lot of potential among young men to flip to Trump.

>You probably won't pick up a bunch of female bernouts
>implying women like Hillary more than they hate Donald Trump.

there's no real short term fix for this. you've got to understand that most of bernie's supporters are young and still cling to idealistic fantasies. eventually a few of them are going to grow up and get a giant red pill up the ass when they see the world for what it really is. the only way to control them is letting them grow up. this obviously doesn't help us right now though. you can't forcibly convince them to join the other side, they have be seek it out due to their own curiosity

Women will vote democrat especially the young ones. There's no way around that. The good thing about HRC is that she probably won't have as big of a turnout as Obama in basically every aspect.

Wouldn't they be so butthurt about Bernie to be easily influenced (emotionally?) by shit like OP's article? We have to exagerate things and so on.

Remember I was talking about men, I think women can be influenced too but I'm not sure if by the same things

what happened to that assholewho would post the sanders delegate meme everyday?he must be on suicide watch right now

The Bern Victims had little real anger to manipulate. They were still hopeful. When there is still hope, they can't be swayed.

They must be completely crushed, to see Hillary and the betrayal of a system that has lied to them since day one. (Oi, those superdelegates aren't set in stone goy! We'll have to see how the vote turns out! :^) )

Trump has been very polite with Bernie himself as he's never been worthy of any real attacks.

A great many of them will join us in the end. Seeing illegal Mexicans getting full scholarships while they themselves have their jobs outsourced or replaced by immigrants. They wouldn't have a problem with student debt if there were still jobs left they could be proud of.

They are our allies... they just don't know it yet.

anti hillary is good, but that doesn't translate into a trump vote. we want anti hillary and pro trump. i guess emotional manipulation could work. i honestly don't like using underhanded jew tricks though. i monitor reddit here and there, don't have an account though. anyway, on reddit you have mods blocking pro trump posts on one of their main reddits. first and foremost that's something that we should fix. we need to show the plebbitors that trump isn't actually literally hitler and the msm is slandering him left and right. that's something bern victims can surely sympathize with since they did the same thing to uncle bernie, albeit a lot less extreme

Trump understood it long before us

>he calls himself a socialist
Definitely NOT a 13 year old ;)

>Disagreeing with someone is considered sexist in 2016

But seriously this isn't funny anymore

Is Bernie Sanders a vegan?

If we don't use tricks others are going to do it.

Think about if under every Bernie's stupid videos you go and see comments about how Bernie is kept back by sjw, feminism-if you go a lot on /pol you are going to think these are really big issues (I'm not sure)-anyway, we have to build something around this in my opinion

I like what you said that they are doing the same thing to both Trump and Bernie, this can be the key

Look, there's no way you're going to convince most Sanders supporters to vote for Trump. Trump is an absolute shitshow of a candidate if you're not a white guy, and it's worth remembering that.

All you can do is shit on Hillary and push Bernie supporters to vote third party. Trying to hard to push Trump just makes you look dumb.

Why not do both? You have to target different groups differently
If you are going to to think anything, you might as well think big, trump said this, we have to be ambitious too, I am more american than you

i already acknowledged this and never mentioned pushing trump you fucking monkey. i just said we need to at least make it so actual info can be presented without getting moderated by reddit or cleansed through msm. whether they take it or leave it is irrelevant. there still needs to be a platform that's not biased towards trump

>if you're not a white guy
giving some bern victim vibes here

did they ask if she was racist because she kept running against obama well into june?

Live by the SJW, die by the SJW.

Some of them are too loyal to the Democratic Party

>Wanting Berniebros on your side

>New York Times
>pushing sexism for not blindly following a woman

Why would you care? Are we that autistic?

Even if they thought the democratic party was actively plotting against Bernie from the start?

The key is to make sure they just do not vote at all or vote for Johnson.

It's the dirty work of the based Carolyn Ryan, who wants to fluff Shillary, so Shillary can give Carolyn Ryan an "inside" track into the Shillary White House.

Black people are the reason why America can't have common sense social democracy. I'm now 100% Trump. No more pandering to their peanut brains.


Yes. I don't think you understand what giant cucks Bernouts are. Hell, Bernie probably enjoyed getting dominated by Hillary the election

Who here can't wait to see Shilldog buttblast Trump come the general?