How come you're voting for Trump Sup Forums
How come you're voting for Trump Sup Forums
can ben garrison illustrate something without labeling everything
He is our best chance to stop the kikes
no, because he's a terrible cartoonist. he just draws a picture of things he disagrees with as ugly or obnoxious and draws things he agrees with favorably. I'm not going to comment on his political views but as far as cartoons go he's fucking terrible.
who is the best political cartoonist?
>that Jeb! message in a bottle
Who's the bulldog supposed to represent? Sup Forums?
Doesnt he support Israel?
Honestly the stupid cowboy hat and cigar image he is pushing is just as stupid as pink hair and facial tattoos.
In the heat of this nomination campaign, when Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have taken so much space it may be a little difficult to remember how momentous this week truly is for all of us.
For the first time ever, a major party nominee will be a woman. This isn't about playing the "woman card" -- I am a man. This is finally about true equality.
This is about over half the population of the United States never before seeing one of their own competing for the White House.
This is about catching up to Great Britain, Germany, Canada, the Philippines, Iceland, Israel, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Argentina, Jamaica, Australia and many other countries where women have held the highest elected office in the land.
This is about every mother, sister, daughter, niece, wife and girlfriend finally seeing another woman becoming the nominee of one of the major parties competing, on an equal footing for the highest office in the United States.
This is a momentous occasion. Let's not forget this moment. Let's celebrate how far this country has come. Then, let's work harder than ever to elect our first female president in November.
It represents his logo, "Grrrproductions" I believe
You need to leave.
That's pretty much every political cartoonist, though.
Post the unedited version
Because the Juden hate him.
Hillary is a totalitarian hag and I don't want that 5th liberal on the SCOTUS.
So then the fish, the funders of Grrrrproduction, is Sup Forums because we are mainly the success of his company.
Great to know we're in that pic, even if it's subtle.
Please don't send around these moderate fake versions of the One Man Klan's work.
I never reallly noticed it but it is fucking over the top in this picture.
Sorry for posting the zionist edited ones.
Political correctness is a scam and its killing us
Also he is the second coming
They've been on an equal footing for years and years you fucking shill, we don't live in a class-structured society, they've had equal rights for years, just because a woman hasn't been nominated doesn't mean they haven't been equal. Christ.
you see what the frist woman in office of germany did to the country, rite?
she destroyed it
did he really have to label the politicians?
The point of the caricature is for the audience to easily identify them
Fuck off
They said the same thing about our previous president now look at what happened.
Thats a good question actually.
I see The United States throwing itself down the hole more than I ever thought was even possible before we even had to worry about King Nigger.
I see my country, my fellow citizens, being taken advantage of, and us being made the scapegoat of all conflicts because of our fucked up government and how they peddle their bullshit to the majority of fucking morons and good goys here in the U.S., and all over the world.
Tens of trillions of dollars worth of debt. A more hostile, fucked up world than our fathers and grandfathers lived through. Literal billionaires like Soros working to destroy any chance at a country's self determination.
Its all fucked. I hope they pay for their utter evilness. 10x.
Fuck you, OP
His audience is people who aren't very well informed. For every person who says "this text is unnecessary, there's someone who says "whos X? I guess I'll go look them up". He's honestly doing a good service.
I'm voting for Trump because I grew up in the 70's and 80's in the US and I remember the country being mostly homogeneous except for some immigrant ghettos.
I remember the country being 80% white and it was safe and clean and the crime was minor.
Now streets are on fire, Mexicans are burning our flag and flying the Mexican flag.
My city is really more Mexican than my neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta was..
I'm sick of it. the country has gone to total shit and I want a wall and I want all these people out and all immigration to stop for awhile.
This country was not meant to be 50% white.
White are now 8% of the world population. We need our own space. Just like the Japanese need theirs and the Africans need theirs..
I'm not American.
But if I was, I would vote for Hillary. She knows how to run the government and is not a disgusting racist, warmongering idiot reality TV star like Trump.
Funny how Sup Forums always complains about liberal "safe spaces" when they're voting for the guy who literally wants to turn all of America into a safe space for white people.
WTF is even going on in this picture?
Very high energy. I like it.
who is tina? Does Ben have a side ho?
I wish I could vote for trump. I don't even want anything like money or citizenship for it. He NEEDS to win.
Why do you retarded goyim keep associating us with Dylan Roof
The ass pain of the masses will never allow them to consider our points when you make dumb fucking images like this. He is a sperg who gunned down 9 innocent people. Mel Gibson is one of the greatest filmmakers ever.
Move back to Europe, cocksuckers.
You will not have your own space. You are going into SLAVERY under the reign of the King of the Jews and the Hebrew people.
T. Hebrew Israelite patriot
>Mel Gibson is one of the greatest filmmakers ever.
muh Passion for Jebus!
He's taking a stand against political correctness, socialism, social justice, and running on a platform of putting America first, and moving us away from the disgusting "citizen of the world" movement, towards a more America-focused perspective. He fills me with hope and enthusiasm, and is a proven winner who I want to be the guy representing our side, with him being a lifetime winner in just about every arena possible.
He's afraid of nobody, and will never back down from anybody, regardless of whether it's a Democrat, Republican, the media, or a foreign leader. He's going to take a stand against corruption, and he'll be able to get stuff passed. He's not an ideologue, but will take care of the important things, such as illegal immigration and gun rights.
Perhaps most importantly, the Supreme Court nominations will be absolutely huge. There is no way in Hell I want Clinton picking three or four judges and permanently altering the course of the country. We desperately need to preserve the balance of the court to prevent a fundamental, radical shift and illegal immigrant and refugee crisis which will make it nearly impossible to ever get our country back, due to an influx of far leftists.
Yeah, it's bullshit imo. I'm going to reddit instead where stuff like this isn't tolerated. Wanna come with?
Don't forget, if he loses, were all going to blame you burgerfats for it.
>crime was minor in the 80s
You're retarded, the 80s was the height of the crack boom. Violent crime is the lowest its ever been.
Easily my favorite part of this picture
>Taxes twice to fill a cart
It would be super cool if he would actually train his talent and not half ass everything like a fifth grader. So Fucking annoying
He pisses off all the right people.
I lean to the right on many issues
because he is not clinton
I'm easily swayed by identity politics and the idea that everything wrong in my life is no fault of mine but that of our stupid leaders and foreign powers like china and mexico appeals to me.
I'm a union man. My daddy was a union man. My grandpappy spent a couple years killing vietcong and then he was a union man. I want better labor laws, I want a higher minimum wage, I want a country that is going to put its shoulder behind workers rather than bankers. By all means, I should vote democrat. I voted for obama.
There is no fucking way I am going to vote for a former board member of Walmart who made her fortune from goldman sachs after her husband passed fucking NAFTA.
I don't like trump. He's against nearly everything I stand for. But so is sHillary. I'd rather get fucked by the guy who is going to stop Mexicans coming in and lowering wages. If he is what it takes to stop TPP and pitting me in wage competition with commie Vietnamese slave labor, it's my civic duty.
This is an american way. You have to explain every little detail to all of them dumbfucks. That's why shit like Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece is so popular there. Unlike most of the other anime they just have to explain EVERYTHING as if you had a down syndrome or something
Because he's not a politician.