Why are women more likely to be blue-pilled and ultra-liberal?
Why are women more likely to be blue-pilled and ultra-liberal?
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It allows them to chalk up their personal shortcomings to sexism.
Because women are natural nurturers and they know that a liberal government and society are better for raising children.
There is no blue-pilled or ultra-liberal women.
Women literally follow an ideology which is currently dominating/trending. Even if it is Hitlerism or Mugabism.
Unfortunately, most of media sources are controlled by the (((Jews))) whom many White Manginas follow, women too.
because it's the default position in this society and they want to fit in
Women as we know are highly improbable to power. Currently they listen to whoever is talking down to them (i.e. College professors, teachers) or all inclusive groups that make them feel like they are accomplishing something by just participating. Keep in mind that this is their nature. Just as the Nazi's swept through Europe the women of the invaded were flocking for marriages with officers and soldiers. Don't be fooled by the idea of loyalty or "red pilled" women, you're giving them too much credit. Mileage may vary as this is just my observation.
They read Sup Forums
Seriously, women pick up creep vibes. And most creeps tend to be right-leaning and red pilled.
Because they're dumb.
yes, hence the push for abortions
Damn women have it so easy. That girl is just a literal sex object. All she has to do is exist and objectified, and men worship her. She requires no skills, no charisma.
And then at the end of the day, we are still expected to see them as "equal to us", even though men have to adhere to feminism and chivalry at the same time! Women are not expected to adhere to gender roles yet men are!
their brains didnt evolve to try and understand the world for their survival. their brains evolved to try and go along withthe crowd for their survival.
Because the republicans have been a joke for the past couple decades
They seek social approval and the masses trend dumb. So they adhere to the retarded beliefs of normies.
True but this has nothing to do with a political stance. Most powerful white men tend to be Conservatives or just your average Republican.
They never think for themselves, they just try to fit in. Most females are liberal because the people around them are liberal.
muh dick, i wanna suck those toes
>All she has to do is exist and objectified
Liberal government's move society away from K-selection and toward r-selection. Could it be that women are more satisfied with breeding many children with less effort put into each one?
Because men's ultimate goal is success while women's ultimate goal is attention.
Most powerful men are the Jews.
Do not understimate them.
Jews are wicked masters of trickery.
good-looking men have easy lives as well.
I'm just waiting for the "my gf is redpilled" faggots.
Women are emotional creatures and they think with their feelings not with logic.
Leftism/progressivism is one big appeal to emotion and girls eat it up like candy.
Do you think many women living in fascist regimes were liberal dissidents? Women inevitably go the path of the least resistance, that's all you need to know.
Women follow whatever is popular, they are biologically driven to be agreeable in group setting, they are desperate to fit in, they don't tend to have their own opinions, just what everyone else thinks, or what is the dominant narrative in society. Our media push multiculturalism = women like multiculturalism.
They extremely susceptible to propaganda.
If the narrative suddenly switched to the far right, they'd immediately jump ship. See Eastern Europe for example. Many of those women are full blown 1488ers, but that's because Eastern Europe is racist as fuck from top to bottom & socially that's more acceptable than being a self loathing cuck.
Fuck dude my gf broke up with me for being a conservative trump supporter. She really believed Bernie was going to save her from all her shortcomings and mental disorders.
Because they're smarter than you.
They at least have to work for the first 40 years.
Women won't pay for them.
Because most aren't even remotely interested in politics, and instead just follow fads.
It's easy being a liberal because if anything challenges your beliefs, you can just resort to emotional appeal. It's the least offensive standpoint.
Women have no ability to attack. Their genetic default position is to submit, or avoid conflict. Every issue that requires you to attack someone women will try to avoid.
- Dealing with homeless people. Women will never vote to just fucking kill them.
- Use the military
- Deal with aggressive protesters/riots.
Women in power will NEVER solve an issue that requires you to be in CONFLICT. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
because muh feelings
Because it allows them to have a steady income while getting triple penetrated by any cock that isn't white.
It's not whining, it's the truth. I am making a post on a public imageboard.
Chad Thundercock has an easy life too, yes, but still, nowhere near as easy as a good looking woman.
Basic self-interest.
The right made the bizarre choice to make anti-abortion one of its main talking points during the last few election cycles.
