I hate this everyone on this website, everyone here is either

I hate this everyone on this website, everyone here is either
>A Racist
>A Sociopath
>A Troll
>An Asshole
>Or a very sick fuck

This website is the epitome of everything wrong with the current state of the Internet. There are no redeeming qualities of this site, and it's continued existence is a pain for the rest of the Internet.

Fuck you people.

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no u

Woah woah woah...RACISTS on my Sup Forums? Surely you have the wrong place.

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no u

What do you mean no redeeming qualities?

At least Jizz Guy and Skullfucker for example went the extra mile to entertain us.

no u

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Said the troll with hiss weak bait

Either? Most people here are all 5 of those things.

What's your point?

The world used PC culture to forbid us to be human, so we found an outlet to let out our frustrations in healthy doses.
That outlet was called Sup Forums.
But when we got together, we started casually doing amazing things, and we became a power house of anonymous change. We did the most forbidden thing ever, we openly shared ideas you people hate, or are too stupid to understand.
Now we unite and expose the world for what it is, and instead of showing our face, we reflect your ugliness back at you with satire and shit posts...and you hate us for it...because deep down you hate yourself the most.
During the worst you have to offer, we grew closer together. We became a family of faggots.

No matter what happens, no matter how much we change the world for good remember this in silent spite: YOU MADE US THIS WAY!

*end faggot rant*

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Current state? It's been that way for about a decade

I'm not racist, I hate all niggers equally

You people aren't free thinkers fighting against the Status Que, your degenerate fucks that spread and promotes ideologues that moderate members of society find disgusting and revolting. Sup Forums became the cancer it is because it offered anonymity which degenerates used as a mask to hide and promote their fringe ideals. Look at and come back here and you'll see my point.

They are all emos taking their anger out on a website to get away with it. In real life they are all worthless beings.


These kind of people mentally breakdown if they dont get their "I have autism im gonna call you a faggot" fix.

>promotes ideologues

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You having a problem with the affairs of others is the real tragedy here.

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the Status What?

Love you too, user.

>on Sup Forums
>not a pschycopath/sociopath

honestly we should just ban the moralfags.

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>Getting this triggered
The deepest stabs draw blood.

Fuck off Moralfag.

Sup Forums is much worse than the other boards.

How unoriginal, Sup Forums literally says "fag" with everything. Your a breath oxygen fag your a eat food to live fag. You walk on 2 legs fag. Its retarded. Autism is retarded.

Gotta have freedom of speech somewhere, and since people like you that wanna shut everyone down are all over the place in public no one feels like they can say anything out loud anymore.

The ideas aren't as fringe as you think

Nintendo 64 was one of the best consoles at the time. Fucking smash bros, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooi etc


this fucking newfag..

ur mum gay
ur dad lesbian
ur granny tranny


b was never good. welcome newfriend!

Dumb faggot.

no u

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u irl

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You are being a dumb faggot, though. You still don't get what's going on. This is why you don't belong here. This place isn't for you. You can't wrap your head around such a simple series of concepts without feeling threatened in some capacity that your dumb faggot nigger brain shuts down and is incapable of accepting a kind of truth beyond what you're used to.

tl;dr faggot

>this many bites
Good job, OP. 6/10.

"autism intensifys"

I'm waiting for the ifunny watermark.

Shut it your disabled :).

Are you insulting the disabled, you normie faggot?

Yes you are disabled and cant function like a normal human being, therefore you take your insecurity out on a anonymous website. Go do something productive for once you "disabledfag".


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Lol a correction how desperate.

>A Racist
racist jokes are a joke on racists, so we're pretty much the opposite
>A Sociopath
that's such a small minority, most are just edgy teens trying to one up each other when posting gore and disgusting shit
some are schizophrenic, but that's mostly Sup Forumsacks
>A Troll
trolls aren't the issue, it's people falling for their baits
>An Asshole
everyone is, everywhere
>Or a very sick fuck
there are worse places than here
it got pretty tame actually, which is sad, kept out the normies

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you're welcome

Nice bait

"We are the autism army, we are born disabled therefore we are superior" Shut it disabled retard :)

i'm not a Sup Forumsack, my mental health is in pretty good condition
you could say i'm a very stable genius

this is either bait or you are just a retard who keeps returning to something he hates...

