Can we all agree white race is the weakest race

Can we all agree white race is the weakest race

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Can we all agree africans would get their asses kicked by the gorilla mafia? They're almost getting their land taken by the monkeys.


they're weak because they've spent the last thousand years subjugating all of your countries and people so they've become soft, be careful poking them so much

can we all agree the amount of cuck posting and nigger posting has been through the roof lately?

That grown nigger isn't even that much bigger than the 15 year old.

Uh huh. You got us.

Lol even with the clear physical difference, the white guy is scared shitless

>Has guns
>Wins against people with bows and daggers
>Heheh we are better fighters :DDD

What did he mean by this?

This. Bitches use weapon.


Can we all agree that niggers would lose in a race war?

Das rite mah niggoi

I'd rather be a bitch and win than die.

He meant that might means right and any nigger that disagrees is welcome to a bullet.

>if you get shot in a fight, you win

Mr. Trudeau, welcome to Sup Forums!

Militarily, whites are the best. (With some exceptions like girls). No1 can really touch us

>thead about race
>some how guns are race now
White people lol.

Im a chubby ugly American I wouldn't want to be in video but all the shit I see I wouldn't get BTFO by some welfare scum

I work for a living though

we're in 2016
we dont fight with sticks and stones anymore

can we all agree you cant spell

Whites often don't live in a community where they have to fight for literally survival every two minutes. So yeah some blacks can beat whites. Whites normally take like fighting classes for self-defense and knowledge about martial arts.

Black preschools weed out the weak ones right away, best case scenarios. If they make it to ninth they should be fit and powerful having to fight all their lives.

I mean one race invented guns and one didn't

American whites definitely, yes.

whites literally dominate the world in strength sports. blacks are literally one of the least represented in strength sports

even sandniggers are strong than niggers

Able to kill and snap the neck of a weak white human in the span of 2 seconds. The black variant is truly the most power version.

You white boys must be very careful

Lol thats why theres no white champion in UFC right now

>15 year old Boy btfo by imported Somalian militia

>when blacks say whites can't fight

Which race shot a rocket to space?

You're so pathetic

hello cuck, you will never be worthy of raising white children.

Literally every strongman is white, black "strongmen" and laughable

>Whites invented guns

They got a taste already. Even the beaners are superior.

I just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot.


i dont watch ufc so i dont know. im stating a current fact so you stating some other fact(?) doesnt change anything

if you want to talk about fighting sports though whites, asians, and hispanics dominate it world wide with niggers pretty much coming in last

niggers are literally one of the least athletics races on the planet. and before you talk about world population i would remind you that niggers outnumber whites and hispanics by a lot

What movie famo?

I would pay to see this fight

>Best sports and boxers are black

Me and my friend killed a nigger who hit his gf in a robbery. No one even investigated. I never even think about it.


the majority of current boxing champs right this second are white or hispanic

its incorrect to say blacks dominate spots since they are under represented on the world stage. i assume youre american and your view is warped because nigger sports is so popular there


Kill yourself faggot.

It's almost as if the blacks starting these threads are trying to compensate for something.

Also, that OP picture, wasn't that guy chased by 20 guys around a firetruck?

Except there is

post the webm

being this much of a cuck

Cool video famo.

Jk I didn't kill anyone but my friend always says he popped some nigger in the skull with a handgun. I don't believe him but kind of hope it's true.

>singled out people in mobs in states without CCW
>hurrrrr whit ppl weak we gon win

Keep thinking that, it will make the race war end that much quicker.

Lost it sorry.

Here's a tough nigger for you famorino


Let these lefty fucks get bold man. It's only going to be that much better when we start killing these irredeemable fucks.



African americans, some of the most racist assholes on the planet.

Don't be stupid they're just trying to bait trump supporters into physical altercations, because right now everybody hates them since people realize they're the violent savages..

They'll all end up in prison or similar just let them do the stupid shit.. And remember to have no sympathy for them when they end up there.

Ahh there it is...muh Lion video. Right on time.

every time this webm is posted, i can never really tell... does he slam her fucking head upside the table?

It would be funny to see your face when your ebt card and your welfare gets taken away for participating in riots, civil unrest, and for destruction of property.

Hes not white.

>thead about race
>some how guns are race now
I guess niggers don't realize that the ability to create and use complex tools to solve problems improves the quality of life. Again, proving they are the weaker race.
Brains>muh muscles>muh dik
Niggers lol.

