Who /third party/ here? Since Clinton and Trump are the two most hated people to ever run for the presidency, it's time for us to break the two party oligarchy ruling our country.
/third party/ general
Strong libertarian here.
Johnson is a "trendy" libertarian. He's not a true libertarian. But still, better than Clinton. Maybe, maybe better than Trump.
Also, fuck the libertarian party. They need to stop being such fucking faggots.
Fuck Johnson, McAfee, and maybe fuck Peterson. Fuck that guy that stripped.
Fucking idiots.
Hoppe or die.
>he supports open borders
>Jill (((Stein)))
>"libertarian" Gary Johnson
Both of them are worse than Hillary.
desu this whole thread is going to be Johnson people cuz all the lefties went to Facebook, Reddit, and Leftypol, except for me and a few other freaks
Who /voted jill stein in 2012 for the first time/ here?
>Clinton and Trump are the two most hated people to ever run for the presidency, it's time for us to let Congress pic one of the two front-runners for president
You need to change the rules of the game first dumbass.
>who should I vote for?
>the kikes shills or the adult children with autism?
I love when those isidewith threads come up here on Sup Forums and people don't have their prepared ones ready, and everyone comes up with Green party as who they side with
>You need to change the rules of the game first dumbass.
How can you change the rules dumbass when you have the two parties in power forever faggot?
>Gary Johnson
>Worse than Merkel 2.0
Hilldog detected.
I am voting for Jill Stein.
>Give me a third party that isn't shit and I'll vote for it.
-American public
Trump is a god tier troll. He manged to full all you idiots into thinking he wasn't part of the elite.
Not by deadlocking the electoral college in this current political climate and causing another civil war that's for damn sure. You have to start with Congress and right now the Greens and Libbies have shit for representation.
>Give me a third party that isn't shit and I'll vote for it. -American public
More like
>I vote based on what mainstream media tells me to vote for. - American sheeple.
>Not by deadlocking the electoral college in this current political climate and causing another civil war that's for damn sure.
We NEED a civil war at this point. Progressives and libertarians need to unite or we are going to be living in Nazi Germany at the rate things are going.
>it's time for us to break the two party oligarchy ruling our country.
Trump already broke it. The GOP is dead, it's the Trump party now.
green here.
>it's the Trump party now.
Gary Johnson sounds like James Quall.
>Fuck that guy that stripped. Fucking idiots.
It was the Libertarian party's big chance, and they blew it hard.
I wasn't fooled.
What politician says the things he says?
That's what happens when you don't physically remove idiots from your libertarian social order. You've been warned.
Cant Parry The Gary
Is this where all the losers and fedoras are hanging out?
Dude's gotta work out more. He's got no gains.
>We NEED a civil war at this point.
>Progressives and libertarians need to unite
>living in Nazi Germany at the rate things are going
Soap box, ballot box, jury box, ammo box. Use in that order.
A prediction, Trump is going to win, be a middle-of-the-road policy president who somehow prevents the neocons from attacking Iran. The system will be somewhat self-balancing.
For third parties, any votes do help the general cause of third parties, whatever the wackiness of the Green, Libertarian, etc. First past the post voting is one of the biggest obstacles these parties have. Other factors are giggles, money and more money.
who is this sperm worm
Serious question.
Is there a way to convince Bernie voters to vote for Johnson?
>be a middle-of-the-road policy president who somehow prevents the neocons from attacking Iran.
That's not how the presidency works user.
You clearly are a kid who doesn't know the CIA and Pentagon are the ones who run the foreign policy in the USA.
>Representatives of Charles and David Koch, the billionaire industrialists who helped to bankroll the rise of the tea party, warned the brothers could sit out the presidential campaign entirely — or even back Hillary Clinton.
Enough of the "Dude, here is Trump with this person I don't like." You can find pictures of Trump with anyone who has money, Especially other businessmen.
>libertarianism automatically means your support open borders
you know you can be a right wing libertarian right? you can stand for everthing that is libertarian, just within your own borders. for your own people.
having said that, voting for gary johnson is a wasted vote. maybe in 4 or 8 years. right now you're better off voting for trump just so the left wing doesn't win.
>Is there a way to convince Bernie voters to vote for Johnson?
Bernout here. Will be voting for Stein.
Johnson's position on climate change is awful.
>Media will do anything to stop Trump
>Start giving the Libertarian party absurd amount of coverage in desperate attempt to market them as a viable alternative
>Convention is the greatest opportunity to show the country the principles of a little-understood philosophy
>Get naked on stage instead
mirin johnsons forearms
Collectivist pleb over Individualist masterrace GTFO
I'd vote for the Gilf desu
Absolutely me, barring a Sanders victory.
Bernie > Jill Stein > Gary Johnson >>>>>>>> Trump >>> Clinton
Y'all wasting your votes.
so you're for open borders?
>Y'all wasting your votes.
Praise kek that the autists and last line of defense considered by #NeverTrump can't help but spill and entire tsunami of spaghetti when they get in the public spotlight.
The US has a two party system and it will stay that way forever. Good luck to your 1,04% dude though, whoever that is.
>The US has a two party system and it will stay that way forever. Good luck to your 1,04% dude though, whoever that is.
republican party was a third party till lincoln
There are morecimportant things at stake regarding our budgets/taxes/everything. Get the fuck out of here non-American trash, and fuck the min-wage cucks that are crying about their jobs.
Theyre wasting our money on too much law enforcement, google any city's CAFR
Was there a time when there were more than two dominant parties? No? I thought so.
Don't try, user. He'll forever be a cuck
>Was there a time when there were more than two dominant parties? No? I thought so.
