>Little sister's panties were in the hamper
>Borrowed them to fap with
I can't be the only one.
Little sister's panties were in the hamper
How little is your sister user?
How old is she?
Isn’t it hotboy to cum on that like them? If you’re parents do the laundry it’s gonna have a huge cumstain in them.
All the time. Love cumming in my sisters and moms stuff
Two digits, doubles.
I've been keeping them to fap with tbh.
Oh OP is fucked now.
How badly do you want to eat her ass?
You’re not the only one. Sometimes I don’t even go for used and go straight for clean ones, since that way she’ll be wearing my cum for at least an entire day, instead of having it just washed away never coming into contact with it. I’ve done that and fucked/came on her pillow.
lmao.. Sooo how old is she
So you kio anons?
Obviously underage, OP is a pedophile
Don’t know what that means.
way too old
No way those underwear are worn by a 22 years old.
toothbrush, face cream... maybe even her food if you can pull it off
Pic of her?
Virgin detected.
assuming she's 18 ofc
I thought Sup Forums being full of pedophiles was just a meme on Reddit.....
Sorry, kik
Oatmeal, hot chocolate, and my favorite, cereal are the ways to go. Maybe even noodles if you want to see them slurping your cum after thanking you for making them something.
I love to cum in relatives food. They never know. Ever done it before?
God no.
Not only do I take my gfs panties from the hamper, I take random girls panties from their hamper and use them to fap to. It's nice knowing they have my cum pressed up against their asses/pussies without them knowing.
More pictures
>I can't be the only one.
oh you arent OP
gg theyre switching their tactics in niggerpissing
I was borrowing my best friend's little sister's panties to jerk off all the time when I was younger. I was 17 she was 12. She figured it out and confronted me about it, but she said she knew and didn't mind but she wanted them back after. She said she liked the idea that I was thinking about her. I tried to get her to watch hoping she would do something. The closest I got was she told me to do it then leave them in her room for her. I found them in the hamper later and the load was gone. No idea what she did with it. I think she wanted to fingerpop herself to it.
I went into her room with her there once to take a pair, right in front of her, she said "don't you want the ones I am wearing" I almost blew it in my pants on the spot. Obviously I said yes but she kicked me out of her room to take them off and change. I never did get her to join in or anything though.
I assume it turned her on because she was real lik coy almost like sex teasing me about it a bunch of times. They looked like total little girl panties.
Mods get your asses In here another OP needs to get his party hat. Lmao get v8 fgt
I soak my step daughter's clean with just enough cum, so it's not noticeable and she wears them. Love that my cum is the first to touch that sweet little pink pussy.
Oh and when she handed them to me they were still warm. They smelled, I can't even describe it. Not so much like pussy, just like fresh warm little girl body.
Learn the rules faggot, no rules are being broken here. Go back to plebbit.
nice. How old is she?
Any pics of her panties?
Fucking newfag kys
what the fuck
Used to do that with my ex-step sisters panties. If she only knew how many times remnants of my cum were rubbing up against her pussy.
Done to GF mom on different pairs when they were out jerk then precum on all of them
>Cut the tampon bag cleanly
>cum on the cotton part
>put it back in
>heat seal the tampon bag back together
Sperm can survive 3 days
You know where to have a seat.
Would want to try something likethis one day but would be worried about possible pregnancy.
It would be eaiser with those organic/natural type tampon sense those are seal and just come loose in a box
As long as she has a boyfriend/husband you won't know whether the kid if yours or not.
What size are they?
"small" lol
Because tampons are used when women are at peak fertility.
How often do you cum inside?
G8 story m8
only actually came in one pair, use them to jack off all the time, and love sniffing them. even wear them to work occasionally.
Pic is the pair I came in (no pics with cum sorry)
Fuck no. Last damn thing I want is a kid, especially with that bitch.
Clearly kid panties. Pedo detected
Read that out loud, retard
Uhh tbh my twin sister is wearing that kind of panties too. We're 20 btw.
Nope, you're not the only one.
>Because tampons are used when women are at peak fertility.
I hope you're not serious
No they're not... in fact, a woman is not fertile while she's on her period... do you even 7th grade science bro?
Obvious newfags
if a chick is on the rag i'll shower her up to clean her up then cum inside of her
I still worry about that off chance of shit happens
Fuck do I miss cumming inside
Anyone got any stores of little sister incest
Gf is 27, ages of other girls range from 10-30
She wasn't my sister.
If you're op that doesn't make sense, you literally said that on your first post
My neighbor has me over for BBQ's all the time, he has a 10yo daughter, I have taken her panties out of the hamper and jerked off while holding them over my mouth and nose many times.
My other friend has an 8yo daughter, I have done the same with hers. I have managed to get them fresh from her changing a few times. Just yesterday I was there and she had a friend over to go swimming, I waited till they changed into their suits then went to her bedroom and grabbed both of their panties to sniff and rub on my face while jerking off in the bathroom next to her room. I have cum to that girls body fucking over and over. They let her wear a skimpy 2 piece suit even though she is 8.