>cucks advocating for cucking the thread

Being hopelessly reliant on another race in order to avoid starvation or succumbing to exposure or being genocided by other competing parasite races (mexicans) sounds like the greatest weakness I could possibly imagine.

I can't even blame blacks that much for being so pissed off about their shitty situation... even if their pride gets in the way of acknowledging that they are doomed as a people, I think they understand on a subconscious level that they are finished without whites taking care of them like the simple pet monkeys they are.

This is why there won't be a real black vs white race war, it'll be small skirmishes for a week or two until the nogs realize only the white hand can feed them.

Obvious inferior nigger poster is obvious. Come back with a respectable black man and have him speak I don't talk to low class niggers.

Nobody talked about dick. You must be a cuck.

Take away ebt and welfare of anyone who riots or causes altercations, and you'll have virtually nothing happening.

It's funnier actually seeing video after video of internet Nazis get their asses kicked by so called lesser races. And they don't even fight back.

this post is interesting because it applies to me as well. I am on the tit of america and other people. I'm the same as the black man. The only difference is that everybody will say you're white, you have it GREAT, just go out there. I don't even hate black people, I think most people are like me and the black man and they just put blinders on.

We rely so much on others, it's insanity.

The reason they don't fight back is because they're not interested in going to prison for assault. But apparently you are. Oh i forgot.. it's because you're being opressed, apparently by lack of activity in your own brain in this case.

>he's not white

Same, it's so hard to tell. I think so though. Damn niggers and their mysterious ways.

We are literally playing the hand. You sit here and brag when you have 40 mudslimes on 1 league of Legends 15 year old. Some of us carry. Try this in Florida we will fucking magdump you liberal cunts.

Blacks are usually malnurished or over weight. Majority of the fights they win is because of gang mentality and everyone teams up on one guy. Also whites care about going to jail/getting hurt and having to take time off of work because of fighting. Why risk life and career over a shoe scuff fight.

Internet nazi's.. what did that guy do in the OP except support trump, he got attacked by 20 guys eventhough he was walking away.. You guys are the actual racists dumbasses, you actually attack people because of their skin color and because they support trump.. And you act violently, harass and seek to intimidate or stifle people who have a different political oppinion or affiliation than you. Do you know what that fits the definition of? terrorism/domestic terrorism.. That's right.

And people are noticing.

Yes it has. I wish the mods would do their jobs. They must be niggers.

Hes Polish.

Yep I live in FL had a nigger try to rob me 2 years ago all he got was three rounds of .357 mag. Castle doctrine for the win bitches, cops showed up carted off the body and made me fill out a form and it was all over. Try fucking with people who can fight back.

no they are the strongest race physically

a quick google search confirms this, there are just more strong black men than white men, but white men reign supreme at the top

>We rely so much on others, it's insanity.

I know, it hurts thinking about it.... I've been spending lots of my free time focusing on self-reliant practices even though realistically I have a >5% chance of surviving in post collapse society.... but hey, a fighting chance is a fighting chance right?

>Polish aren't White

Good meme shitskin

Posted black fish food dude to my FB lol.

Polish isn't white.

Did you bill his family for the cleaning?

Nigger in pink shorts, looks like a faggot moves like a faggot, I think that nigger might be gay.

t. Shitskin

No they tried to sue me but could only agford a shit lawyer. The shooting was found to be lawful because he attacked me and broke into my home. The last thing he did before he died was shit his pants and cry it was fucking hilarious. I made sure to tell his mom what his last words were.

All niggers are peacock faggots. Good thing flash does not equate fighting prowess

no that proves whites are the most powerful race since all that white kid had to do was just to simply have white skin to make an offense on all those other races...

Cant argue with fact.

Holy kek
Perfect. Just perfect.

Oh yeah and the orange ones were conquered by the U.S

Fucking good. God speed bro.

yeah man. I've been reading a lot of self-improvement books. It's very enlightening, but i still haven't done anything in the books. I know my life would improve if i followed it. For example, in rich dad poor dad, the guy is literally telling me why being a wage slave is retarded. You just look forward to that paycheck like it's crack.

>implying any white boy can take him 1 on 1


Jesus Christ... why did they let that fight go on so long?

Honestly what is the big deal about this? He was just tackle to the ground nothing more, and he immediately get up like nothing happened. Seriously he wasn't punch, kick, stab or anything

he was losing so he bit off another guys ear.