They're trying to get an illegal alien on Ellen

They're trying to get an illegal alien on Ellen...

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>work hard at stealing diamonds
>you deserve those diamonds


no, she going back to mexico

>Insert standard completely logical retort about hyperbole here

If shes so fucking intelligent, then why say she's undocumented on social fucking media?
Regardless of what else you've done, that means nothing in repation to a crime you commited. The dumb bitch should be deported. If she didn't want that, ahe should kept her mouth shut.
If I won the lottery and donated it all to charity, and then people found out I murdered the original ticket holder for the money, my good deed would not exonerate me.

>not Maite
Fucking hippies

Sorry sweet heart but you've got to go back

Daily reminder that the Mexican invasion will never stop

>So intelligent, such a bright future
>wont go back to Mexico to make it a better place


Good. ICE can wait outside the studio and arrest her on arrival.

What if I worked really hard at taking things that don't belong to me, is it still stealing?

u w0t mayte

>break into bank vault
>work very hard putting money into bags
>"I didn't steal this money, I earned it"

Isn't that pic technically literally treason

He seems to be completely missing the point.

>I worked really hard to rob all these banks so you can't arrest me for stealing officer!

You can earn rewards now? I thought that everything came down to pure circumstance and that we human beings were nothing but emotional meatpuppet slaves of privilege. Or was that last week's ideology?


probably gonna major in some liberal arts shit or law, but that's besides the point, why would you assume 1 person can drastically affect a country of 120 million people? Are your critical thinking skills this impaired?

This girl worked hard to get where she is so therefore you should cheer for her......but the racist patriachy keeps all women of color down.

Wait... She's undocumented, won't she have a hard time finding a decent non manual job in the states? Unless they pay for her work visa? Every time I apply for work one of the first questions they ask is if I'm a citizen.



If you and she all know the country isn't gonna be changed from pile of shits. Why would she so proud to wave Mexican flag? Why try to defend an already dead country? Why even mention it when you know it has no futures?

Huntingdon Park, CA has two illegal immigrants on their city council. An illegal immigrant will be elected mayor somewhere in the southwest this year.

>She's undocumented, won't she have a hard time finding a decent non manual job in the states?

Thank Obama for DACA that will allow her to work any job in the US while her situation "gets sorted out" which is another way to say "while democrats can give amnesty to millions of illegals without taking a major hit in the polls.

>buttmad retards who've never had a scholarship in their lives are this jelly

maybe you can earn something like this nice girl instead of jacking off in your mom's basement

>like any of you fegs watch Ellen
>like any of you fegs care about Ellen giving this girl loadsamoney


I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and [allegiance] to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

yes it is, they have no freedom of speech.

Did this bitch not apply for any other scholarships? I graduated this year with a 3.8 and all my school is paid for.

>earn something like this nice girl

>steal something like this nice girl


Im pretty sure this is a copy and paste. I saw the exact same layout with a male student.

Same words and all.


>mfw DACA recipient
feels good desu fampai

ICE, ICE, baby.

The law doesn't stop at your fee fees you fucking niggers.

knowing the exact date, time, and place of where this person would be, wouldn't ICE just go grab her to face justice?

Pretty sure she missed the point and even looking at her point the girl was bragging for something like $70k not $5k or $10k or w/e the cream cheese bitch got.

>liberals turning it into a race thing instead of a she is fucking illegal thing

Seeing as how DACA is a 2 year permit that allows you to work how has she had it for 15+ years with no job?

If you're not documented, does that mean you have no social security number, birth certificate etc? If so, how does she do anything like visit a doctor, apply for a checking account, etc etc? If she's so smart, why didnt she get documented?

all scholarships are theft. smart kids go for free and dumbasses have higher tuitions and cross-subsidize the smart ones. Doesn't matter if you're a citizen or not

You know ICE has to be aware of this by now, if they are at all competent. they should be with what thier agents are getting paid.

The fact that she is even still here just shows you what the ruling class wants. They want us to shut the fuck up and let them have there cheap labor.

So be a good American and shut up...

It does matter since almost all federal scholarships are paid through taxes the smart ones are citizens the illegals are not and yet are taking money from the country.

The fact that Mexican nationalism involves making other countries worse rather than making your own country better tells you all you need to know about beaners.


This wasn't a federal scholarship, it was a UT scholarship. Ostensibly, since this is a public university, it comes out of the public coffers. But almost all costs of running a university are pushed onto the students, meaning scholarships are also pushed onto student tuition. So if it wasn't her, the dumb kids going at full price would be funding some pasty virgin nerd anyway. Taxes have nothing to do with it.

Beside the point you fucking moron. Laws are in place for a reason. You break the law you pay the price. Fuck you, cuck

Very well then it may not matter where it is coming from the fact is a legal citizen deserves it far before someone who is illegal either way. The fact that her family has been here since she was 3 and DACA only started (what 4 years ago?) means her family has been leeching from the system for well over a decade and now the community is paying for her school as well.

>mfw going to a top 5 law school on a full ride

stay mad, basement bums

why does a legal one deserve it more if she was valedictorian? This was based on merit, her grades are much more of a gauge of desert than where you were born. If a citizen couldn't get better grades than her, then that's their fault.

