Why are men becoming so weak?
Why are men becoming so weak?
That's just one pussy-whipped guy, OP.
Some of those rules are very... retarded...
I'd demand a revision.
>must pause game
>pause game
They're no different than they always were. People are just becoming more judgemental.
>Not even a good game for shit tier COD
I hope that man has found peace.
I used to be in a relationship like this. Lasted 9 years because her Asian pussy was just too addicting. Eventually left her crazy ass because I was getting closer to 30 years old and wanted to have kids and settled down. She didn't want kids. Eventually I realized that pussy isn't worth being unhappy.
I bet if I rejected her contract and bought the game myself she would feel pissed too
That's a lie lel, honestly..
Obviously it's society.
Men are allowed to be weak nowadays