Britbongs thread. Where you live? What you do for work or school? What do for fun?

Britbongs thread. Where you live? What you do for work or school? What do for fun?

>York, dole, drink big bottles of cider.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (1280x640, 5K)

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You fags need to get off the internet and fight for your fucking freedoms.

Hang on a minute. Weren't you working at Asda?

I hadn't even heard about Hitler dog until I saw it on here tbf.

Still Leeds, Still Retail, Still Nothing.

>Train Presentation Operative

Live on uni campus not far from Telford.
Study entomology. That's insects.
Fucking love it.
Exams this week though.
Not loving that.
Originally from Birmingham kinda area.
Fun is mostly music, Twitter, Sup Forums.
Depressing, huh?

It's more than the hitler dog you fucking faggot. It should have never gotten this far

This country died a while ago

>Lorry loader nights
>Drive to fast
>Surviving Mars