So Jaden Smiths new album is out, and it's pretty good!

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it sucks

Senpai just give up, even if it's good (which I hope it is) people in here are just gonna shit on it for meme reasons.

advertising is against the rules, jaden ;)

its actually pretty nice would recommend giving it a try my dudes

>People genuinely listen to this utter bullshit and like it

Makes me laugh

That was honest to god one of the more embarrassing things I've ever seen in my life.

dl or shut the fuck up

just tpb that shit

imagine being born so famous that you could just skip all the soundcloud threads and shit

He's only gotten popular now because he's only recently began to release music that's decent. Before he was releasing garbage. So it's kinda like he was going through the soundcloud threads but in a different way.

yea, buy releasing entire albums under contract with a label because daddy is a movie star

fuck him

You forgot the Twitter memes and how he was a literal model for female fashion

>he supports nepotism

he's not insecure about his sexuality as far as I can see and honestly, if I was put in his position at that age, I might've posted some pretty dumb shit on twitter.

yeah he is under roc nation isn't he... well he's done a lot of stuff because of his dad.

I think he's got a legitimate message, and, considering he's got the tools to convey that message, he's taken advantage of them. I think we may all do the same thing in his position.

Why does this cunt always look depressed. He literally has the perfect life.

>he's not insecure about his sexuality as far as I can see and honestly, if I was put in his position at that age, I might've posted some pretty dumb shit on twitter.
You missed the point, which is that he was famous on his own for being a gay idiot out loud

Production is pretty interesting but I'm not surprised considering the budget that he might have got. It's definitely too long and tries too hard at being "art-sy". Overall I'd say a decent album at best, could have been better.

>He literally has the perfect life

That's not how depression works senpai, and by saying this I'm not implying the kid has depression.

Keep believing in your dreams

why is he trying to be frank ocean, kendrick and drake?

this album is fine, y'all just jaded

wow some of the worst delivery I've heard

I skipped around in the album. It's well produced but nothing special.

This album is good, people will not take it seriously because it's jaden and they just want a reason to hate something

That pic of pharell is just frustrating

He needs to grow his hair out to distract from his strange face.

wow this is terrible

How Can Music Be Real If Our Ears Arent Real

holy shit this is fucking crazy, this is more listenable than kanye's albums (except for mbdtf)

this nigga ripping of Donnie Darko acting sad like he hasn't had everything on a silver platter since the day he was born

that is straight up speeding bullet V2


Peak high yella.

I'm getting mbdtf vibes from this. great production, but his rapping doesn't match up. pretty good for a debut album

Jaden Smith is the definition of an industry plant. Absolutely disgusting how people care about him.

not exactly an industry plant, he just have famous parents

I really liked this album

Yeah I had a few Yeezy vibes, but more Pablo like. Some Yeezus tier over the top bars as well. Would like to see Ye mentor him.

its a good album man put the memes aside

>double trips
>first post
>absolute truth
This is the most based post I've seen this month.

>having ur parents pay for good producers, good writers and marketing

no talent required

yeah but the album is good if it is written by someone else does not matter at all

its not good.

>if you're rich you can pay for better productions, writers and marketing

So basically every rapper?


its just okay. lyrically hes horrible i mean really horrible. says nothing of substance that you couldn't get out of fucking gambino or logic and the rest of them.

i can see middle class kids who don't get "art" music liking this shit. but for myself its just an exercise of him being around talented ppl at a young age.
i'd like him to go away from hip hop and do something else with his use of funds via parents. but I guess he would lose his audience.

how? if he bought good producers and good writers how is the album not good? dont you see how you contradict yourself?

>how is the album not good?
are you being dumb on purpose?
its like me giving you the role of tony montana and you not having the talent of al pacino to pull it off. you can have the best ppl doing shit for you. but if you can't make it sound good. its a waste.

not gonna listen to a fucking plant like this

ok this is straight up trash. i thought jimi hendrex was bad but then icon started and its literally some of the worst rapping ive ever heard.
>trying to be kanye so bad

>Implying most rappers produce/market their own shit, or write own verses

I'm not even a jaden fan, but these arguments are weak as hell in 2017. His bars aren't even hard so I doubt he had ghostwriters tbqh. There is talent in combining each individual process to make a good final product, as coming from money doesn't guarantee a person's album is going to be successful.

true which is why this suck ass

>writing is good
>production is good
>i dont like jaden smith so its a bad album
so this is basically what youre saying right?

no im saying the album is bad.
lyrically its not good and the production is just decent. why would i listen to this over the good albums released this past decade?

i listen to it for one cause i enjoy the music but also cause i think jaden is extremely important for the culture. i know that with more and more influx from Sup Forums and even before most people on here dont care about stuff like that, but i do

>i enjoy the music but also cause i think jaden is extremely important for the culture.
pls explain what do you even mean by that?

>i listen to it for one cause i enjoy the music
explain to me whats good about his album. i can't fine any good lyrics on this thing.

> i know that with more and more influx from Sup Forums
why did you randomly bring up Sup Forums ????????
im black fyi. it has nothin to do with race or his fame. this album isn't good. if you like it good for you. but stop looking for external excuses as reasons why ppl dislike this record.

>pls explain what do you even mean by that?
i mean that i think hes shifting selfperception of black youths in a direction that will benefit them and the black community in general

>explain to me whats good about his album. i can't fine any good lyrics on this thing.
i like the production and i like jadens delivery and voice. the lyrics are okay its definetly nothhing crazy in that regard

>why did you randomly bring up Sup Forums ????????
cause with the influx from pol its more and more likely that you will get ridiculed for saying what i said. its not really that relevant to the point i was trying to make

haha remember back in 2012 how everybody made this stupid fucking face? where did this shit even come from and when did it become appropriate to make the same face a baby boi do when he attempts to skillfully conceal the shit in his fat widdle diapy? haha nigga we need an anthropologist up in 'ere. maybe a psychologist too. we need both a anthropologist and a psychologist up in 'ere.

Will Smith ain't bad looking but his son's got that full on somali conehead inbreeding look to him


are you going to judge his look or his music?