Negotiating salaries, apparently.
Move heavy things
Barbell Squat.
Write memes, apparently
>That agonizing grammar
Having a Y chromosome
anything involving strenuous activity
Making threads
oppress me
Second post best post
As a woman I will say that there are a lot of things men do better. Anything involving physical strength definitely.
Use logic
Impregnate a woman
making literally anything except humans
Pullups, apparently. I'm a scrawny weakling and even I can do 10 or so.
dumb cunt
pull ups
pee standing up.
As a woman I will say btw im a grill.
Handle reality
Anything physical or rational.
Critical/Logical thinking. Also that shit monks do in eastern religions.
>tits or gtfo
Come on you know the rules
Peeing standing up.
Doing the cockcopter.
Anything involving strength.
How about one second. We can ejaculate and we can logic.
Both feels good to do.
Menstrate, nothing else
The question was things women do better, right?
I'm not a whore
Literally any kind of sporting activity with the exception of running / jogging
clean and jerk
>heaviest female clean and jerk of all time: 190kg/418lbs
>heaviest male clean and jerk of all time: 263kg/582lbs
both of these by superheavy lifters who had trained from child in rigorous Slav Olympic training centers so none of that "MUH social conditioning"
Pissing accurately
Piss my name in the snow
Loyalty and real friendship
>I'm a grill btw :))))))))
peeing standing up.
I'll concede women are more effective at ruining civilization... and that to protect the species they must be turned into immobile wall-mounted baby reactors.
Submit, hole.
Being Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year
Literally everything including being a woman
pic related
>heaviest female clean and jerk of all time: 190kg/418lbs
That's really impressive tb h
all women are hoors
Then get off Sup Forums dumb cunt.
Be rational
Lift heavy things
Pack the most stuff into the smallest space possible
I gave you 3 that took less than 5 seconds, looks like you got BTFO pretty quick!
my little turkroach can't have a penis
literally can't think of something that doesn't apply
Lift weights for long-distance
I'm not a low testosterone "redpill" who's a sexist so. . . . . NAHHHH.
That's a man?
You proved you are a whore the moment you said you are a girl. TITS OR GET THE FUCK OUT!
It is but a man half her size could lift that and not even medal
>Be rational
fucking kek, you win this thread, user
newbs feed trolls
Become president
pee while standing
Inseminate a woman.
Women in almost every physical sport cannot perform as well as men (on average).
My fiancé is better at being a NEET than I am
All women are whores now?
>write music
>conquering nations
>being role models for kids
>building things
Living by themselves
You better get the fuck out right now you FUCKING WHORE.
You're just taking his bait m80
Don't jinx it, moron.
>talking about yourself and women instead of speaking the topic at hand
typical dumb attention whore
But Ayn Rand
This one is debatable, because women follow the speed limit and general rules but are also just garbage.
Men on the other hand take more risks and speed, but also are way more conscious and aware.
Women cause more fender benders, and men get in more fatal crashes.
Was meant forMy phone is a douche
Change a flat.
Operate motor vehicles. F1 allows female drivers. There are no female drivers in F1 currently and have only been 5 throughout history. You can say the teams are sexist and only sponsor men, but it honestly just comes down to lap times.
One of the big factors in F1 is driver weight. Woman on average weigh less than men, and even with this massive advantage there have only been 5 female F1 drivers in history.
and we have a winner.
The fact you brought up your gender proves you're an attention seeking whore. TITS OR GTFO
>implying im not already on Sup Forums
>imblying imblecations
Obtain an average, height, weight and muscle mass to effectively compete with males in physical combat or contact/impact sports.
>as good as
Grammar, apparently
Math, logic puzzles, spacial awareness tests, any physical task.
Give this guy a medal
Produce sperm