Medfags of Sup Forums send help

Medfags of Sup Forums send help

What’s going on in the back of my throat? Those bumps have been there for a while now and I want to get rid of them. They don’t cause me discomfort (execpt I think I produce a lot of mucus)

If it helps, I’ve had my tonsils removed half a year ago

Attached: DD09BA96-6576-4995-B969-A42F0D1BD773.jpg (4032x3024, 1.61M)

dude, ur ficking teeth, they are fucking dying ma holy FUCK THIS SHIT IS TOPGORE

See a real fucking doctor you gross prick

Those are metal fillings you dumb fucking cunt.

those are semen bumps, from where the semen is trying to enter your system

Attached: Sperm.jpg (1371x977, 322K)

Quit smoking


med fag can confirm

OP sucks alot of cock, those are STD's enjoy your AIDS faggot!

Better see a doctor than Sup Forums honestly.