It doesn't matter, you have people illegally leaching off your system, stealing benefits and rewards placed there for locals.
If America was anything other than the cucked arm of Israel they'd do something about their country being completely borderless already

Who paid for her primary schooling?

Hint: Not her illegal alien parents who don't pay taxes.

It's a clever ploy to lure her into another state where here, whatever the fuck she has, won't protect her from deportation.

She shouldn't even be allowed into the public school that she was validctorian of. She already stole 13 years of schooling from taxpayers and now she is stealing another four. She should be sent back to her home country.

they're from a shitty ass school in austin texas

>means she's smarter than every single one of her classmates on her graduating class
>citizen somehow deserves it just because
You're starting to sound like a nigger with them gibsmedats

the real crime is I bet some unfortunate urban youth was denied his scholarship and free ride because of this woman. she is encroaching on the already shaky situation blacks in American have to face in getting a situation, and that is incredibly wrong and racist.

>Admits to being undocumented on social media

Deported. Goes to show that intelligence and common sense are two very different concepts.

Because to get to that point of merit her and her family were leeching off the government hint: any form of medical treatment (glasses), primary schooling, etc. Merit doesn't mean much when you did it illegally.

ahh the san francisco of texas

not her fault, and it doesn't diminish her accomplishments. Who payed for your schooling? Not you. So you have just as much a right to this schooling as she does as a function of your own effort/capital put in.

Preach dude. People are retarded

Isn't being undocumented illegal?

Why is she not in jail right now?

Liberals are cancerous to the nation state

>not her fault
you are goddamn wrong it's not her fault she should of been stopped before even getting into the school

Haha, tell it to the judge you dumb bitch!

The fact that she's bragging and posting the mexicuck emoji is enough for me to despise her. She's a stuck up little bitch

>Who payed for your schooling?

My parents and grandparents through taxes.

thats like telling danny ocean he deserves to be on the forbes list for stealing 225 million #fairandsquare tehehe

>citizen somehow deserves it just because

They deserve it because they haven't spend decades breaking the law.

Sorry girl you gotta go

>having anything to do with intelligence
It's all a big game. At my school, being valedictorian required that you didn't take any extracurricular classes. If you were in band or any sports for a semester, you were effectively barred from the top 10 because the overachievers spent that semester taking another honors course for double grade points. They would also take all the non-honors required courses in summer school so that they could squeeze more honors courses in. Getting in the top few places was more about knowing how to play the game than it was acing tests.

So I could understand if your parents were vying for a slot in high school against her. But all you did was coast through high school and get shitty grades without paying a cent. You as an individual have no more of a right than she does

inb4 Ellen marries her to give her citizenship

Came in to state basically the same thing:

>brought to the US at age 5
>get private scholarships in high school
>get under the table job and use scholarships to pay for state university
>get residency
>get 60k job
>get citizenship
>become air force reserve officer
>making ~84k after taxes between work and drilling

White people - what is it like to know that someone who couldn't read, write, or speak English until age 12 is beating you in life?

>she should of
No wonder you're so asshurt about this. Are you mad you got rejected from your first choice for being an imbecile, fuccboi?
>B-But I'm a citizen, give me a full ride!
Typical bernfag

I'm guessing you don't read Spanish.

She deserves to be kicked out of the fucking country for using our educational tax dollars without being a citizen. #norightsforillegals

Oh wow you're right! Every citizen that has not run a red light ever should get 100 grand! I mean they have not broken the law right?

>no really mom I got a shitty GPA because I didn't fit into their system!!!

these are the people that vote republican

Did Sup Forums make any headway in identifying these cannon fodder?

>You as an individual have no more of a right than she does

So, a US citizen in the US has no more rights someone here ILLEGALLY?

Are you really that fucking insane?

so you could say she is a degenerate

I already have a masters from the only college I cared to apply at UF fucktard come up with an actual argument on why we should ignore lawbreakers.

Yet again - not every single student, but the student with the next highest GPA you dolt. You have to exaggerate my point because you have none.

Don't they realize that this is literally not an argument for their cause?

>hey guys, look at this extremely race coincidence
>it means we should do things differently now

Having 1 out of 100,000 illegal spics be a valedictorian is still meaningless, because the handful of smart spics don't make a big enough contribution to society to counter all the negatives caused by their gangbanger cholo counterparts.

Liberals are all about feels though, not logic. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn this cunt into the next Clock Boy.

fyi the bill of rights has been construed to apply to anyone on american soil, open a book for once you mong. This is obviously not a BOR issue, but as a rule, citizens do not have more rights than noncitizens.

still a wet back tho m8

lol so autistic

Valedictorian is meaningless. The valedictorian in my school literally had his parents do his homework for him because he was of very average intelligence. He went on to commit suicide because he had no friends and no one liked him. I guess he wasn't so successful in the end.

Does knowing that Carlos was undocumented make you find his wonderful sense of humor less funny?

>joining armed forces
>beating anyone at life
Whatever you say welfare queen

Illegal aliens should have absolutely no human rights and should be sent back to whatever third world shit hole they came from.

my job is to literally write papers for rich people.

yeah do those mental gymnastics to make yourself feel superior to someone else (ignore the fact that you spend your days posting on Sup Forums and have no accomplishments)

truth hurts.

Nice conservative, Christian beliefs you've got there. :^) I'm sure the Lord would be proud.

Construed by whom?