Who's next?
Who's next?
This autistic bitch
What a freak show
Hopefully all will join some weird death cvlt and be next. This place Is much better without them. Kids coming here and feeling empathy for any of them are a cancer. This is not a safe space. Nobody cares about these braindead fucks
dull your edges, nobody is impressed
none of them, since those people are actually just intelligent musicians and their personality is an act. Except lil pump might be a candidate, since he has that reckless 17 year old brain.
esketit will get deported
lil yachty seems like he'll be fine
Is one of thise guys Future? He'll probably shoot someone
White kids gonna rape someone
Uzi, Yachty and Dex are the only ones worth saving in that list
I love him but probably X.
yep. how weird that people come on the music board to discuss music artists. who would have thought????
probably famous dex
Pump or X. What's x up to nowadays anyway. Ain't he in jail?
Go fuck yourself.
>an act
then how come they never break out of character in their interviews? if its an act why did they cover their entire faces in tattoos?
at least with lil b, we knew he was ironic because in in interviews he seemed like a normal, chill person that contrasted his music persona
these kids are 100% serious though
also i hope ski mask and tekashi die next
is she cosplaying as some superhero or something?
nah but he will be, probably for a long time too if the allegations are true
Go back to your cancerous shithole, this is a board for grown ups.
Why did you lump Young Thug in with these kids?
Hopefully all of them.
Is any of them actually good?
Post at least 3 good songs by any of them, I’m feeling open-minded and am willing to give this trash a chance!
lil pump.
lil pump is the most obvious contender.
sent ;)
Being this triggered that grown ups don't care about your favorite social media influencers
>all the coloreds have the same haircut
that's Famous Dex
hopefully lil xan
destroy all whites
i think you responded to the wrong person
not your fucking safe space you literal cuck
I think you responded to the wrong person also?
A trip fag is really trying to sprout some redit ideology on here. Who are you? I have never seen you. Your brand new. You don't belong here. Your most likely underage. Don't ever say "LE" anything ever again. You sound soo fucking lame kid
last.fm thread you say?
Trust me lad you don't want meme rap to die because you literally can't predict what the future will hold and put in their place.
Imagine all the toxicity that might unfold.
*Diaper rap, people exclusively shitting themselves while rapping because it's trendy.
*Ancient roman rap, idiots dressed as templars doing drifts with their brand new horses.
*Cock tattoos on your tongue rap. New generation of rappers discovered that it's more masculine to get nigger dick tattoos on your tongue rather than face tattoos.
Imagine the possibilities.
yeaaa... try B for this kind of post
I want them all to go out slowly over the next year or two, with XXXTENTACRUEL being the last one to die by suicide or OD. Waking up to Lil Peep being dead literally made my day yesterday, I'm hopeful that more of these fucks will follow promptly
jesus christ
i fucking hate this board
go back to Sup Forums
made my day too cause I got to listen to his music for the first time and it was actually bretty gud
>two posts that contradict each other under every possible context
>le go back to Sup Forums pls
Actual brainlet.
>then how come they never break out of character in their interviews?
why would they do that dumbass?
are you 14?
he's not wrong
Xxxtentacion- rare pt2
Lil Uzi vert- XO tour life
Trippie Redd- Can you Rap Like me?
lil pump-gucci gang and at my doors are super fun too
>don't enjoy really shitty meme rap and hate the tattoo-plastered fuckers that perpetuate it
This board has gotten really underage lately, it seems. You don't have to be a Sup Forumstard to be happy that less shit music is getting put out
Unironicly this. It really was a breath of fresh air for music. I have no idea why people defend that culture. Maybe I'm just a couple of years older to not get it. It's also funny how the very same trip gay complaining about having a music discussion with just say go back to "LE whatever" instead of having an actual discussion on why nobody should care about these waste of space humans.
what about what he said was Sup Forums he just said he doesnt like memerap.
Also youre calling someone immature for not liking fucking lil pump have you seen his shows its 90% kids
t. Sup Forumstards
This VERY post means WE have a chance of defending this board. I'm totally aware how Autist I sound. But I'm serious. These kids will eventually leave if they think everyone is a racist pol user. it's working guys
next in fuckin prison lmao
>The literal state of Sup Forums
She's Leeloo from The 5th Element
first time I'd ever heard of that meme kid that died yesterday. I listened to witchblades and it's pretty catchy but still laughed at him dying lmao
so you'd rather shit up the board with racial slurs and buzzword insults to preserve your secret club?
neck yourself
>This is not a safe space
yet you don't want people to talk about stuff you don't like
Jalapeño > Flaming Hot
I sure hope he does.
Seriously, kill yourself
what are the mods doing, ban this moron
>hahah death and depression make me laugh XDXD it's not a phase mom! WHY SO SERIOUS (:< heheh
I'm getting way too old for this website
Nothing's keeping you here, I'm sure there are more mature websites that also discuss Lil Peep and Friends
Honestly, I don't like this new wave of soundcloud rappers, but still fuck neo-Sup Forums's attitude. I miss when this board was elitist as fuck, now anything new is dismissed as cuck music and trash. People unirionically mention REAL MUSIC as if it was an objective thing. This place is everything it used to hate.
Facists need to get the fuck off Sup Forums before this gets ugly IRL! Don’t test us!
lil xan a cute
Leave Young Thug, Uzi, and Yachty out of this you fucking cocksucker
Young Thug is objectively the best hip hop artist alive
Wyclef Jean
Implying these limp wristed godless urbanites would maintain their ranks when the warning shot are fired
all of them. in one plane crash. we'll refer to the incident as "the day the meme rap died".
thats famous dex dude...
He literally looks exactly like Young Thug before he had enough money to stop looking like a bum
Lil Uzi Vert - The Way Life Goes
fantastic song indeed
too bad everything else is trash
>I hope ski mask goes next
Ski mask at least has a incredible taste in beats.
He's mexican. Even said nigga in his early songs.
Tekashi, Xan
>Runner up because of personal taste but isn't gonna happen
Uzi Vert
Pump because, Jesus Christ, I'm amazed he can still string together a sentence.
Everyone else is at least fun to listen to
smokepurpp isnt really fun to listen to
Ski Mask isn't a fun banger?
all of them hopefully, look like a bunch of fucking faggots
really thought they were all the same person
Lil Yachty and Lil Uzi Vert are okay, and the rest are absolute shit. By "okay" I mean mediocre - not that they are good.
they tried their hardest to be unique only to ended up looking like the same basic bitches
>dreaded, colored hair
>le totally chill face
Can anyone here actually name all of those clowns?
I'll kill you
>kid at the bottom
He's like 14. Did his dad abandon him at an early stage of his life because he knew he'll raise a piece of shit?
Liberal parents...
holy shit there are so many of them..
love how upset faggots got by this post, keep it up
Fourth post best post
back to Sup Forums, kids
c'mon don't compare Future to the rest of this trash, at least some of his music is decent
the rest can die though, whocurr
how often do you write those words? you do realize it doesn't work?
So edgy, I might use this to help me cut my butter.
soda drinkers