WHY DID THIS MAN GET NAKED AT WORK AND FILM HIMSELF DOING IT I need answers and there’s no other board on Sup Forums...

WHY DID THIS MAN GET NAKED AT WORK AND FILM HIMSELF DOING IT I need answers and there’s no other board on Sup Forums that would allow this content HALP me Sup Forums I can’t get a hold of him either


Attached: 7EA15615-6267-4159-AAB0-675C7D0A3F7F.png (640x1136, 960K)

Looks like a school shooter in the making

This man is a hero and deserves to be known as one. he took the risk that no one lese could, and he should be known as a god.

> not a fucking school shooter.

>I found who was behind..

Attached: 1v3639t58fh72543449000000.jpg (820x551, 41K)

Must've been on something.


he deserves a following.
i gave him a sub

Burger King dick lettuce

what the fuck is even going on in this board anymore?

Embrace it. Ride the wave, baby. It never ends.