I hate Trump too fwiw. Anyhow... Discuss

I hate Trump too fwiw. Anyhow... Discuss

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I have a better idea.

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What's fwiw?

I bet you also think Trump didn't collude to steal an election.

the only thing that was "stolen" last election was bernie's primary win


But hey, I get it; actual research is super duper hard.

People with iq's less than 120 shouldn't be allowed to vote.


you realize the a highly politically bias so call fact checker that is fake / bullshit what ever you want to call it...

>believing that site isnt biased

yeah cause Trump's 1000 russian hackers produced electoral votes out of thin air amirite bois?

Her deleting the e-mails was never seen as any minor point, that was skipped over, but brought up like 7 seperate times by the conservatives and is the reason the investigation took so long. Comey was asked about it extensively.

If you care to research something, beyond just repeating what Glorious Leader Trump Jong Un said.

I voted Trump. I have a job. I made more money this year than last at this time. The economy is better than it has been in a decade. You little whiny bitches don't even know how bad it has been. Under shillery it would have been so much worse. Thank your lucky stars the PRESIDENT TRUMP won and is your president.

13 Russians all brought in by Obama admin and approved by john Kerry

vs entries datacenters full of foreign money backed hill shills

vs 145 million handing to Hillary by the Russians and over a mill handed directly from Putin to bill

You Bernie guys were played so hard. But not in the way you think. The Russians weaponized you and your naive idealism for their own ends to bludgeon Hillary and pave the way for Trump. Please wake up soon and keep it from happening again.

>you bernie guys
i would never vote for bernie
just saying the primary was stolen from him lol

He was never gonna win the nomination because POC were overwhelmingly for her and they are the core of Democratic primary voters in most of delegate-rich states. Bernie people were always in denial about that fact and conveniently overlook it now to fit their narrative

Kill yourself

Can somebody translate? I don't speak autism

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Trumpcuck and their weak lies. Just spill as much bullshit with zero facts and hope a couple of degenerates are stupid enough to eat it, well it worked so far. Trump voters are the least informed

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Regardless if you like Trump or not, if you can't see the "clique" in politics and how corrupt it is as a whole, you're an idiot. Look at it all from 30,000 ft in the air. They're all corrupt.

>Trump voter
Pick one.

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> Doesn't like facts presented
> calls it fake news instead of providing alternate new source
> sites bias while not acknowledging everything is biased
> believes facebook-like no sources facts on Sup Forums over any website that doesn't jive with their world view

If you want a summary for what's wrong with the world you are it.

A bias doesn't invalidate information
Please show where in that link there is false information.

>hates Trump
>still buys Trump conspiracy theories

makes sense.

For What It's Worth

it's true tho, minorities voted for clinton by stupid margins.

(part of the reason why Bernie had a hard time in the primary, Clinton money-laundering notwithstanding)