Be me

be me
>pretty much NEET
>no real friends
>think about offing myself daily
what hope do i have left Sup Forums?

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roll niggers

Not much.
>good job prospect
>lots of sex, and a GF waiting for me at home
>lots of good, devoted friends
>still thinking about offing myself daily
Sorry about that, life sucks.

Have a bump

this sounds like some bitch shit to say but what helped you get to where you are?


No problem, user. It is about trying to be a better person, I think. I cannot help you define what that is, but I've had my fair share of shit happening to me (suicide, incest, rape and so on just run in my family), and weirdly enough, it helped me to find that out.

For example:

I did not want the women I encounter to experience bad sex, so I read every fucking ebook on the subject I could get my hand on, and practiced. PUA shticks helped me out a bit with girls, but you have to realize that anything beyond the basics is manipulative bullshits. Like yes, if you make yourself attractive you will get attention, but no, lying through your teeth to get pussy just makes you a shitty person.

I did not want my kids (if I ever have some) to experience the shit I did, so I went to therapy.

I did not want to be stuck in a shitty relationship like my parents, so I tried communicating more, and opening up to people around me.

I did not want to slave away doing something I hated, so I went after what I wanted to do, that is writing.

K op. Get a counselor and youll be fine. Current NEET here in recovery mode.

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>tfw wasted all potential on impossible pipe dream and will always be nothing and live a life of failure, regret, and fear looming over my head knowing I could have done something. A fate literally worse than death. Nothing in life interests me anymore. My goals are impossible. I really wish I could trade out my life for someone who died but had potential. I feel pointless.
Dreams aren't possible, kids.

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This is the best advice to give you

It has been beaten out of us.

You must treat yourself as a salve and whip yourself into action

Everytime you feel like killing yourself run until you collapse.

You're welcome and enjoy a happy life

is getting a therapist/counselor/psychiatrist a good idea?

are you me? am I you? so confused because everything you said relates to me perfectly.

some people have issues far deeper than anything a counselor could ever fix or alleviate. sometimes the best answer is just to kill yourself and some of us just have to accept that.

I'm sorry you and I are in the same boat of dissappointment user. Here's to dead dreams and pointless futures.

oi fuck wit read this

my only hope is that the day i muster up the courage to finally kill myself that ill transfer to an alternate universe version of myself that accomplished everything i was meant to do.

wish u the best

lead a horse to water

shove its head into the water.

horse drowns instead of drinking

>holy fuck stupidity

No worries user, when death comes upon you your next incarnation can't be much worst than this one.

no amount of advice will help me. i am destined to die at my own hand and i am starting to accept it as an integral part of the person i am. there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.

just go live your happy life until the day u die it doesnt matter anyway what some internet stranger is going through

Thanks user, you too.
Try to keep your chin up.

its not advice

its natural drugs you fucking idiot.

If you don't try what i said then you are not dying by your own hand you are dying by someone elses


It is worth trying. My older brother offed himself while I am still alive, and we both went through the same shitty upbringing. You can't decide what are your initial resources, but you can always bet on yourself. At worst, you can always kill yourself indeed.

not a psychiatrist. You dont need meds. Talk to a counselor. You can find free/low cost community counseling in you're are area.

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LOL do not listen to this psychopath. There are degenerates like this guy on b that you have to watch out for. Suicide is never an option, it's the only way you can lose.

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i admit that i am stupid for choosing to drown but i was never meant to survive in the first place.

doesnt matter what the race is i will always be last, except in the race for a quick death which is the only thing i believe i can achieve.

There's no way in hell I could open up in a group of people and most counselors are dicks anyways. Would meds help me or just push me closer to the edge?

>He hasn't read Cioran
Suicide is always an option, that is exactly why you can consider yourself free.
[spoiler]Don't do it though, we care for you user. We care.[/spoiler]

Well you can start by cleaning your room. Your room is a microcosm of life.

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same. thanks to my anxieties I can't achieve anything in life. and those anxieties are based on the real fact I'm physically incapable of dealing with various situations like normal people. I'm physical incapable because I have a worthless brain. I would trade my life with anyone really. I don't even project into the future anymore, I just distract myself from day to day.

They will either fuck you up or "works" as in kill you emotionally speaking. They did work for me at a time where I wanted to kill myself though, but taking them without therapy is absolutely retarded.

You could start to open up here. I used to do it when it got too bad.

