Sorry fags! #ImWithHer!!!
Its Over Bernouts!
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Bernie would need to win basically all of California to have a serious chance; the polls right now have them virtually tied, so he's not going to gain any ground on Hillary.
Face it Bernouts, it's over. Delusion isn't healthy.
what is proportional allocation of delegates for 200, Alex?
Hes been invited to join the green party ticket. Hes still my candidate.
>bernie supporters on Sup Forums
I think you went to the wrong website on accident. Sorry newfriend!
I hope Trump posts "I did it first, and with more opponents. Loser!"
>Only because you're paid to say it
Well, he's only been a democrat for about 15 minutes, so switching to 'green' shouldn't be much of a stretch.
>runs for a party that he's not a member of
>criticizes the system that they use to nominate as undemocratic because superdelegates
>tries to use that same superdelegate system to get the nom despite getting fewer votes
>now he's a green
Seriously. fuck him sideways.
Commie Kike BTFO!!!!
I'm a #hillbilly now.
I thought California was winner take all?
None of the Democratic primaries are WTA. California is WTA on the Republican side.
You can keep posting that till youre blue in the face, but it's OVER!
>california alone is worth 546
but this isn't the republican primary there is no way in hell any democrat will ever win all 546
Do you have any idea how this works
Every Democratic state is proportional, only the GOP have WTA states
Do you? There are no WTAs for the dems
North California and maybe even parts of Los Angeles and East California would for sure go to Hildog. Even if she wins only 40% of the vote it would be enough to stop Bernie from winning.
PLUS there's like 3 other states on that day and she's polling higher in all of them.
>/thread-ing your own post
Fuck off reddit
Get out
You do realize his campaign is based o. Media
Dumb ass
I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid?
You know what america you deserve this. you deserve a wall street whore. you deserve to all burn to the ground.
You allowed debbie wassermna schultz to do this, no one spoke up. Now she wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose bernie.
My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything.
when people say there moving to canada but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty country with shitty debbie wasserman jew bitches. Fuck all of you.
The Democratic party just killed themselves. They can say by to Michigan,Wisconsin,Minnesota,Maine,NH.
If he goes green he would hand the election to trump on a silver platter
ONLY if Bernie goes third party.
>when you're only mathematically eliminated from the race and have jumped the shark and everyone is laughing at what a clown you are
>but the media says its over
The republican delegates are different than the democrat delegates you fucking mouthbreathers
it's not over! the media just wants you to think that. i just donated $100 i borrowed from my wife's sons mixtape fund. Will you match me?