I thought Sweeden was a Meme

Really?.. I am dissapoint

>That ear

Nothing of value was lost

Lel she'll get what she desires soon enough.


>I don't do white boy
>Mom taught me that

>>That ear
Yeah/ But those tits, amiright!


you are the leafposter but I will bite.

what she means is that:
>my father was not there to teach me

these girls exist for real but they are seen as examples of warning

>mum taught me that

so you have a single mother and you have a low iq?


Does it ever hurt to live sometimes?

We got those in North America, too, but you can usually identify them by their oddly (blue, purple, etc) colored hair.

>Yeah/ But those tits, amiright!
You are wrong, those are some pretty average sized tits, maybe even below average in my country.

This stupid coalburner simply deserves what she is getting, a handfull of STDs and a couple nigger babies that she will have to raise alone.


fake profile
"mum" is British slang
hard to imagine someone from Sweden using it. it would be like you speaking Spanish and using some slang term only known in El Salvador.

You guys need to stop thinking with your dicks and realize she's nothing but a degenerate waste that none of us should be wasting our time with.

Find a woman who's worth your time and if you
can't find one, make one, they're all impressionable.

>I don't do white boys

I don't do consent.

>caring about tindr whores

average degenerate potato face, tits are fine

Oh please if you tried to rape a woman she woulf beat you until Trudeau dragged you off for feminist de-education.

>21 years old
>high ambitions
Shes retarded, kek


Also support Refugees... How suprising

>that face

she looks 35

But I'm a Muslim

I'd rape Trudeau too. He'd like it even more than she would. Rape rape rape rape.

kek pierre was right


The only thing worse than this shitty trend are the faggots who stopped doing it and now have gangly strips of skin hanging off their ears.

What went wrong Sweeden... You used to be Vikings?

Why would she speak english and not swedish?

Is the same girl?

Probably, nowadays cuckold fetishism looks rampant.

she voluntarily jumps out of the genepool.

and nothing of value......

She wants that big american dick :)


>confirmation bias

>septum piercing

Everyone who has these should be rounded up and shot. It would improve society almost as much as killing all the Muslims.


You should know by now it's impossible to rape Trudeau he always consents. If you stop rapists they win.

Beggars can't be choosers, there's a handful of swedes left at this point.

Maybe you're just not up to par OP

stay delusional. she just can't speak arab.

Shes fat, just like every coal burner ive seen on tinder. Nothing of value is lost

If i have to see
>big is the keyword :^)
one more time...

not worthy of raising white children anyway. She would corrupt children and turn them into the same trash she is.

top keks


>looks like she's 35 with 2 kids

typical germanic, we gots alot of 'em here in 'a states

It's not a meme.
Sweden and Germany are finished as nations.
And they are trying to finish us.

But itis a bit tricky for them as we're leaving the EU and have the strongest military in Europe.
And we live on a fucking island. lol

i want to put my finger and pull it

Fucking this.

Fellow US White convert? Just began eating ten minutes ago. How'd your Ramadan, senpai?

>What went wrong Sweeden... You used to be Vikings?

hahahaha savage

Thank god for that

The eternal Aryan must be wiped from the earth

What does "eos" mean?


obviously a fake profile made by cuck fetishist, but Sup Forums will sperg out anyway.

end of whatever

every orifice samal

hey man, let me ask you a honest question, and I am not even joking here...

Do white people really have small penises? I am white (by brazilian standards at least) and my penis is pretty big, my girlfriend said so herself and told me that all the girls in university gossip about it, I got kinda surprised since I never fucked any of the girls that told this to her so im guessing the rumours are circling around from some girl I fucked in the past...

So, is this a telling sign that I am indeed not a pure white man or is this small penis thing just a myth spread by niggers?

The current major of Berlin or Stockholm is not a Muslim. We are all in the same shitty situation.

>>this kills the Americuck.

>my penis is pretty big

Too much information, dude.

UK leaving the EU will only be a good thing for the EU. and you don't have the strongest military in europe, france does.

>tfw in America I only matched with black girls and fat white girls

>a bunch of contextless photos means everyone in sweden is race mixing!

that girl second to the top right is a norwegian blogger and isn't even going out with that guy. it's just a bunch of random photos and blatant cuck shit, that i'm assuming turns you on, cuck.

>Too much information, dude.
I am just asking mate, I am worried that I might have a nigger ancestor in my family line.

You are a spaniard, that is close enough to the portuguese, you tell me, is your cock small?

Stretched ear?
The only thing that can make a woman less attractive and more worthless is a fucking septum piercing.
You're not losing out op, she'll be knocked up and homeless, cracked out of her head by 25

Are you surprised?

Christianism is a form of proto-socialism.

It has to do with flaccid penis size. Whites evolved to have a smaller flaccid penis size due to the climate in Europe, as less exposed flesh helps preserve heat. While nigs never had to deal with harsh European winters their flaccid penis size is nearly the same as their erect penis size.

She'll settle down with a nice white cuck in 9 years, don't you worry

You guys had the counter-reformation.

