/csg/ - Christianity General: Sermon on the Mount Edition

For all things Christian
Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike are welcome to discuss theology. Try to be polite.

Atheists also welcome, but try to be constructive.

Pastebin for believers and curious folk.

Pastebin for Orthodox

Good Scenes to watch

>Jesus Anime
>Jesus of Nazareth Sermon on the Mount:
>Jesus chases Jews out of the Temple
>Jesus gives sight to the Blind....and takes sight from those who can see
>Roman Centurion has more faith than anyone in Israel

>Ben Hur scenes

>Why Atheists shouldn't discourage Christianity even if they don't believe in it

>Thread Theme

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Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice

God bless all :)

>being a Christian


How do I get faith?

Amen. May God bless you too, user :)

How do the two things relate?

>mfw Joseph lets himself be literally cucked by God for greater justice

Read ip on the topic m8 - its historicity and the arguments for the existence of God. Read the New Testament too, in particular the Gospels. Pray too.


Crude desu

let God into your heart my mate

Perhaps my dear bong and the ruskie will catch this?

That's not epistemic certainty though, which is what we're talking about. You're not actually *certain* - you just have high degrees of conviction.

Our faith doesn't make it so. Our faith is our faith. It has nothing to do with certainty - and that's fine.

Is that what you'd like x to be?

Christians believe marriage between one man and one woman. Atheists and others are pushing polyamory and letting their wives screw other men

Read Romans 1 and get back to me

Our faith does not make it, itself certain. It makes us certain (convinced) of it

I was just being poetic

You've got to mould your heart sometimes with your reason

Only way we can be truly human

To all our Catholic friends: sorry I couldn't get today's liturgy in the OP, but if you have it on hand, feel free to post it :)

I'm a stickler for terms senpai. If anything it just manifests as conviction.

I know people would like to use the words "certain" and "know", but we can't apply them. And that's *fine*. Let the scientism kooks be the intellectually dishonest ones.

Could you address

What I was saying in the last thread is that everyone knows God exists, and when someone denies the existence of God, your world view leads to absurdity


But you haven't said how you can be certain about that. You just say you are. That doesn't communicate much to someone.

"How are you certain?"
"I am certain."

>everyone knows God exists, and when someone denies the existence of God, your world view leads to absurdity


I know God exists the same way everyone else knows

Which is...

Romans 1:18-22

>And that's *fine*. Let the scientism kooks be the intellectually dishonest ones.

I myself have come to *know* grander things than reason

And I have *reason* to suspect we may come to know (no emphasis added) them through means independent of it

Have you ever heard of sentimentalism?

Okay then, next question.
How do you know the Bible conveys absolute truth to you?

Because it is the word of God

I really really don't like sentimentalism.

I love to kneel and worship His perfect body with my mouth...

Okay, next one.
How do you know it's the Word of God, and not something else?

God will not be mocked

How so? I'd say it's quite esoteric

Even religiously esoteric

Because God has revealed it to us in away we can be certain of it.
Without it you can't know anything with absolute certainty

I'm not trying to start a shit flinging contest or anything, honestly, but can an atheist explain to me how they think the universe created itself out of nothing without a God? Any God, I don't even mean the Christian one. Even if you follow science, doesn't that go against the laws of thermodynamics? Wouldn't this happening be, if you'll allow me to use the term, a miracle?

Genuine question. I'm a devout Christian. Protestant to be specific. Wonder how to harmonize the idea that God created everyone equal, but different races score differently on IQ tests (even after multiple generations). I know that all people are God's children and he loves them all..but why does it seen like some are...lesser...than others?

fuck off with this kike bullshit already


There is only the Christian one, and Atheists are looking for God like a Robber looks for a Cop

Read the Tower of Babel

wew lad, try not to cut yourself from those edges

We are created in the image of God, but we are not created equal

I think engaging in sentimentalism is more often than not a detraction from the reality of our circumstances.
God's Will shall be done - have no fear or worries.


In which way has God revealed to us such that we can be certain of it?

>Without it you can't know anything with absolute certainty
We can know thoughts exist. That's a necessary truth.

Thanks for the bump, check out the links in the OP

The two approaches would be incommensurable wouldn't you say?

By which standard does one *know* which one is and is not the valid epistemology?

>Cuck, literally endorsing adultery
Pick one.

I've been sick lately so I've been having to put off reading which is unfortunate since Goodwill has been a great way me to buy Christian books. Now I have to do some travel while sick. Well hopefully I won't need to go to the doctor again. I'll definitely need to pray tonight.

How can we know are thoughts have meaning if they are just the result of chemical reactions

Sentimentalism isn't an epistemology.
I only expressed a dislike of it. You could chalk that up to the preference expression of an incredibly dry person.

Matthew 6:19-21

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

God's got your back, bro. Keep your head up.

I'll answer that, but please answer
>In which way has God revealed to us such that we can be certain of it?

We can't. And rather than "either thoughts have meaning or else they're the result of chemical reactions", I'd extend your question - and my answer - to being "how can we know whether our thoughts have meaning, if they are just a result of chemical reactions, *or anything else*".

Posting one of the best posts about Christianity in Sup Forums history.

An epistemology is a knowledge-based system, and who says our knowledge can only be ascertained through reason or through observation alone?

I would argue that an emotionally-neutral observation, nay, an emotionally-neutral reason is practically impossible

Reading: 1 Kings 17:1-6
Psalm: 121:1-8
Gospel: Matt 5:1-12

God created different nations for a reason
Blacks are the cursed offspring of Ham

You have it. All you struggle with is using it.

I don't know what you "know" through your emotions. Your emotions are themselves cognitively perceived and subsequently assessed via your reasoning.
I don't deny emotions as a motivator. I just think they should take a back seat, since them taking a front seat causes problems for Christian moral conduct.