Why would women support a party that seeks to limit their freedom?
Careful Sven, it sounds like you've had an awful lot to think today. Don't want you getting in trouble for it.
>they are biologically driven to be agreeable in group setting
There's that cunt who made an entire business with women only, and that' exactly what happened. They wouldn't do shit unless everyone agreed on it.
They have no responsibility.
If shit hits the fan, it is not them who will pay the price.
Men pay the most taxes and have the most workplace deaths. Women don't care.
If it is a takeover they will spread their legs while their brothers and sons get gunned down. Women don't care.
If it is to be war, it will be men who will go to die for the foolishness of their fathers. Women will not care.
Fuck, they will see themselves the victim of their men's incompetence. They will see these things as reasons over why they are superior to the men they doom to their deaths. It is because they were lazy that they are poor. It is because they are weak that they were over run and invaded. It is because they are violent brutes that they go to war.
They will take no responsibility for the role they played in any of this. They will not care that their vote is what crashed the welfare system, that over ran their country, that caused this war. This is why they are "blue pilled." They do not need to face the truth because they will be shielded from the truth by the lives of people they hold nothing but contempt for.
Women support abortion laws because they are left without support (mostly Black women are supporters of abortions).
Women who are married and already have children are far less likely to support abortions.
do you think you could ever trust something like this to be redpilled?
Bimbo has SONIC YOUTH T-shirt on; guaranteed to not have one clue who/what SY was and is. "Yeah, it's a cool design, riiiiight? Soooo edgy!" What a fool.
feminism and the portrayal of how women have been treated throughout history in western media. men are demons who oppressed them for centuries and now they're "fighting back" with ghostbusters remakes useless arts degrees.
in other words, some kikey women stirred the pot big time with "feminist theory" in the early-mid 20th century and now everyone gets to cash in on the new hip trend of hating white men and fucking tyrone down the block
You're vastly overestimating the female capability of socio-political analysis. It's just like said. Women follow the general trend. In Eastern Europe Stacy tier grills are openly racist, homophobic and agree that feminism is for bitter old women. Women don't really care about violence either. If anything, a female is programed by nature to watch males violently competing for them.
While all-male Armies conquer entire countries/continents, all-female staff couldn't figure out how how to run a TV channel.
Angela Merkel
Oh shit you are right.
Women want, and currently receive, "equality" AND special treatment. Feminism and chivalry simultaneously. Women are such inferior beings.
Because most women spend their entire lives being coddled and consequently become very weak-minded.
There is nothing a woman likes better than to see a guy get wrecked, physically destroyed, or humiliated. They are evolutionary, eugenic judges, and every time they reject a guy they think they are saving the human race.
East asians are usually pretty redpilled
women naturally have a rather weak position in society, so they often flock to the liberal position that tells them they fight for their empowerment
bernie and the women pay gap is a good example of this
Virtue signalling. To go against the grain as a woman is to expose yourself to scorn from other hoes. Think Mean Girls, because really, women don't really advance past that point (in general). By doing what is cool and making sure everyone knows, they save themselves from any kind of adversity, which is what women are good at.
Actually it's the opposite.
Women are for more sensitive to external threats and more likely to choose a mate or other means of support to avoid risks.
It's completely rational for them.
However, the beta-supporters are the ones with weak minds and out of testosterone.
Many tend to feel, not think. These kinds of people are happier living a lie than facing/wanting to know the hard truth.
>women naturally have a rather weak position in society
How? Yes, they are naturally inferior, but white western women are the most privileged class of people in human existence, and in human history. The western world makes sure that they live life on tutorial mode with cheats enabled.
whoa you guys sure do know a lot about women.
>more likely to choose a mate or other means of support to avoid risks
This is what I mean though. They rely a lot more on mates to cater to their needs. Men are just as sensitive to external threats as women, but must always look out for themselves. This is why men tend to be much more based and redpilled than your average woman.
>See Eastern Europe for example. Many of those women are full blown 1488ers, but that's because Eastern Europe is racist as fuck from top to bottom & socially that's more acceptable than being a self loathing cuck.
Seriously. Just visit
All slavic chicks lol.
like, they can't really be leaders or handle tough jobs and then if they insist on relying on themselves they will have less respect, less pay...
the liberals mostly answer by "don't worry, you will get the equal outcome with us"
They really aren't as long as you stay away from the obvious red flags.
