BREAKING: @AP finds Clinton reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination for president
BREAKING: @AP finds Clinton reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination for president
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Does not necessarily mean she is the presumptive nominee however
So it begins.
The greatest battles of our times.
but AP said so
bernouts will bring up superdelegates
the greatest gladiator match in the history of the world
Good, I'd much rather her go up and Lord Trump than Bernie.
I honestly believe Bernie is just a well meaning idiot. He's like your grandpa with dementia. He doesn't deserve the pounding trump would give.
Hillary is a cunt and deserves to be hung from the highest tree. Her lifelong dream, since she was a child, was to be president. I can't wait for Trump to crush that deal forever.
>There are bernouts that still hold on to the retarded fantasy that Sanders will still somehow win the election when he's behind in the popular vote and super delegates
Bernie fags on sepukku.
just say soviet union.
>Gabrielle (((Levy)))
>tumblr image
still lost, reddit?
Simple math, Hillary doesn't have a big enough non-superdelegate majority to mathematically oust Bernie. This is bad reporting and frankly i'm surprised that AP would run this
Pls post salt from /r/sandersforpres
Remember: no refunds
>and frankly i'm surprised that AP would run this
daily reminder that AP, Reuters sources all relevant western MSM and is owned by the same Jewish media oligarchs who are supporting Shillary
You're the cuck for censoring desu
they can continue to fight for their beliefs all they want. That's why the communism party exists and never gets even 1% of the vote.
Socialism is just this year's Libertarianism. It's trendy among the 20 year olds
>all those redditors that took loans to donate to bernie
So she really was scared of California?
Make up your minds geee
>bernie only needs 8000 delegates to catch up
>been a lost cause for months now
>still taking money from broke students because they think college will suddenly be free
jews gonna jew.
Natural selection at work.
Learn to do math retard. If bernie gets 318 delegates that means Hillary got 228 meaning Bernie only really picked up a net total of 90.
Lets hope the debtor prisons rape them forever.
well pol will be happy now i guess, this guarantees a trump presidency
You would think they would learn
>California doesn't even matter
Fucking Gommie scum always unites at the end of October. So its not guaranteed.
Hillary won when she took new york. Bernouts are just desperate and delusional.
There's no way that jewish dinosaur would ever get enough superdelegates.
one of these days they'll be able to convert student loan dollars into votes. Just you wait!
Thanks for the Audi goys
>not poo
confirmed fake
>confirmed fake
I hate that pic.
It proves people don't understand how the US congress works.
Indulge a dumb Swede; why the FUCK are people donating money to a single politician like that? Where the fuck does all this money go, are lies and empty promises expensive in America or what?
Bernie advertises that he isn't bought by wall street, so needs more $$$ for his campaign. But in reality when his campaign is over, all the money he's collected is saved up and can be used for whatever the fuck he wants, tax free.
Basically idiots threw their cash at him.
We need to start spamming the memes telling lefty loony bernouts it was spics and niggers that voted Hillary. Don't JUST flip em for trump. Get them 100% nazi-ed. They're young and retarded and looking for something to fight for. They don't actually care what.
shes a women why is she running
You know this old hag paid off the AP to report this before the vote tomorrow to keep Bernfags home. Fucking evil cunt.
I can't even comprehend why he would even need that money, if he's that good for the people surely his message would have spread by itself.
Thank god I live in a small country like Sweden where even fringe parties can rise(Like SD did) without any big campaigns.
So question:
Since Clinton is now the presumptive nominee, what would happen if she was indicted? Who would take her place and who decides who that is?
He's a socialist/scam and spend liberal. He scams poor people out of money and redistributes it to his friends, consultants, and kike marketing CEOs, also known as the top 1%.
What's the deal with these bernie people? Do facts evade them or something?
Interesting, thanks for sharing this useful information! The population of my state is about the same size as your country and the state politicians here don't need to raise money to campaign either! Fucking shocking!
>enforcing immigration law is bigotry
I'll never get this meme.
pic related
Not sure whether you're laying out the bantz, didn't mean to degrade or make fun out of anyone here.
>funded the war in iraq
No he did not.
no politician actually funds anything,
they vote to fund things with your money
I know that. Sanders was against the war in Iraq and did not vote for it. I cannot find anything that suggests he did.
Collective delusion.
The same thing is true for Sup Forums tbqh, except we did win the nomination.
Welp, now the bitch needs to lose hard. Hope she gets busted by the FBI soon before November.
he voted to support US troops at the outset of the invasion, before the "war"
not finding anything m8
Good, this guarantees a trump presidency
Gosh it's wrong to target these users. Delete this.