What are your thoughts on eugenics?

What are your thoughts on eugenics?

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all canadians should be exterminated


we need more of it

Who are these cranium cum-containiums?


Reduction of genetic diversity is generally a bad thing.

So you're some model in the magazines, huh?

Things that seem like a good idea at first often are not later on

Fuck me they didn't even need a selfie stick he just used his mind powers

What am I supposed to see here this just the average british couple.

Peaceful eugenics is a great goal to strive towards. There's no need to kill everyone who won't be part of your breeding program, just make colonies of those who are worth breeding, then enhance them via genetic manipulation (a la Gattaca). Eventually, through natural processes the entirety of the human race will be enveloped by the genetically superior race, and those who can't be will die off normally.


all swedes too

i can hear them in my head

fair enough

I dont think we are doing it right. Lets take sweden for example..
>breed low iq muslims and niggers via social welfare
>tax high iq swedes and make it harder for them to start a family

but who knows what kind of plans the jews have. maybe they want more low IQ workers.

fuck that imagine the thoughts of those two...

Pic unrelated?

Who is this semen imp?

Just do it



I don't think it's fesable to alter the genepool so that everyone has stylish heads like that.

Hey it's the 1 smart person in a thread!

Britain, you're already ugly.
No need to make it into a gimmick
we already have the monopoly on zika babies

>the Backstreet Boys

>this person thinks like me
>he must be smart

Clearly eugenics can't come soon enough.

I would hate very much to be the one who picks. That's my thoughts on the subject. What a heavy head to rest. Lol, puns.

He isn't smart. Look at the flag.

Depends what qualities you want to breed in.



Let's get everything below the eyes into the genome with this one.


ayy lmao

If those two had a kid hopefully the head size would average out to normal

Not supported by any observable data. Look up biological means.

Any selective breeding program will ultimately fail as flaws work their way back in. Easy example is dogs, so many breeds are victims of genetic flaws like bad backs (dachshunds), bad hips (Labrador retrievers) and terriers (blindness). It would require eternal and absolute population control the Nazis would have objected to.

That said, a humane volunteer program that doesn't stigmatize would be the best way, but mankind hasn't been able to pull that one off yet in any field.

What if people that have birth defects or some kind of congenital impairment/diseases are offered a check for every year after puberty that they do not reproduce?

Tater hater

It's more or less happening with short men. Just go on Tinder and every woman is blatantly saying no men under 6', even the ugly beasts who'd rather be Chad's toy for the night than get in relationships.

The manlet shit might sound like a meme, but it's reality. Sure, guys that are 5'7 or 5'8 or whatever the average get married or get in relationships, but they live a life of begging for pussy, a lot of them divorced and taken to the cleaners.

Any guy under 6' with his head screwed on straight might as well go MGTOW and live a life jerking off into an Oculus Rift.

I know a ginger whos 5,4 who gets tons of pussy from tinder pretending he has money. he charismatic and a good liar though.

>not understanding evolution

my thoughts are that it's a solution to retards

Girl at my work has a 6'4" and up rule. Luckily I'm 6'6".


Nigga eugenics is already happening right now

All smart people in physics and math go to universities, then get married and have (the only problem here) one kid

The only thing we can do to really make eugenics real is to promote smart girls in physics and math and fucking make them have more children with something like 2k a year for each child

preferable to dysgenics but still wrong.

Freedom takes care of this quite well, you don't need a government program for it.

if you are against eugenics, you are for dysgenics

>more nigs and less white is a good thing


Would get rid of the nigger problem, desu

Eugenics are the future, but not in the old-hitler way. Its going to be a new-hitler way with designer babies. It might be outlawed in even most countries, but will be legal in enough places that it wont matter for the wealthy. In 10 years from now you are going to see the elite in countries like china having children with aryan features. From there it will spread like wildfire.

Pic related

There is an autistic guy in my calculus class that looks like the dude in that pic.

Women = insane.
What % of men are over 6'?
That dumb blonde is 4' 11" -- she's near-midget-sized and demands a man be tall to date her. Fuck off, you.

She just wants to go back to the days of being a little child and sucking her dad's dick.

Angry Manlet detected. A good percentage of men in America are 6' plus, so you needn't worry your little 5'5" self about it

Literally nothing wrong with passive eugenics.
Heart disease and severe mental problem run through my family and I will not be spreading my tainted genes.


I'd really like to impregnate a woman, but I might be infertile.

How does this happen? What was stopping the exponential growth before 1950?

I'm skeptical about his claims. I mean how do you pretend you have money in online dating long enough to fuck them? They'll see you're not driving a hot car and they'll see you probably live in an apartment.

Unless he just dresses really nice and rents cars and fucks them with some "traveling and I'm in this town for a bit" game.

its necessary

we have about 6 billion too many people

kill the poor

I was thinking about this exact topic the other day. With GMO plants already becoming mainstream products, human gene editing won't be far off. People who bitch about Aryans dying off are delusional. Everybody wants to be white, and if it's possible to change, the rich will do it.

>How does this happen?
5x as many people starving, but it's okay, he saved a billion lives.

>2k a year is like a million dollars to a mexican