Bro I'm in the same boat

>Am 100% NEET
>Not a virgin
>No friends at all
>Thinking about offing myself hourly

We should start a club. Call it Heaven's Gate or some shit.

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does anyone really care?
other than my parents and brother i don't think anyone else would even care

>Not a virgin
fuck off you're not one of us

Try going through life with a stuttering problem. That's me. Can we trade our lives?


I care user.

Lost it at 14. That's life when you are basically a male version of a slut.
>tfw incest, suicide and rape run in the family
I'm the sucker who will defend Shame at every turn though.

I would love to actually, cause stuttering can be treated.

have you guys gotten to that phase where you do pretty much the same shit everyday and the same time etc etc and yesterday felt the same as today and tomorrow is going to fell the same as today

Well at least you don't s-s-stutter when you write, B-B-Bill

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Am I the only one here who is a total NEET but doesn't care that he sits around all day playing playing xbox and smoking weed/getting drunk?

>apply for job
>interviewed and hired next day

Yup I'm NEET and the last 4 years of my life have largely felt like I'm living in Groundhog Day, I wake up, bum around the computer for a few hours, take a shower, eat, 7/10 times go get beer, drink, browse the computer, go to sleep. Life is suffering

>doesn't care
lost ya there,
imagining to have to go through life as a NEET makes me want to kill myself

Not really. I am 21 and have tried everything. Also my stuttering is not like th-this-this. I get blocked on the word I want to say for a few seconds .

how are ya paying the bill?

I'm too afraid to even go out and buy alcohol or weed (besides you can't even buy that legally where I live)

my Sup Forumsreathren

You're still better off than me. You can still text with people, which I bet you do a lot and you probably also have a social life. I can't even do that because of my lack of social skills.

The fame you'll get when you live stream your suicide

Dearest original poster, I will offer my most fullest and wholehearted support upon ye

I may provide with you some alternatives to what you may describe as "offing" yourself, these alternatives are to be taken with the most sincere of interpretations and with full knowledge that it is in my best interest to support you and commandeer your life over Sup Forums so that you reach a higher status

>drive to a nigger neighborhood and commit to most foul acts of a drive by against a wild pack of them // it will most certainly be concluded as gang violence, especially if thou leaves a red or blue handkerchief upon the crime scene

>join the army

you're the real psycho here since you're incapable of understanding the levels of mental anguish people can go through.

im sure you support euthanasia when its related to a physical problem but when it comes to unfix-able mental issues the sympathy stops there. for some people it's good to know there is a way out of all of this mess and that its not always a bad idea to catch the bus.

that said there are always better alternatives but to say every mental issue is winnable is laughable.

a lot of us still live with and leech of our parents. it's a sad existence

When I was 18 I worked a labor job for 2 years, it was basic as far as skills needed went but paid really well. I was living at home so I saved mad bank, got fired from the job, and have spent the last 4 years just living off the savings. I moved back home as well to minimize my losses, I have a truck but it's not insured because it's a piece of garbage that is unreliable as hell. So basically I just give a few hundred for food and rent, my phone bill, and I'm chilling.

>be me
>be living in Australia, not shithole country, not Amerifat or Eurocuck
>be 5'10 (not bad)
be have cutie pie 5'0 gf
>be she calls me an daddy
>we fuck a lot
>be unemployed
>be me and have Asperger
>see threade
>poor op

Social skill is a trait that you learn by practicing day by day. Try wasting your life potential and a ton of girls who get interested in you and could have fucked if it wasn't for the damn stuttering. I literally have to distance myself off chicks so they can't find out about how weird I sound.

How old are you?

Yup me here lol. don't give a fuck about today, definitely don't give a fuck about tomorrow either

>be me
>living in canada
>get a girlfriend, get a job, work on upgrading my high school diploma so I can do higher education
>have tons of sex with girlfriend, she also calls me daddy, lots of kinky fun times
>happy as heck
>dad kills himself
>slip into drinking a lot
>relationship troubles, but make things work
>6 months later fired from job, get new job, fired, get new job, quit, get new job, fired
>gf obviously disappointed im unemployed, shes going to university, working out, and working on the weekends so she sees me as really lazy
>few months later look through her phone, she gonna cheat on me next week, dump her
>still have feels, drink lots, end up drinking up my savings from all the working
>move back home
>still no job, halfheartedly work at upgrading
im so fucking depressed

Sorry about your dad man, suicide in the family is devastating. Did you have a good relationship with him? Did you consider seeing a shrink?

