He just said to vote for him tomorrow
I don't give a fuck, all you retard candidate fanboys are fucking cancer.
wtf all i can hear are women and the occaisional cuck
Build Wall
Bearnie voters should be sent down here to Mexico so we can use them as proper human condoms.
nice add-on you got there m8
>literally just one bernie shill trying to make people watch his stupid speech
>muh poor exploited illegal aliens
I can't take this shit anymore
I am now #withHer
OP is just tricking you dumb faggots into watching a bernie rally
enjoy this stupid jew's stump speech
Why are they cheering after every sentence?
Bullshit. Stop making these threads.
Jump on the Trump Train
>if congress doesn't do what i want, i'll use the executive order to force them
Wow this guy is openly autocratic
Not a bot, retard
Captain hindsight
>we shouldnt've done that
BOTS with programmed posts
What are you replying to, his speech isn't linked ITT.
Unless and until the separation of powers are restored America can't be.
literally retarded
"And they remind us every day that there are 11 BILLION undocumented people in this country and MANY OF THOSE WORKERS are being EXPLOITED EVERY SINGLE DAY."
>11 billion people
>in the US
what the shit
Not bots retard this is a Trump board.
go shove it up your ass, I'm real.
It doesn't matter to them. It may sound like canned or on cue laughter and cheers but these fools have Bernie-mania.
Wait a minute, they overreact at everything... maybe they're all wasted.
Not a bot. You are literally retarded. Do us all a favor and drink bleach.
>millions of jobs in energy sector
That will be the day
Yup we've been arguing with shills and bots for a while now.
Stop making these threads you faggot. He's clearly not dropping out. Somehow he is still not ready to admit how cucked he is.
He got the Cruz syndrome?
Good for you
He wants more domestic terrorists to incite riots.
Keep your powder dry.
you're still the cancer of this board.
every fucking autist 14 year old in the world is here sperging out over retarded candidates. its worse than being raided by /left/pol 24/7
He needs to see his cali turnout.
We all need to see his cali turnout.
Jew fucker better whoop that bitch's ass.
Sanders v. Trump or bust.
Get off the thread about a candidate if you don't want to hear about a candidate, spic.
I live in chicago I can't own a gun.
Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary Go away $hills for $hillary
The old Jewish man who is a career politician and spent the most money during the race lost and their first reaction is to call foul and say that the system was rigged against him?
>wants whitey to pay reparations to native americans and blacks for shit that happened 150 years ago
>unironically believes that the wage gap is due to sexism
>unironically believes that we can pay for all his free shit when we are already averaging $1 trillion in deficit per year
why would anyone need to listen to that horrible noise for 10 hours?
has hernie talked yet?
the guy cracks little smiles everytime the political infants cheer over his buzzwords. The guy is classic snake oil salesman and he's not even hiding it. The naivete of people my age is astounding, they really really really need to get off the drugs and stop aiding communist demoralization
I only got interested in politics because of Bernie Sanders.
I had to drop him last summer once he started endorsing blm and the wage gap.
Who do you support now?
Well I was OBSESSED with Trump for months.
Spent all of my time either on the general or watching rallies and interviews.
That all changed when I actually went to one of his rallies in Atlanta and came to the conclusion that this entire election was a fraud. I'm not trying to stir up trouble or hate on anyone who supports Trump. I'm glad he's going to be the next president. But I can't vote for him because I don't trust him. It was the first time I ever registered to vote and was even going to vote for him the day after the rally.
I'm doing community service right now. I hand free food out with the elderly and retarded to obese people and mexicans that can't speak english at the food bank and spend all day thinking about how Hitler was right.
I'm ready for Trump to be president already. Or for a major war.
HOLY SHIT! Bernie just endorsed TRUMP!!!! Are you watching this!!! Get in here now.
"We came a long way, but there is no way to win this rigged primary. Hillary must be stopped. Ths is why i am throwing my suport behind Donald Trump."- Bernie Sanders.
I feel breety bad about Bern dog, but im not voting for Hilldog of the gun trashing NEW Build-wall
what the fuck is this post
>I'm glad Trump is going to be the next president
>I can't vote for Trump
>volunteering to give food to those in need
>hate those in need
>Hitler was right
literally what are you even trying to say
I'm just describing my life.
It's community service for a dui.
I wanted to work in the parks but my mom nagged me to find something immediately. The food bank was the most convenient option.
I don't trust Trump but I'm excited to see how it affects culture.
I never said I hate those in need.
I believe the food bank I work for helps people feel dependent and depressed and useless.
Hitler was right, big deal.
Stefan is owned by the Jews. I watch him every night to sleep to but I know he's just another pawn.
These candidate threads are full of nothing but retards and mental patients.
That's right!
>mfw Bernie runs third party and nobody gets 270
Dude you need to reevaluate your life
What are you 16?
not an argument
But seriously.
I evaluate my life every second of every day.
It is what it is.
I'm just grateful I'm not in the rural south anymore.
this pls
You cannot make this shit up. The amount of delusion is nearing mental illness.
This is not funny anymore.
I got my first dui when I was 19
I crashed my car into a sign
I was trying to kill myself but obviously not bad enough
gave a lawyer 2500 to drop it to a wreckless driving
Only thing he did was waste 4 months of my life
Single mother households is a plague
The Republican congress will just select Trump
>using money to win politics while at the same time denouncing the power of money to win politics.
Cant wait for mass seppuku for the autists.
If only Bernie had it in him to be so based. I'd forgive the great state of Vermont immediately if that were the case.
But sadly, Bernie is both an unapologetic commie and a godless Jew cunt. I can't imagine he aspires to anything less than complete Jewish control of all infant foreskins, as well as complete incompetent commie control of the world's economies.
Thanks, I listened to that while reading the news and my Twitter feed tonight.
This. For those who haven't passed civics, here is exactly what will happen:
>the vote goes to house of representatives
>however each state gets exactly one vote
>most states are republican states by far
If it happened, then the cuckservatives would be forced to choose between conceding Trump victory and ending their own careers forever by pushing the button to install Killarybot 9000.