Is this true?

Is this true?

>literally Sup Forumscore

Fuck off with your facebook/9gag tier memes

Bloom isn't even the best Beach House album

pretty true

I agree with all of these except for 69 Love Songs which is an amazing album for everyone of all ages

These albums aren't necessarily bad just because sadcore teens like them. Lonesome Crowded West is a masterpiece.

The implication is supposed to be that only 15 year-old "depressed" teens would enjoy them which simply isn't true for many of them

>One of the dreamiest, warmest, most ecstatic albums ever made

Replace TMS with TPTB, since that's more focused on suicide. More of a sadboi listen


The photographer in the back sure is throwing me in for a loop.

loveless is not a sad album reeeeeeee I hate this meme

Why are you guys so utterly obsessed with micro-catagorizing everything to the point of absurdity?

why are Blank Banshee and DG on there?
the latter is angsty, the former is some weird vaporwave-trap hybrid

That giles corey is my new soundtrack while I contemplate the end.. love that shit.

Indeed. There is also '13 year old that just discovered sadness and normie-core', which includes albums from bands such as Nirvana and Pink Floyd

>Emergency and I in there




op is dumb here is the real chart

Thanks user, now I know what albums to avoid listening to

t. nu-male

I agree with pretty much everything except Emergency & I. It feels much less self-absorbed than the rest of those albums

add in a Brave Little Abacus album or some shit