Fuck you, it shows that we can break the conditioning. I refuse to see the Democratic or Republican party run this country for a another second, let along 100 more years.
I'm sorry that you don't understnd your political system.
Back to the cuck shed.
i don't think you realize how many millions of people are denied entry to america and how well america is doing at keeping their borders closed, relative to europe. america would be an absolute mess with open borders.
i do agree with you on the minimum wage and law enforcement though.
Trump already killed/took over the old GOP. I don't think he will win, but we will see a very different Republican party in the next election no matter what.
Or even a new big party. Doesn't change the fact that the two big parties will always be center left, center right.
There is no place for full blown Greens, Libertarians, Commies or whatever.
>open borders
cucks pls go
Well fuck, guess I'm a #GaryFairy now.
>breaking out of the two party system
>before enacting voting reform
Literally throwing your vote away, this is worse than people who just plain refuse to vote since you encourage others to throw their vote away.
>Third party
>Not being a free thinking independent
Not much of a break away if all you're doing is regurgitating a different flavor of zionism.
>cuck cuck cuck
Are you one of those simple minded?
>Trump already killed/took over the old GOP.
> but we will see a very different Republican party in the next election no matter what.
One that will be far far more unelectable than it already is you stupid German cuck. Trump is a literal Clinton shill who is destroying the GOP so she can get elected. Now back to the cuck shed.
>a dumb cunt who's never been to palm beach
>a dumb cunt that believes the Koch media plants
Go look up Trump's deal to get air access in Florida.
Or Trump's deal in their turf in South America.
The Kochs own his white ass.
It's cucks like this bitch that almost make me ashamed to have some German in my blood. Go prep the bull, Hans
>Are you one of those simple minded?
Independent here.
I don't need no party. Just the independent one.
Not necessarily. They can always renew itself. They tried after 2012. Remember the "we have to stop being the stupid party" speech? Of course they failed miserably. But if they can reinvent themselves as a moderate center-right party after the Trump fallout - and maybe attract some minority voters, who are crucial for winning elections - they have a decent chance again. Also, why are you so angry? Calm down, burger friend.
Libertarians need to adopt a logo that doesn't make them look like a fucking basketball team if they ever want to be taken seriously.
Green Party will always be a joke, nothing they can do about that.
>They can always renew itself. They tried after 2012.
And look how that turned out cuck. Now
Ask yourself why Trump is hated.
>Mexicans are mad they won't get to invade and colonize the Southwest with abandon
>niggers are mad their nigger dynasty is getting replaced, and want to keep the Clintons, which are literally considered honorary niggers by them (look it up)
>Muslims butthurt they won't get to wage jihad as easily
>gibsmedaters upset they won't be getting more and more free shit they don't deserve
All reasons for Trump being "hated" are hollow and baseless whimpering from useless shitmonkeys.
I forgot I'm arguing on Sup Forums with fedora tipping 18 year olds.
Have fun voting in your first election and good night.
>Ask yourself why Trump is hated.
He's so hated that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the entire GOP leadership endorsed him.
>I forgot I'm arguing on Sup Forums with fedora tipping 18 year olds.
Cuck btfo and now in full damage control.
Third parties force the two major parties to reform their ideals in order to recapture voter blocks.
Do you even fptp
>Third parties force the two major parties to reform their ideals in order to recapture voter blocks.
Wait you are arguing in favor of voting for the third parties cause it forces them to reform their ideals. Re-read your post.
Basic logic? Cuck, cuck, cuck!
I didn't see any arguments, though.
Only because they're following the rules of the party. I'm pretty sure Ryan and many others would have Trump assassinated if they thought they could get away with it. They hate his guts.
>I didn't see any arguments, though.
Your arguing that you can only vote for D or R and I argue they are both shit and it doesn't matter who wins, it's all the same bullshit, so I will vote third party.
Now fuck off you German cuck.
Splinting up was good for Yugoslavia.
Why don't we do what they did?
>I'm pretty sure Ryan and many others would have Trump assassinated
>voting 3rd party
Enjoy voting for Hillary you cucks
Fuck Jill Stein. I'd rather #FeelTheJohnson.
My argument is that the US has a two party system because of its voting system and success for small unorganized third party is pretty much impossible.
>Your arguing that you can only vote for D or R
I don't, I'm only telling you that those are the only ones that can win at the moment.
>"reasonable" gun control
Gary Johnson is as much a libertarian as I am a reptilian
>My argument is that the US has a two party system because of its voting system
Voted for gary in 2012 and i will vote for him again.
I didn't vote in 2008 because the line was too long.
Alright so...What the fuck is the Green Party??
>Gary Johnson is as much a libertarian as I am a reptilian
Background checks is reasonable. I also think there should trackers on guns, so we can track down guns that get lost.
>Alright so...What the fuck is the Green Party??
>green party
Not an argument
Stop pretending to be stupid on the internet. You know as well as I do that the only reason they endorsed Trump was their promise to do so for the eventual nominee and they hate his guts in private. They're also perfectly happy with the idea of violent protesters attacking Trump rallies and probably hope for something bad to happen. Glenn Beck's insane fuming threats were the most open example of this among the movement conservatives.
organize a party that has broad grassroots suppurt and competent leaders who are ready to take over first. You're Libertarians (or whoever) are a bunch of whacky dreamers who are hardly qualified to run a small town in rural Oklahoma.
what a terrible mistake, I really have to sleep now
>what a terrible mistake, I really have to sleep now
Yeah cuck. Fuck off.
>Unironically voting for someone from Massachusetts
My state is a retarded baby
Yes, we should all be considered Independants, never associated with some stupid fucking corrupt party system.
>Yes, we should all be considered Independants,
I just did this last week when I re-registered my drivers license.