Hello b

Hello b

So i just came back from the court
and is facing 2 years inn jail for posession of cp.

well you see inn my country, lolis is at the same illegality as real cp.

I just got my apprenticeship and it was looking like my life was back on track when i was caught.

Yeah sure, i am a lolicon

didnt even think it was illegal

And now i am here, depressed af, looking for the most painless way of killing myself.

I was planing on opening a co2 tank when i go to sleep.

So what do you think b.

Attached: 50f.jpg (579x570, 114K)

Idk man just kill yourself if no one will feel sad if you died

Op, just down the pills and goto sleep

Attached: DTgyupkVMAEwvZF.jpg (974x1200, 123K)

Well i do have a family that loves me, the thing is that they dont even know what sittuation i am inn.

Well the only pills i have is


5mg of morphine

Will that do the trick


How did they find it though


Do you need more info

How did you get caught?? Some police ha ked your pc,??

Well a "friend" got cought for something (dont know what) and he blamed me