>15% polling threshold required to be included in the national debates
4 more points to go and American politics is changed forever. Are you ready for the Libertarian revolution?
>15% polling threshold required to be included in the national debates
4 more points to go and American politics is changed forever. Are you ready for the Libertarian revolution?
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I now #TakeTheJohnson
>literally whom the candidate
wtf thats its im a #CruzMissle now
I've swallowed too much mainstream politics.
time to #gotothejohnson
>pro-open borders, pro-amnesty
>Not baking cakes for gays should be illegal
>Maybe there should be more restrictions on gun ownership
Can you guess who's going to be #FeelingTheJohnson? Spoiler: it's not going to be the Trump crowd.
mfw he gets 15% and they change the requirement to 16% the day before the debate.
Cant Parry The Gary
Wants a demilitarized border.
Fuck that.
holy shit is this real?
open borders are OK if there aren't any handouts
it took me far too long to realize this
This entire election has been so over the top ridiculous
What a time to be alive
>cnn poll
Truly end times.
Truly pol, has there been an election as important as this one? Like ever?
>using dative to sound smart
>using it wrong
HAHAHA stupid cunts
Not watching him debate unless this is his VP
No it isnt
>open borders are OK
You've reached rock bottom
Johnson is basically a liberal
What kind of libertarian doesn't like guns
>dative case
fuck off you stupid nigger. so what, then a libertard serves four, maybe eight years. then what? flood in these spic subhumans who are all socialist fucks that end up electing the candidate with the best gibsmedats? fuck you. fuck your stupid head for not seeing the bigger picture here
>This actually happened
Who the fuck can take lolbertarians seriously?
>wanting two anti-gun open border faggots on the same stage
Democracy is also a problem
>Wanting MORE restrictions
Literally Whut?
I would love to see Trump eat his lunch on the border issue..
"Well Libertarians believe that garblahblahblah garblah blah...snort"
Literally a Trump assassin. I love it
You Americans need to learn about strategic voting in multi-party systems.
Johnson's gains are more like Hilary's gains. He literally can't win, but he can absorb just enough right wing votes to deny Trump.
This is why DUDE WEED is PM up here. Leftists decided the NDP wasn't going to win, so they totally abandoned them regardless of policy stance.
Johnson literally have a longer "fuck my shit up" haircut"
no shit which is why we're not a democracy and should focus on restoring the republic. just go back to wherever you come from you fucking idiot monkey
Reposting Johnson's immigration stance because holy shit fuck this guy
Literally worse than Shillary
As a proud Libertarian, Gary Johnson should fuck off because it's Time 2 Trump. That should be a rap song with some big assed women doing a swirled twerk..
whom is the objective case. There is no dative in English
>Right wing
l e a f
Well, those are Johnson's policies. Make of them what you will.
i don't mind some of johnson's policies
but can libertarians explain to me how the fuck is "bakers should be forced to make gay wedding cakes" a libertarian position? is he just trying to appeal to the fedoras in the party or what?
Johnson is garbage. Worst of the libertarian candidates.
The binary political spectrum is broken as fuck.
Libertarian technically counts as the right.
Johnson does not.
He's a fucking idiot and so is the libertarian party
LP are running gun grabbers
best to vote Trump this cycle
How do libertarians take this guy seriously? He sounds like a hippie moron.
Libertarian candidates tend to pull about equal from dems and repubs. Don't teach me politics, Canada.
Johnson is a terrible public speaker. I will vote for him out of principle but he would shit the bed in a national debate.
Which is really saying something. The LP convention debate was autism personified
Trump is terrible.
Hillary is a fucking liberal.
Gary Johnson is the only choice. Even if it means Hillary wins, I rather Johnson get 15% of the vote.
Vote and vote often, and remember, a vote for Johnson is a vote compleatly wasted
>"Trump is getting too powerful..."
>"Activate it."
Johnson never had a chance, he was always just a plant to steal away votes
He ain't even Ron Paul you morons
Gary Johnson's entire platform is 'legalize weed'.
not to mention his vp choice, bill weld, supported "assault rifle" bans in massachusetts
i swear this guy is trying to pick up the bernie vote
what a faggot
It's not. The position is I can refuse to do business with anyone for any reason, unless there are public funds used. I could ban the gays from even entering the store if I so chose. Ron Paul is a better representative for the Libertarian party.
NRA endorces Trump
LP anti-gun this cycle
I'm ready.
What "principle"?
>People actually think Johnson will get even 2% in November
>Thinking Johnson will be anywhere near 15% when it actually matters for debate participation
>Thinking they'll use an Investor's Business Daily poll to determine who gets into the debates
What's the color of the sky in your delusional minds?
