The kikes at the Associated Press are trying to suppress Bernie turnout tomorrow
Fucking cunts
Berniefags BTFO!
B T F O!
How many of his supporters do you think will actually turn up to vote?
Very few
>Sorry fellow bernie bros I just got some great 420 and couldn't get out
/ thread
>California alone
>Implying California isn't the last stand and Bernie isn't going to lose it hard
>all those mad Bernie-fags
Bernie betas on eternal suicide watch
this is perfect, now the the bernouts will start invading Shillary events
This, they don't want Bernie derailing Hillery's campaign with a big win tomorrow.
Another retarded bernout who always neglects the fact that democrat delegates are handed out proportionally and that Sanders wouldn't get all of the delegates even if he won the state.
Another retarded Hillary/Trumpfag who doesn't into Superdelegates
get some popcorn and a /comfy/ blanket for all the livestream suicides
An even more retarded Sandersfag who thinks Super Delegates would switch to Sanders when he still losing the popular vote. Never mind the system was put in place precisely to prevent a populist like Sanders from securing the nomination after the Democrtas had to deal with George McGovern
He's winning the popular vote. The Dem party would be making a terrible mistake if they put forward Hillary. They would split the party. Half of the Democrats, myself included, would vote Trump. Hillary is unelectable,
Holy shit the tears are still pouring in.
The DNC doesn't care about Sandersfags, they'll choose the establishment candidate who runs the organization
And that's called a corrupt system.
Sanders keeps winning and winning and drawing crowds of tens of thousands, but apparently he's "unelectable" and "Can't win"
Pol is a trump board new friend. Maybe you should try Reddit. Or tumblr in your case
If you look at the delegate count and popular votes you would see him down by 300 delegates and 3 million votes
Now tell me what if Bernie was leading by 300 delegates and 3 million votes but the DNC decided to give the nomination to Hillary?
Would that be undemocratic?
wonder how this guy feels now
/shrug. I suppose that's how it is. fuck Hillary and everything she stands for though. I will never vote for her.
Poor gal