That's why alcohol is way better than marijuana:

that's why alcohol is way better than marijuana:

>reduced inhibitions
>induced sociability
>mood lift
>one of the biggest anxiolitycs, reduces/fully vanishes anxiety
>empathy to others, you love people more
>wine, at least georgian (country, not us state), is sacred LITERALLY (ალკოჰოლმა შესცა პლანს დედის პროჭში)
>helps ones with social phobia, specific phobias or any other anxiety disorder (it's not biased on me, i don't have any of those)
>helps one forget something he struggles with for hours
>makes you turn more into girls, and also, i know this is weird point, but by making achieving orgasm hard af, it makes you fap less lol

>makes you paranoid af
>makes you anxious af either by giving you anxiety or amplifying anxiety you already have (which barely ever disturbs you when not amplified)
>non-social drug, i'm not partyhead, neither am i nightclub guy (in fact, i'm very opposite), but i don't like an idea of being so wasted that i barely ever get someone back when altercation takes place.
>makes you lazy af

inb4 yes, weed has one hell of psychological dependence
inb4 yes, weed is harmful af, gives you psychosis or schizophrenia or makes it more likely to happen to you
inb4 yes, alcohol has hangovers. why not pop clonazepam or two second day and kill it in half an hour?

drinking over smoking any day!

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You are correct. Pot is fucking garbage. At least alcohol has a use if used responsibly.

my man

Here’s a thought. Stay with me it’s a complex one. Maybe just maybe these substances effect everyone different
Just because you have a fragile bitch mind doesn’t mean everyone does. Enjoy liver failure faggot.

While Ive always drank I stopped the weed few years ago. Much prefer alcohol now. But of course it has violent and sometimes family ruining aspects.

Fuck off you Soviet Nazi

>has a use if used responsibly
What an oxymoron. If you’re drinking for any other purpose than it feels good and relaxing, you are using it to cover your shortcomings. Need to be more social and confident? Work on your sociability and confidence. Don’t drink to cover for your lack of ability to be who you want to be this is dare 101 shit

You must have had very shitty weed

Alcohol and weed are both nigger drugs.
Both should be illegal.

Op is a fag and doesn’t understand that it’s different for everyone but if you have anxiety from smoking bud, it’s going to be more pronounced when you have higher quality flower. That’s common sense

I am well aware, I don't drink anymore because alcoholism.

fucking fagile minded bitches.

just remember this post when u become a fat fuck from drinking too much and it will take you years to get out of your denial.

Reason why marijuana is better than alcohol

>you can't die from marijuana overdose
>once you become alcoholic, withdrawal will actually kill you. No other drug does this.

alcohol is fun sure, but it ruined my family, weed helped me get through the pain that alcohol caused

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Alcohol has been man's best friend since the development of agriculture by the Great African Kings

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Mood lift? Reduces anxiety? You DO know alcohol is a depressant, right?

also blackouts

>not getting cross-faded for both benefits
drink a bit more than smoke but not enough to get too hammered and you can basically cancel both drugs' negative effects

>weed helped me get through the pain
by making you numb to it

Tell me the definition of a depressant you absolute pop science fucking retard

depressant =/= depression
go finish junior high and then come back to the discussion, kid. A depressant just slows down the central nervous system, which causes euphoria and relaxation. Morphine and heroin are extremely potent depressants, yet you won't find a single person who's high on a solid dose feeling "depressed" in the emotional sense.

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>you can never get blackouts with weed
>you don't wake up covered in your own vomit and shitfilled pants
>only need one joint to get high
>no liver failure
>not as addictive

The stuff you say is true in small doses but then people become dependent for those effects and then become alcoholics and that shit does not look good or happy. Drugs are bad no matter what.

>Bigger doesn't know about benzos

These fucking alchies dk what they're talking about lol.. this thread is b8

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Keep drinking heavily OP and sooner or later you will find out why marijuana is better than alchohol.

comes from op. you fucking illiterate faggot, listen:

antidepressants are drugs that help ones with PSYCHOLOGICAL depression, the one you mean (melancholia, dysphoria, crying, fucked mood...)

depressants, which alcohol is, are CNS depressants that have nothing to do with issues you mean, cns depressants cause PHYSIOLOGICAL depression of the body.

their opposites are stimulants that do very opposite of what depressants to.

just because words sound like opposites/antonyms (depressants and antidepressants) that doesn't mean they actually are. they are absolutely different things.

I would get drunk more often if I didn't have to DRINK the alcohol, because it sucks. I'll be in the mood to drink and then after like 2 drinks I won't be feeling like it anymore so I stop.


I'm dying right now, is this person 10 years old?

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absolutely not

>Alcohol has been man's best friend since the development of agriculture by the Great African Kings
yes, it allows the peasant slave class to forget their misery, so does weed, but it does it better so the slaves that cant afford the weed hobby look down upon their fellow brethren who can dig it

the culture is better around weed, drunk people act like stupid fucks.

i suffer from anxiety and paranoia anyway so im too biased on this
booze is my posion but if anyone enjoys weed let em have it, just dont be a gay pothed like im not a gay alcoholic (used to be)

What makes one a gay pothead or a gay alcoholic (as opposed to regular ones)?

i geuss taking a dick in your ass?
honestly i think being so weak to literally need a heavy drug to keep going is sad, even though i still hate myself for drinking once a week (sometimes i drink twice and stray from my goal) and also due to me still smoking cigs

but i am on my way to being more healty, smoking 1 or 2 cigs a day and getting drunk once a week is better then half a pack/pack a day with 3/4 of a hard liquer bottle

that you just sit at home, smoking and drinking, wanking yourself to death and enhancing your narcissism which is homosexual according to Jung.

>OP buying world's worst weed

Basically all high school potheads
Only gay faggots who are also homosexuals think weed makes them cool its actually quite the opposite in the real world. I smoke daily, work friends know as i smoke with them, my buddies know and my family as some of them smoke as well, but other than that i keep to myself. I do my thing and stay high and it’s no one else’s business.

i smoke chronics


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Which is why whenever I smoke, it's ever so tiny of an amount. In a way, I can make an 1/8 last me just about a month.

I dont smoke or drink anymore but
>has deadiest form of withdrawls on par if not worst then benzos
>destroys your heart, liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, and brain
>legitimately destroys brain cells
>weakens your immune system
>can cause diabetes and hypoglycemia
>is the drug involved in most domestic abuses
>drastically increases chances if getting cancer especially for ciggerete smokers
>can kill you

>Has a non euphoric cannabinoid known as CBD
>CBD helps cancer, is a potent anti inflammatory agent, and is tge best known medication for epilepsy
>THC can be used as a safe alternative towards opoids
>if grown and finished correctly tastes gopd, smells good, and is smooth on the throat
>you can't withdrawl from cannabis (went 8 years cold turkey a year ago while growing pic related)
>you cant die from taking too much

And cannabis doesnt make you lazy, thats like saying alcohol makes you a abusive drunk. When in reality its the people own problems. Never blame a substance on you being lazy user, you are just lazy

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I like both at the same time

Depresents and anti depresents both make a individual naturally depressed from consistant use over a period of time

And your paranoia from cannabis ise comes from the fact you can most likely go to jail over it or you have some issues in your life you should be paranoid over. Drinking would do the same thing if it was illegal in comparison to random paranoia from cannabis

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What do you think alcohol does, mr retard?

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Nice pellet gun, fag

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