Sadly no. He's got other shit like "Disband all border control. Let every Mexican in. Force Mexico to send us more Mexicans, we aren't getting nearly enough."
American whites aren't as dumb as Cucknadians. DUDE WEED LMAO won't work on us
All parties and ideologies have their share of weirdos, but libertarians have more than their fair share.
Goddamn. If they only knew the limits of politics and were able to take the 'long view' then they could be a serious force in this country's political discourse. Unfortunately it's the regular libertarian voters who make that impossible. It's a shame because this year's ticket (two popular former governors with records of successful governance) is built to have an impact especially given the weakness of Trump and Hillary being the most unpopular nominees in history.
Not an Agrument
>the """libertarian""" """party"""
you can't make this shit up
Oh, sorry. I've just been operating with his platform from 2012 in mind.
>Johnson type libratarism
>I'm farther left than hillary on social issues
Fuck I would take to the streets the day he got elected
>libertarian party
>only people who would vote libertarian are disenfranchised republicans
>scalia dies
>suprememe court is tied 4/4 """progressives"""/conservatives
>media starts giving you attention for whatever reason
>liberals want to split trump vote
>start pandering to bernouts to split democrat vote instead
thanks lolbertarians
Every leftist will vote Clinton in this election.
By their very nature, leftists are better at organizing mass political initiatives than rightists. This means Libertarian gains will definitely eat more of Trump's votes than Clinton's.
Open borders are never okay you idiot
Holy shit that was painful to watch.
Can't wait until trump builds the north wall to keep you canadians oot
my personal fav
I think he is gunning for the establishment republican vote as well as the bernie vote with his policies. Sadly, that could get him a decent percent of the vote. But I honestly think it affect hillary as much as it does trump, because establishment repubs weren't going for trump anyway.
Weld as a vp choice makes sense to win over beltway republicans. The dude was probably the biggest establishment hack ever while running Taxachusetts, he was to the left of many democrats.
>open borders
no thanks, cucks
All the libertarian posts and threads on here about how great the party is are actually just paid shills by the democrats. They know this is the best way to beat trump.
Why would i waste my vote voting R or D? I'm not in a swing state. Trump and Hillary are just big government cucks.
Trumps campaign is just populist sensationalism. Congress will never approve funds for a wall or mass deportations.
The LP will never win, but they can take away enough disenfranchised constituents to force the dems and repubs to be more fiscally responsible.
We're almost 20 trillion in debt, and it's us who will foot the bill.
but it's not wasting your vote to feel my johnson?
ok cuck
Damn the Zyklon B was getting to his head.
Even Bernie Sanders is against open borders.
try again nigger. by increasing the size and strength of the state you only make it that much worse when the gibmedats candidate is elected, which you yourself just used to bolster your point
getting rid of gibmedats first, then I would advocate open borders. try to actually understand his argument before posting
Just another open border faggot who just happens to wear a huge fuckin fedora
Too bad all his supporters are nutless cucks
can you say pyrrhic victory?
this is the BIG L libertarian party
notice how ron paul and rand paul were on the republican ticket?
why do you think that was, despite being 10x more libertarian than johnson?
LP has given up on fiscal responsibility... or Right Libertarianism as some call it
LP is now the SJW party. its all about the left libertarianism to them
And he still believes in handouts.
remember when america took over all the countries that allowed rape legally?
me either
why is that
No. I just explained the whole part of voting third party. If a third party gets big, one of the major 2 will shift its platform to absorb the lost constituates.
There's only a small handful of swing states left.
Fuckin libertarians piss me off
I've swallowed enough Trump rhetoric. Time to #SwallowSomeJohnson
As if the average voter is a reasonable person. That's why I don't have any hopes unless Trump leads Shrillary 60-40 or more, consistently. They'll fuck it up just like the election in Austria. Maybe even worse.
Libertarians are going to vote for Trump to stick it to Johnson while all the Bernie supporters will vote for Johnson to stick it to Clinton.
almost made me really think ya fgt..........
I #NowWantJohnson
I was ready when the option was Ron Paul. I could have even settled for Rand Paul, or McAfee. This guy however, is not exciting and only embodies the shot to eat parts of libertarianism.
Plus he threw that Flintlock in the garbage then tried to bribe McAfee to give it back and pretend it never happened. And he only offered him a few hundred bucks. The guy is a pussy.
cringe compilation of these guys
This fucker supports free trade. Saged.
LP this cycle
>Open boarders
>Force gay acceptance
and this golden nugget