Is it wrong to be gay?

Is it wrong to be gay?

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Totally. Society act like everything is respectable, everything its ok, everything is a choice, but is not. Some things are natural, and some others are just sick fuck faggots

Genetically, yes.

I hope so, I like to feel dirty while I do it...

"wrong" is a matter of perspective. what do you mean by wrong?
religiously? Yes.
morally? No.
Biologically? Yes.

Of course not. Homosexuality has been around since man has been around. In certain societies it was completely normal. Nowadays people have a lower IQ than normal and can't research these things.

Why is it not wrong to put your dingle in another dude’s butthole? That doesn’t seem normal

Not if you're OP.

Certain societies that were on a fast decline.

In short yes. Society n snowflakes can be accepting as they want n I could personally don't care. But it's biologically wrong and not as intended. If humans came with a instruction manual under the reproduction section it would say , warning only mate with the opposite sex. And if too many people are gay it will be damaging to the long term survival of the human race.