Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

I'm not cut out for this whole life thing. Gave it a good quarter of a decade, but it's about time for me to call it quits. I've been fucking miserable pretty consistently since 6th grade and the fleeting moments of joy aren't worth the constant agony of dealing with the shitty hand I've been dealt. I don't really have any ambitions apart from being a mother and I literally can never do that. Dunno what I'm even posting this for at this point, other than to thank you for the past twelve years. I love you guys. Sorry I couldn't be stronger.

Attached: IMG_20180321_173929.jpg (2560x1920, 1.07M)

later op, also boipucci with timestamp when you can.

Those are some gross man boobs

Your fucking 2.5 years old? Holy fuck

Not sure if those are moobs, a shame

just become a tranny


Not sure if those are moobs, a shame

just become a tranny tbh

>another disturbed tranny takes the easy way out
and they say its not a mental illness

Stale copy pasta
Fuck off

Just become a fuckpet or something.

Well, we should really duck first, don't be a waste on top of all the other shit you complained about. Post details, and see if I can reach you in 16 hours.

Attached: suicide-nets-more-likea-really-fun-way-toget-to-the-16052121.png (500x327, 123K)

plenty of guys willing to date a tranny these days, and even be topped too! crazy

What does that timestamp even say? Are you wearing the puffy shirt?

Getting topped? Now that's gay!!

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Lemme get you to write something on your tits before you die

Would you draw a smiley face above your left nipple?

So you gonna post some time stamp noods or Fucking what you useless nigger?

Attached: giphy.gif (240x180, 1.53M)

can you answer before you go, why do you want those awful nipple rings. so many women have them, they look so bad. what's the appeal.

No bra is a nice touch, I like it. Hopefully no underwear too?

I'll take you, I have money and a sweet house. Need a sweet pair of tits and preferably a dick... i'll take pussy though as long as you're not too pretty. let ma saiv ya baby! KIK hoopmehottie

The fuck is that shirt op, are you in the 1800s ffs

nah it's good for covering up the chest when you're not wearing a bra, I dig it

Are you chink?

kill you? can I fuck you to death? XD

That’s a dude people

Who you are now is not who you will be at 30.

If you want to give up that life because suffering the 20s for 40 years of a better life is too much, then I guess you're useless

Attached: bb8.jpg (1600x1200, 158K)

Why can't you be a mother?

no uterus shit for brains

Well either you got some cute lil tits or those are manboobs, quite uncertain tbh.

Did they remove it?

Attached: question.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Probably never was a female

hang yourself like kung fu
go fuk yourself plox

It has a dick dude, these guys are saying "she" Ironically.

post pussy

Did you just assume their gender, user?

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this tbh

You ready to kill others for your misery or are you up for a chance?

What’s your name OP

You can also tell by the hand. Looks like a dude hand to me.

久々に日本人の方がいますね :)

Oh come on. Just put up with it.


One last thing, OP. Just, stream it for us. Something to remember you by?

Google translate says wtf


YOU should probably be the one offing yourself. If dubs, you gotta do it, Okay? No takesies backsies


nigger I can't squint my eyes enough to understand

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See... Probably this but before I read the rest of the thread, I was thinking biological female with small but nice tits.

I just... don't know anymore.

That's because you're not Chinese, faggot.


Attached: adfhdfjtyj.png (640x480, 453K)

my god, this makes me nervous


have you ever thought because youre too dumb to use multiple languages?


Godspeed, may you find peace in death


What's with the Japanese date format?

Also, your 年 is miswritten: the central vertical stroke should not pierce the upper horizontal stroke. Your 月 is also fucked up.

Show legs please

If you're Chinese just become some Westerners fuckslut. It's a pretty common goal actually.

fuck dat, just post some nudes.


Only mainlander trash use simplified hanzi.

I'm going to guess Chinese living or born in USA. Nobody living in China talks like that, or gets nipple piercings for that matter.

Try harder next time. Btw google translate sucks anyways.

Hey dood, I've been on Sup Forums for a while now. We usually get cucked out of life. i'm sorry that it happens that way, but it can only get better if you try. I'd help you myself but i'm too broke. Look for some positive vibes and find the value of life. For me it was nature and friends, but for you, you have to find your own way.



So, can mainlanders understand any traditional Chinese characters? Traditional is used everywhere except for the mainland, so I'm assuming they must know a little to get by when out of China?

stop believing the memes


Suck less

I bet the nipple piercings happen sometimes.. it's actually something Asians seem to have a bit of a penchant for; maybe not Chinese but I saw it on south-east Asians fairly frequently.

alot can but its not common place anymore

Attached: 220px-Biáng-order_complete.gif (220x195, 51K)

>leaving China

Good Lord, is your intent to ruin the thread you're in? Because that's what you're doing

You are not alone OP. The World is crazy and life is a bitch sometimes. But hope is just around the corner.
>Inb4 fuck off fag

Where's the dick op?

Hah, I can write that from memory. 58 strokes.



Enjoy your visit from the state police!

yep fucking biang, i cant remember the whole thing, and for the noodles you have to write it twice lmao. are you taiwanon?

Don't go user :(

No, 42 simplified 57 traditional.
You can't remember shit.

Oh, shit, it's on now, nigga!

not from china so

Attached: pinyin.png (123x33, 2K)


A two-stroke 辵 radical is used in trad, you dumb shit: 辶

58畫. You lose.

And this is why asians are good at math.
Did any African ever learn to write Chinese?
I heard that when Americans defected during the Cold War a few weren't smart enough to even learn the basics.


Attached: blini.jpg (235x214, 7K)

you can adopt one dikcunt, or go to poor country and buy one

>Africans learning Chinese

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im american white and i speak mandarin
i learned 8 languages also mandarin isnt hard if youre not retarded

Not Asian, but Chinese characters are just built up from simpler elements. They are not that difficult to learn.

Complicated, intersecting strokes are generally the worst. Ex: 龜, only 16 strokes, but much more complex to write than the biang monstrosity.

It's ok user, here's a picture of some other Chinese trap instead

Attached: 1517257783531.jpg (600x800, 510K)


not traps pls

Attached: qt.jpg (801x1162, 413K)

I would fuck both.