>Majoring in Sociology/Women's/Gender Studies
>Dyed hair/sidecut
>Considers herself "bisexual"
>Watches anime
Feelings instead of logic
If it's so easy, why are there so few women world leaders?
It really depends on the woman and the area. Just went out with some broad earlier today. Among her gems were:
>A Clinton/Clinton ticket would be awesome
>What country has ever built a wall?
>Israel has a wall with who?
>Oh, but now they get bombed.
Build wall. Get bombed.
That's not my problem. This is what happens when you force women into a man's world. They still get spoiled in may ways to offset their inferiority.
Women did not evolve to lead, men did.
>Looks at flag again
That explains it.
>Why are women more likely to be blue-pilled and ultra-liberal?
>That's not my problem. This is what happens when you force women into a man's world.
agree with both of that. and still this circumstance will lead to women clinging to the liberals to "help them". Society never told them something different..
Makes sense. For women, from a biological perspective, having a child and raising it is a huge toll on her, where a man can father many children without so much as an afterthought. With government stepping in and making each child less of a investment to a woman, it theoretically can put her on par with a man as far as genetic reproduction goes. Still, better to have quality over quantity. Educated women recognize this and thus the lower birthrates among women with higher education, even those who do not work outside the home.
But women still benefit from feminism and chivalry at the same time. I don't see how they have it hard at all. Men are still expected to be "real men" and serve women on a golden platter.
Women are sort of liberal by default when they're single and childless. Almost all of the ones that are right-wing/conservative when they're young are those who were raised in strongly traditional households or are very socially dominant and high on the social hierarchy, from what I've noticed.
The thing is they become massively more conservative once they have kids and will highly value stability and safety-oriented values on order to protect the chilluns. Conservative parties were often in favor of women's suffrage because they saw that women tend to be more religious than men and (correctly) predicted that they could be used as a bulwark against socialist parties in the early 20th century.
That being said the large majority of them, like men, are politically apathetic or without strong opinions and will more-or-less go with the flow.
some women get a double bonus, while there are also those that only ever get to be the "assistant" of a man at a relatively low pay.
but if you're a somewhat normal woman you can definitely reap benefits from society nowadays
Because a shitload of insecure dudes on the Internet are the only ones interested in having a meaningless online debate about something they can neither control, have any experience with, and allows them to fool themselves into thinking theyre superior
Women will never take responsibility for their actions which in turn renders their self respect to be nonexistent. This is magnified in homes without fathers, and thus they perform for validation in all walks of life. These are the end times, it is not ever going to get better. Even if Trump wins, liberals will simply become even more virulent.
Because they need men to tell them what to think and do dipshit.
Because women will do and say whatever that gets them the most attention and acception from society.
You're right: degenerate, faggot, liberal behavior is really healthy for kids who don't yet possess the mental fortitude to distinguish mental illness and normalcy
not always true :^(
This is where men start to get dumb. Women that go into Nazi or other extreme right-wing stuff do it because they want to impress Chad, and because they know that the Internet has legions of betas that would donate to them and give them attention.
That's an excuse my nigga.
Never make excuses for sluts.
Hitler should have finished his job on your parents faggot.
My parents were born after Hitler died. Not sure why you're sperging out here.
No summer school this year then Jeff?
Cause of science, nigger.
Grandparents, sorry you've never been able to get drunk. If only hitler's fascism would have taken over you would have known.
women are emotionally driven and often take things at face value
Ask your waifu she'll know homo.
I've gotten drunk a few times. It was horrible. I'm allergic to alcohol.
Is that a Call of Duty map? Kids these days
because they don't have to fight the wars
Only summer camp, have to go by train thanks to merkel.
No dude, get out of that place, user.
Then you're a degenerate and deserve to die like the rest of your self-hating/country-betraying cucks. Goodluck with your faggot ass president, hope you have some axes for the first three waves of allahu ackbeards coming through your door. Say hello to sharia-law for me.
Case in point:
fuck off dutch cuck. that's my hat you're talking to!
Jesus christ. How do i unsee this video?
We don't need an example, the one's that can't distinguish right from wrong deserve to die.
Murdering babies is not freedom is homocide you fucking psycopath
Working link
Better put your hat in the washing machine then.