Sup Forums YLYL thread

Sup Forums YLYL thread

Other urls found in this thread: keller&biw=1920&bih=968&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnj7Kr_5TNAhUkCsAKHdh2CZoQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1





His name is written Adolf, not Adolph.

What happens if I lost here

Really dude?
They're already cavs fans, but no, you gotta kick em while they're down. You should be ashamed.

you mean goybook you laff you lose?

meanwhile in copa américa

>can you see it ?

Why do animal rights group think people don't know where their meat comes from, and not that they just don't care?


so much for communism

Kenyan Fried Chicken




Not trying to be edgy but that picture doesn't make me feel guilty at all. And I'm assuming it doesn't affect anyone else here. Is this supposed to shock meat eaters? I've seen worse on Animal Planet.

Prime /r9k/ content right there

how would this be perceived as edgy, Michael?

It's to shock cunts who would already be shocked by it, A.K.A. vegan/vegetarian cunts.
It serves no purpose other than having cunts just like themselves circlejerk in the comments about how "good" they all are for denying their bodies nutrition they need.


I actually live near a pig slaughterhouse. You can easily hear their loud squeals echo in the small vally as they are being led to their deaths. Doesn't even bother me and I still eat pork




How much do they charge to let you piss on it?

anyone remembers?


His name is written Albolf.

you get BLACKED(.com)


Top lel

>"""Workers""" of all lands
>Won't upkeep the grave of their cult leader without getting paid (not a hard or full-time job either)
O i am laffin


swedes are one of the most powerful racers in the world


you are ignorant.
>when our brave heroes are busy with serious issues can't spare time for that


i fucking love aussies man



More pls



>open sour cream the sourest of them all

swedes are one of the most powerful racers in the world

i don't get why people keep posting this pic, it's not THAT funny




why don't you contribute

what the fuck

How the fuck do people live like this?


that's fucking bullshit and a violation of free speech. fuck that.





""""white"""" Argentine in the back ground

Did they really put an ad on their sign? You sure these aren't jews?

true, if you've never poured a beer from tap before then it can be a little tricky.




>threatening someone is free speech
did you fall as a baby or did you just not pass 9th grade civics

I'm too poor to afford a Sup Forums YLYL folder

The Pentagon doesn't need 4dicks to do their job.

>only a violation if it disagrees with meeeeeee

Cry me a river, faggot

anyone got that pic of that newscaster who posted something about a killer on twitter and all his nigger hoes where upset with the picture she posted so she posted another one where he's holding a gun?

Why don't they do it then?

Yes, threatening someone is free speech.

The fuck are you talking about? I'm a trump supporter dumbass.


Threatening to kill someone isn't protected speech, ya dip

ya blew it

go pass your 9th grade civics class and get back to me

>yfw 4chins has a higher isis deathcount than the US military

it's hilarious because she can't pour a beer.

Got me first try lol

>tonight on "Meet my rapist"...


online rapors are the problem you idiot we have to find them in the cyberspace and then lock up and steal their computers!

Fuck, that short haired one is a cutie.
She's a politician, right? I think I recognise her from a webm floating around where a Polish? Danish? politican says that non-European immigrants are ruining the country and she just sits there with this kind of cute surprised look on her face.



This got me gewd



>the hacker known as Sup Forums
every time

>hacker known as Sup Forums

Is that real?

Shit's poisonous as fuck

not sure who to support on this one

based DeMarcus

Your taste is fucking disgusting. keller&biw=1920&bih=968&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnj7Kr_5TNAhUkCsAKHdh2CZoQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1

Durr ive seen rotting fish-pie but i still eat that yogurty goodness

holy shiyt

You mean the meat we eat were once LIVING animals?? Really makes you think.



Many people kill it themselves before they eat it, without any problems.

Vegans are weird.