Any pics?
I wanna hear more about this
Dude is a lawyer (the one with the 8yo) and BIG. I am not small but he is a good bit bigger than me so no.
Plus even if I did, I don't want the thread taken down because I posted a legal clothed picture of a chick under 18.
Post a pic
What did it smell like? What did they look like?
You should get a pic next time, just remember to delete the EXIF data.
Not a whole lot more to say.
I have jerked off while breathing through my neighbor's 10yo daughter's panties.
I have jerked off while breathing through my buddy's 8yo daughter's panties. I have managed to get to them while they were still fresh when she changes to go swimming. Yesterday I got to her friend's panties as well and jerked off imagining both of their pussies and maybe them fooling around when they are in her room.
22, nice
Tweety bird print on white cotton briefs. Her friend's were multi color striped. Didn't smell like much, smelled like fresh little girl body. (the 8yo lawyers daughter)
The 10yo neighbor girl's are all different, mostly cotton briefs, she has a pair or two of satin like material briefs. Sometimes there is discharge on the crotch, those often times do lightly smell of pussy.
Don't have kids OP I don't want to know how you are going to molest them.
I have jerked off with the cup of the 10yo's training bra wrapped around the head of my dick a couple times too. Its silky material and felt amazing imagining her soft little tits.
>guy who jerks off with neighbor and buddy's daughter panties here
I don't know about OP, but I can tell you I would never actually touch them.
God damn that's so hot. Ever secretly feed her your cum?
Nah, jerking off is enough.
I'm 18 and I do it with my 13yo niece's panties. Have also been messaging her pussy, but we haven't gone further yet. She clearly enjoys it.
I assume you mean massaging, but I am still gonna need to know how that came about
Besides that, I am not going to risk prison time to get off.
Jerking off isn't illegal
Jerking off with little girl's panties isn't illegal
Is it fucked up? Sure I will admit that
But at this point nothing I do can result in anything more than being thrown out or probably getting an ass kicking lol. But I know both guys, they would just throw me out.
Prison time is real as fuck. Not gonna risk it. That's another reason why the panties never leave the house with me.
is this thread already dead ?
can you hear me meow?
Damn. What do they look like?
I do the same with my niece, but she's 15y/o at the moment. We've been close ever since and she even surprisingly came up to me and asked for "education". (She asked differently, but just for simplicity sake gonna keep it like this.)
When I was 17 I was dating this girl and her parents would allow us to stay downstairs "watching TV" till really late on the weekends, as long as her little sister was down there (we would put her to bed after a couple hours so we had privacy)
Her little sister was like 8 or 9 and oblivious sexually. She would get like sort of straddling the corner of their coffee table and grind her crotch on it, not knowing it was anything "bad" to do with people around. It was hilarious because sometimes she would make herself cum which just made Sara and I LOL really hard. Although 99% of the time we stopped her when we caught her doing it and told her she should only do it in private.
Sara was as fucked up sexually as I was. So one time we decided to just have sex with her in the room. Sara said something to her to the affect of "we will let you do that and not yell at you, and we will show you how I do it (referring to herself, Sara) if you promise not to tell" (That isn't word for word, but it was along those lines). Of course she agreed, and after a little making out she said "ok Kaylee watch this is how I do it" and Sara mounted my dick facing me on the couch (I was sitting up) and rode away grinding on/sliding up and down on my dick.
At that point I think she knew it was a "dirty" thing to be doing because every time Sara's parents went upside she asked if we could do that again. Sara always wore these flowery summer dresses that were really short so the next time we did it I held her ass in a way that Kaylee could see my dick going in and out of her sister.
After a couple times Kaylee asked Sara what it felt like having "his thing inside you" so Sara got her a small vibrator from Spensors gifts at the mall (this was early 90s) and explained how to use it, told her when she needed new batteries to ask her and she would get them for her. She nearly always ground herself on the coffee table till she came while we fucked.
We were wrestling for fun, and she came on top. She was rubbing her pussy against my crotch (definitely intentionally). I then placed my hand between her legs and began massaging her pussy... she came and held me tight.
Only done it twice since. And always with clothes on.
>same guy
Gotta take a shit real fast. Will answer any questions when I get back in a few,
We are going to need to hear your lies about this falsehood.
Not a sister (only child) but I came in a cute girls lotion and lipgloss before.
She told me her lotion smelt weird but "felt good" and was rubbing it up her thighs.
She also kept going on about how her lipgloss "tasted funny" ... As she applied more.
Little slut
Any pics?
>I can't be the only one.
No little sister, will daughter suffice?
Yes it will! Got more? Those are fucking hot
Did you raise her right?
disgusting piece of shit, kys
i hope your parents find out. i can't even imagine the anxiety you'd be faced with when they know and eventually they will.