Nice pun.

Would have been better if you added quotation marks.

If legitimate, you might be one of the most retarded normie faggots I've seen in a while. You can't even spell right, and that makes me question just how possible it is that this isn't fiction. Are you that desperate to make some kind of truth be known? Are you aware of how stupid that would be at this point for you? What does it make you when you legitimately manifest your own autism in a crusade against a sea of piss? It makes you equal to a stormfag. You couldn't discern satire if it slapped you across the face like the cuck you are. You have no idea what this place is, or was. You're the scum here. You've got one faggot foot in your mouth when you try to tell the disabled to stop talking while striving to decry the inherent value of this place as some den of sin. Yet, I doubt you possess the mental sharpness to know that you should feel bad for inadvertently becoming this autistic.

You know nothing about this place. It's beyond you to know, you couldn't get your training wheels to support your brainlet frame down the path of understanding if you tried or cried your little base heart out. You fundamentally do not belong here if you aren't pretending to be retarded. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

And you are autistic and disabled :).

how can i be autistic and disabled if you are a faggot and retarded?

This is the best comeback I have seen in my entire life, bravo OP

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And yet here you are.

Im not OP im just taking the piss out this guy.

I'm looking really hard but I keep seeing more actual racists than parody racists

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You are the retard, remember? Because you're disabled? Ha.

You're still a faggot who thinks this is the most awful thing you can do to Sup Forums.

no, because it's actually you

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Faggot this, faggot that. Go tell your mum you shat your self you crinkle :).

Can I call you gook yet?

In b4 "you're"

u r

The redeeming quality of this site is that I can watch some chucklefuck beaner blow his head off and be amused in complete anonymity, no fuck off or post your ass

Fucking kek

You forgot the "W" for now. Thats worse than my "your".

still better than reddit

you forgot faggot


just like op

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You forgot the Nigger, you sick fuck. Sociopatic racist asshole. Troll somewhere elss

Ur mum

Dats racist doe

No fuck you

Lern Engrish and stafu

When people post this everyday I just hope it's always bait.

What a fag

Faggot this faggot that. Go tell your mum you shat yourself you crinkle :)

im a terrible person. i hurt all my friends in some way.. idk why im still alive atm. ive turened away any kind of relationship besides my immediate family and friends just to give them the pain that ive neglected overall. both scared and want someone to crush me to the point where there isnt much left for me otherwise to think about. i had drank pretty much the past 5 days as much as i could get my hands on. my nails went yellow brown and i work them often so it was a slight suprise. but either way if its not the cancer that i should have or the failing lung/ or liver im fucking over all my own even just because i hide too much. im trying to get to work, maybe i can get them some change but its too late. my soul that still cares wants to stay but, everyday im just making it worse for both my side and the others connected.if im not in hell now i hope my familiy is safe when i finally end my life in which ever way which ever stupid ass way i end up doing.

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No one gives a fuck you cheesedick gayboy :).

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Aw well done edgelord now your going to get this great thread put down like a dog. Congratulations on your gore posting you party killing emo little cunt.

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

im actually one of the nicest people you will ever meet irl

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I didnt tell you to do anything? I sayed you killed this party, only a matter of time now.

Fuck you toĆ³ faggot

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I want that shotgun sooo much.

bro i talked about drinking. 1st off id make your dad gay with my dick size fuck child. bi or not. like anyone else who types a letter here. i do what i want trix. ;)

>This website is the epitome of everything wrong with the current state of the World.
everyone here is either
>A Racist
>A Sociopath
only wannabes
>A Troll
they wish
>An Asshole
>Or a very sick fuck
it's what happens when you little faggots are raised by single mommies who feed you nothing but estrogen.