My brain is incapable of learning social skills, and I know cause I've been trying all my life.
>I literally have to distance myself off chicks so they can't find out about how weird I sound.
See, no girl ever showed interest in me. Not a single fucking one. Cause everyone thought I was weird for not socializing like the others, or being too awkward.

That's a whole other story, short answer no, we had a very strained relationship. He was a drug addict and assaulted my grandparents, scarred my cousins, etc. The reason why it depressed me so much is thinking about how easily I could become my father, I've struggled with suicidal thoughts since I was like 12

By experience. Meds will help you the first 2-3 months. Then you'll have to increase the dose. The more you increase the dose the more the side effects fuck you up.

humming is really pretty great, i like to think it was mini-meditation, as when you are gently humming long times, it really takes all of our brain focus into it so you can't think about much else.

dont want to hum and meditate and think its for gay faggots?

sing with serj tankian entry level babby song to develop your throat & neck muscles to help to make talking effortless.

Lol fuck all the people who think you're weird for not socializing.

I grew up in a shit neighbourhood and had to be rough, and everyone knows tough mfs don't talk.

It's different tho from being socially awkward because I am an alright speaker (Sometimes lol)

I feel you about that. I can see how I tend to be like my dad, and I don't like that.

You had a rough upbringing mate, kudos to you for not having crossing that road earlier. I stick with the therapist advice - there's only so much you can get out of a place like this, even if it is better than nothing.

But the simple fact that you are trying not to be him for the sake of others or for yours, it already shows you are not a piece of shit. You didn't ask for being born, yet you are here and trying your best. Even if you are failing, you're trying. That's a good start.

I can totally feel you man and it sucks to be around those people, but still it's not the same as stuttering although we can be on the same page here. Your problems come from insecurities and paranoia from your own head which is fixable by simply not giving a fuck. I have no choice but to be insecure because it is already written in my forehead.

reply if ur currently drinking alcohol

Yeah, phrasing myself properly is really challenging for me. Especially verbally and in real time. I think I'm literally somewhat retarded when it comes to speaking. That's probably also the reason people thought I was weird at school because I didn't give them the responses they were looking for. The more and more that happened, the more I started viewing other people as potential threats cause no matter what I say, I will embarrass myself. That's also the reason I'm not in employment or training because then I would have to deal with all that shit again.

Not OP, but how did you manage to get into writing? I studied it in college because it's the only thing I ever thought I was good at. Finished studying and got a full-time retail job to pay the bills. Almost six years later and I'm still there. I'm afraid I'll be there forever but I don't know what to do to get out.

Every day. It's starting to eat out at me

I still work to pay the bill (and that is the bane of my waking life) but writing has become like a second job. I started writing short blog posts, then short stories and when I felt ready I started writing a novel. The 8th version is almost finished now, and I've been in serious contact with three publishers. I'm aiming for publication in 2018. If that fails I guess I'll just have to write another one.

tl;dr I found out it is the only thing that makes me want to live.

Hmmm. Maybe writing is not for me then. I just thought it was because I had several teachers tell me I was good at it in school. I have plenty of ideas but don't have the discipline to ever sit down and write more than a list of characters and plot outline.

Congratulations to you though! Completing a novel - whether it's published or not - is a great achievement. I hope it goes well for you.

No worries at all, just keep living bro that's all it is to it.

Lol about that thinking you're retarded, I think I'm half genius/half retarded all the time because I can do complex shit sometimes and fucken fail at doing simple shit.

And people from school asked me dumb shit all the time, sometimes they would say hi in a emphasized way knowing that I don't talk much. Fuck u think I'm a say hi back fuck no G unless the person sincerely meant to start a convo then hell yea I would make a decision to keep the convo going. But who gives a fuck about shit like that bro that's the past. People don't even know who the fuck you and I

You might be overthinking all the time, fuck I do it every breathing second and it's a pain in the ass.

Try taking some medications see if it would help. Meditation helps alot. I smoke weed/drink sometimes but don't start that shit if you don't want to Becuase it can fuck ur shit up even more. I usually drink/smoke and roam the streets and have fun lol fuck even talk to strangers just for the lols. Fuck it I'm young anyway ill get my life sorted out soon or later

Clean your damn room