what do you guys think of grace neutral......hot or not ?
What do you guys think of grace neutral......hot or not ?
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i think shes hot
I'm pretty neutral about her.
i think shes hot too
Wtf did she do to her face? Bitch looks like a fuckin retard.
hot 100%
Delicate frame, delicate face, soft voice, symmetrical.
All the tenants of an attractive woman. Just cause she has tattoos and mods doesn't take that away
love of my life op
she scarred it up
What do you guys think the psychology is behind girls like this? I’ve hooked up with at least a dozen weird girls who have pier wings, face tattoos, bizarre self imposed scars, fucked this girl with a full neck tattoo and a mufasa scar. Here’s the thing. M-F im a clean cut, 6”3 White fed in a suit. And I’ve met all these girls while I’m a professional manner.
Sorry on phone, not fed, dude. And piercings
sure, bro.
you sound really cool.
thanks for throwing that legit story out there.
No it was an autocorrect. Fed was supposed to be “dude”
Do you think they do that to their bodies to justify how they feel on the inside? Like they look at theirselves as a fucked up person that is wierd so to prove that it is true they fuck up their bodies. That way the world concurs with their fucked up self identity. It is a self fulfilling prophecy where they think they are fucked up, they fuck themselves up, then the world tells them "yeah you are fucked up," then their brain goes, "see i told you all along."
You believe me you dot makes no difference to me. I simply want to understand these women I’ve stuck my dick in despite having no discernible equal traits
im op but fuck grace neutral we got an undercover cop in here
Lol sorry guys.
So which organization do you work for? You're anonymous on here, you can tell us.
That way they can act as wierd as they like because everyone agrees they are fucked up. So in a way that is how they find "normal" to them
I’ve never been one to talk shit to them. In several occasions the interaction started with them being hostile. I’m a very pleasant person, a bit cheeky but nice and very polite.
couldnt tell if it was her arm or her clothing for a second
Financial district. I’m not a fed boys. I’m a guy who works in investments. I made a typo
looks like an animated corpse
thats racist
thats a bit strong
Financial department for the feds? Do you handle international extortions and things among those lines?
a beauty
Yeah ur under arrest
Would fuck 2/10
>literally can't say no to any body mod no matter how tasteless, stupid, or awful it is
She certainly used to be pretty.
Never heard of her until now. Not saving any of these pics, and not looking for more/better pics of her. Going to close this tab now.
Hey everyone! I'm the biggest freak in the room! Pay attention to me.. Don't be like daddy
dont leave us were lonely
good movie user
Y’all worry about tattoos and etc far too much. It ain’t that deep
who said it was i was just wondering who else thought she was hot
shes a babe
100% a babe
Ugly af
Dumb af
Severly Mentally ill and will lie to you, try and hurt you and try and ruin your life and then blame you for everything
Bb who hurt you :(
Attention seeking self destructive behavior isn't the best quality a person can have, but I'd probably fuck anything that walks anyhow. It wouldn't slow me down, but she'd be getting a burner number.
I can’t stand people with that much ink. If she gets pregnant, fat or old she will look like trash. One or two is no big deal but everywhere just wearing your complete lack discretion on the outside.
Why do you care so much? Let other people do whatever
She's like that nice pencil case you get at the start of the year that slowly turns to shit throughout the year. You just abuse it a little bit each day until its unrecognizable.
dam nigga thats poetic
Or what, bitch?
zoomed in i can actually see whats going on with those marks on her face.
so did she get the skin removed just a few layers down so it wouldn't scar? looks crazy
I don’t I’m just saying I don’t find it attractive.
Did she lop her tits off, too?
who cares, shes attractive nontheless
To you, all I see is an inked up wannabe model with daddy issues and no concept of permanence.
what am i looking at
shes not a "wanabe" shes a model
hate bimbos
This week
federal agent detected
she looks like a reckless faggot
girl on the left. before getting completely covered
that is exactly what a fed would say...
she got a fat pussa, small tits
girl on the left what ?
>split tongue
bet that makes the blowjobs even better
Ease up internet tough guy
she actually seems quite nice for a hipster
She who controls the Spice controls the universe!