In an atheistic world view, you can't, but in a worldview were God revealed things to people in a way they can be certain, then I can know thoughts have meaning.

Joseph didn't "let" anything happen. He did not have any authority, nor ability to stop prophecy. No one does.

>I don't deny emotions as a motivator. I just think they should take a back seat, since them taking a front seat causes problems for Christian moral conduct.

I'd say it's what adds beauty to it

And why *should* reason take a back seat? If it is by emotion that reason even have its value judged

Cheers lad

You're assuming God though. You're begging the question.

You say
>I know God exists the same way everyone else knows
which you clarify you can know because of the Bible.
You further clarify that you can know the Bible is true because it's the Word of God. And you can know it's the Word of God because God revealed it to us.

You're assuming God as part of your argument for the existence of God. It's begging the question.

>why should reason take a *front seat?

My bad m8

Equal of value does not mean equal of gift. You may as well ask why did God make men stronger than women or birds with wings that can fly and man with thumbs that can grasp.

We are all different, and we have different gifts to bring to God's body. The ear hears, the leg moves, the arm lifts, etc.

That on average the african does not bring as much intelligence to the table does not mean he is unequal or undeserving of charity, it merely means the best place is not (again on average) in the decision making arena.

Thus Rhodesia was a prosperous country of Africans led by Anglos, but improper ideas of liberation led to the Africans being in charge and now it is an international disaster.

I don't think so. I don't think emotive expression is beautiful. I hold it as somewhat crude - God gave us more reliable things to work with in our lives.
I don't think reason should take a back seat. I think emotion should.

I presuppose the existence of God, show me in your world view how you can know anything to be true

Ah right. That makes more sense in context. Emotions aren't responsible for making value judgements about reason.

>I don't think reason should take a back seat. I think emotion should.

I stand corrected :)

What say you then to my same question?

That's fine. I presuppose God too. I just wanted you to be honest about it.
Whether or not we assume God though, "thoughts exist" is necessarily true. Other than that I don't know anything to be true.

Have you even heard the good news bro?

But what is then? Whence cometh value if not from emotion?

I can't imagine


>I don't think so. I don't think emotive expression is beautiful. I hold it as somewhat crude - God gave us more reliable things to work with in our lives.

I don't know if God values more epistemic reliability than the aesthetic of emotion

There are bits to it that are more Godly than the truth-value of statements

>In which way has God revealed to us such that we can be certain of it?

>We can't.

That question is dependent upon the level of certainty. I have had auditory phenomenon that consists of either hallucination such that I have not experienced outside of two occasions or contact with a being capable of communicating through my mind and emotions.

I can therefore say that I am certain God exists to the extent I am certain that I am not prone to invent sensory experience.

In an atheistic world view, they can't account for that. Evidence rarely leads people to Christ, but shattering world views does. We could talk about the complexity of the eye for hours, but that would be a waste of time

Look up presupp apologetics

Perhaps ultimately. But until it reaches Him, it goes, as a matter of fact, through the filter of our being

And the most essential and human part I would argue

There's only one kind of epistemic certainty. That which can't be doubted. There aren't levels of certainty - there's certainty or there isn't.
What you describe isn't certainty, it's just belief.

He values obeying Him. And He doesn't require an emotive disposition for doing so, so long as it's not sinful (rebellious, ungrateful, hateful, etc).

Read Romans 1

What is this 'Jesus died for our sins' and 'eternal sin' talk all about? I desperately want to learn it because it sounds very holy to talk about.

You must Repent and Put your trust in Jesus

All I do on this board is attack other people's views.
The issue is once you reach the bottom of the barrel, everyone's in the same place and just chooses whichever axioms fancy them.


Do you believe that if someone commits a crime that they should be punished?

These books have been highly influential in my life as a Christian. I highly recommend any and all of them to Christians or people still searching, especially those who take a more academic/intellectual approach to faith.

Warranted Christian Belief, by Alvin Plantinga

The Experience of God, by David Bentley Hart

Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved?, by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Practice in Christianity, by Soren Kierkegaard

The Great Divorce, by C. S. Lewis

The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky

I tried posting links to these books on Amazon, but it kept telling me my post looked like spam, so I guess no links for anybody.

He doesn't require a reliable epistemology for it either

But the very nature of our humanity, of the way He hath created us, requires that we feel as well

We'd be incomplete humans, incomplete creations, without it

And an absurdity before God

That is what you must do to be saved from damnation

God is omnipresent. The values He has are bound into reality itself. There's no travel time senpai.

Yes? I do that already. Have for 6 years now.

Atheists and faggots are destroying Europe. The bible even warned them...


Eternal sin? Do you mean the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit?

Yes. But tell me about all this bologne talk about this 'eternal sin' and whatnot.

Good, look up Sye ten Bruggencate Dustin Segers debate

Amen. The wages of sin is death.

How do I stop hating? Is it wrong to hate someone? There's a guy and every time I see his face I get angry and want to punch him. Even though we agree on most things, I just have the urge to punch him whenever I see his nasty ugly face

>The issue is once you reach the bottom of the barrel, everyone's in the same place and just chooses whichever axioms fancy them.

I'd argue we can't really chose them. Not in the moment

They're engraved in the core of our being. We can only just discover them at first before we begin to try and mould them

Although I'm not sure all of them can be changed without us going fucking insane

There is nothing wrong with hating

There is something wrong with believing that there is a fiery eternal place where you will fall if you don't follow the bizarre commandment of a failed 1st century jewish rebel

There is no time travel but there is logical progression :^)

The way His value reach our own is step-wise

Some great books you've got there m8, I'm a big fan of CS Lewis. Here are some more great books