Obscure instruments

>obscure instruments
>le randumb key changes
>treating voices like a string section

Thats it? Thats the recipe for the supposedly "greatest album ever"?



Pet Sounds fanboys are the worst

>guitar, bass, drums is obscure

Beatles fans are butthurt that they can't into the superior band

>being 12

how that treating you?

I never gave this album a listen and have recently started learning a lot about music theory. What's so great about it? Is it just the rich harmonies everyone keeps mentioning?

Even Josh Homme did a better job with les harmonies xd in EODM than Brian wilson in his entire career

t. brainlet

quality and variety of timbre, it sounds 'lovely'
unabashed emotional lyrical content for pop music
fantastic harmonic construction
incredible harmonies

>muh harmonies
That is all great, but the album feels too mild anyway.

you can spot an asshurt beatles fanboy from a mile away lmao

if you don't like you don't like it user, no-one's forcing you to like it
anyway i did give more than one reason why it's a good album; if you're interested in music theory as you say you are the harmony of the music (as opposed to the 'vocal harmonies') are definitely worth careful listening

Listen to Smile then come back to this. Worked for me.

Hey, this user wasn't me, who asked about the album in the first place.

Anyway, do I understand it correctly that it's a one of a kind album, with Wilson not being that prominent of a producer/composer beforehand in the Beach Boys' discography, as well as in their further output because of his mental health?

oh sorry, thought it could have been someone else
sort-of, he did produce all of their music prior to pet sounds but only the preceding two albums are anything close to the feeling of pet sounds (and even then more derivative of the music of phil spector); he produced a lot of music post-pet sounds but with nothing like the same kind of freedom or sheer originality. i'd personally recommend most of their music from 66-77 (especially certain mixes of SMiLE, smiley smile, and 'the beach boys love you') but imo nothing really matches pet sounds

Ok, I'll check it out, thanks.

Speaking of the musical harmony, rather than the vocal harmony, you mean that he makes use of functional harmony to give more meaning to the songs?

As a fan of both, why are so many Beach Boy fans on Sup Forums so insecure? Pet Sounds is an extremely accessible album, and most Beatles fans like it.

i know it's bait, but
>obscure instruments
not really, only for pop music.
>le randumb key changes
no idea of what you're talking about there.
no song makes actual reference to drugs except maybe hang on to your ego, whose lyrics they modified.
>treating voices like a string section
they don't do it in every song. and when they do it, it's fucking amazing.

don't know if there's a recipe for a 'greatest album ever', but this is a pretty amazing album.

You're so obsessed your samefagging now, but I don't understand why no one mentioned The Beatles besides you.

>why are so many Beach Boy fans on Sup Forums so insecure?
no anymore insecure as any fanbase on Sup Forums

slightly off topic, why doesn't anyone credit brian wilson for the manson family murdes?

because he wasn't responsible for it in any way. not sure why Beach Boys haters on here try to force this narrative

>another brainlet S E E T H E S at being unable to appreciate the GOAT record

There is nothing random about the key changes on this album.

Sup Forums isn't insecure of its love for Pet Sounds. Sup Forums makes fun of itself all the time.

>>le randumb key changes
I fucking hate this board

Keep in mind I love the Beach Boys and consider myself to be a huge fan. It just seems like in every Beatles thread someone randomly goes on about how they're so much better or talk shit about them in Beach Boys threads.

to me it is indeed a case of muh harmonies, because i didn't care for their sugariness. i still don't care for their sugariness, but i look past it because chord changes alone make the album work for me

>everyone who disagrees with me is a samefag
I don't even agree with them but you're retarded

just seems like average Sup Forums shit stirring to me. people are just looking to argue on here out of boredom. I wouldn't think much of it

>le radical centrist
>you passionately dislike something? y-you must be insecure

proves that you didn't listen to it seriously

Meant dennis, but you could easily link the murder spree beginning with dennis wilson. I enjoy the beach boys and haven't seen anyone mention this before

seen it mentioned on here a bunch of times and it still doesn't hold up. he wasn't involved in the actual murders and there's no proof that he knew they were killing people other than Manson claiming otherwise

only the young marrige song is good in this album
the one about the ship and drugs is retarded

>le radical centrist
>you passionately dislike something? y-you must be insecure
I didn't say it because he dislikes it, I said it because he feels the need to reference The Beatles when the thread had nothing to do with them.