Low-church protestantism that expelled all pagan traditions is kinda proto-socialist.

As a Euphoric Fedora wearer, I would say that Catholicism or Orthodoxy is not that bad.

Our state Lutheran church held out until the 60s when the social democrats destroyed it.

Pretty much this, Emilie Voe has a Norwegian white boyfriend, for example.

Lolololololol earplugs for a backyard $40 air rifle lol .

>I am worried that I might have a nigger ancestor

You're cracking me up unintentionally.

>maybe even below average in my country.
We dont about plastic stuff, am i right?
You mean natural tits in Brazil are bigger than hers?

>mum taught me that
Where was dad?

Mfw have had blue and purple hair but hate niggers

>Low-church protestantism that expelled all pagan traditions
lol m8

>That pig face with a cow ring in the nose

>for centuries we have warned the world
>the menace is real
>air is acid in sweden
>everything up side down
>it's not a meme
>from time to time this happens
>they are going to start a war again with their madness
I am at least glad the world now finally sees this reality.
This "swedish women" meme over here was killing us, we all wen't yeah.. you should only know.. not going there... not even allowed on property
>this everything is rape shit started 15+ years ago
>that is taken serious by the state and infiltrated into the state
a fucked up ctry beyond belief... fucked up by traitors from the inside and jews... From paradise to hell in no time...

>I don't do white boys

Is this not racist? I could never put "I don't do black girls"

>I would say that Catholicism or Orthodoxy is not that bad

Look at the current Pope. My father is a hardcore Catholic and I respect this, but that religion is pretty toxic.

There is shitloads of paganism in Catholicism.

Ever thought about all those saints they have? Or the Icons of the Orthodox?

Just a fucking mass is super pagan.

Well, my penis get small when soft, but it enlarges quite a bit, and it is so thick I can't use normal sized condoms at all, they cut off my bloodflow if I try to put one on.

>You're cracking me up unintentionally.
Glad you are having fun I guess, but im serious. My skin is white but I have brown eyes and hair, Sup Forums has stated that this means im not aryan, but does that mean im not white at all?

>We dont about plastic stuff, am i right?
>You mean natural tits in Brazil are bigger than hers?
Indeed, those tits are small by Brazilian standard, and boy, you gotta see the bombshells at my university, there is a girl that has such huge fucking tits they swing and bounce everytime she walks or laughs, and she is thin, so you know it is not simply big boobs due to fat, they are that big, and quite perky too!

>I thought Sweden was just a meme

>septum piercing
Into the trash it goes.

my fellow countryman apparently wants to turn this into a Sup Forums rate muh dick thread.

>Look at the current Pope. My father is a hardcore Catholic and I respect this, but that religion is pretty toxic.

The current Catholic leadership needs to be replaced with the Society of Saint Pius X.

The Pope is pretty much a low-church protestant, or rather a marxist in robes.

I wonder how much he actually bases his beliefs on scripture and theology and how much is just retarded progressive social liberalism.

But low-church protestants became commies when the reformation happened, see the Munster rebellion.

There's Paganism in Protestantism as well, a perfect example would be midsummer or Christmas.

That said, what removed Paganism and Pagan traditions in the Nordic countries wasn't Protestantism, it was Catholicism.
An example of this is what Sweden did to erase Finnish culture and pagan religion, while understandable as occupiers of the territory, is not Protestantisms fault, as Protestantism is a newer reform.

If you want to blame someone for removing Pagan traditions and whatnot in the Nordics, blame yourselves.

Not really, im just worried my dead great grandmother god have her soul, might have been a coal burner.

Is it so wrong that I find that idea disturbing?

Are you white? What is your size, might be normal among our people and I might be just worring too much, but im seriusly disturbed by this!


>I adore mentally stimulating conversations
>Also I love prancing around with unicornw

France is right here. No whore with that for an ear has long-term values. Marrying that is signing away half your income. (or 75% if you're actually a Swede)

Lutheranism is high-Church protestantism, not low Church, Cromwell forbade the English from celebrating Christmas because it was too pagan


nice trips

who gives a shit i understood exactly what the swede meant and thats what matters. Do you feel powerful or something pointing out mistakes? You're the cancer of the internet

well good news is you have freedom of religion now and can be pagan again

Well she does look "tan", hmmm...

hearing damage is always a concern senpai

>Born in the wrong country, for sure

When I was growing up we looked at Northern European countries as heaven on Earth. Perfect low crime societies with strong cultural traditions

Now it's all been thrown away, the country 'belongs to everyone' and the media/ educational institutions have made sure to tell all the young that Sweden is nothing to be proud of. The only source of pride can be in working towards increased ''''diversity'''' and importing more refuges to your comfortable country. It's sad

Eventually Swedes won't be able to fall back on their nice country because it won't be there. They think they can share it with the world but it doesn't pull the immigrants up, it drags Sweden down. It;s really sad. This is happening across the West but Sweden seems to have an almost irreparable attitude