Please tell me someone saved this before it got deleted
Please tell me someone saved this before it got deleted
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i have 100 pics on her and her ex gf senpai
I don't get it. Is "she" a trap?
Highly interested.
too bad for you i dont feel like getting banned so no nudes ;)
yes thats a penis
google it baka
Leafy, you are a special kind of retard
are there more nudes?
Please post some, starting with a high res of the OP pic...whats her name? I need MOAR
go back to >>Sup Forums
oh yes i have lots but i dont wanna get banned
if you jewgle:
>The best girl of my life.
>OP pic...whats her name?
warmfreshpaint on chaturbate. Goes by the Alias Maddie on chaturbate, not saying her real name.
Are you new?
Its been known to be a trap since it first appeared you dumb fuck.
thank god she doesn't have the true cascadia flag in the background
search maddie trap tumblr
Both dudes though?
Imgur a collection fag
Reported this faggot thread
fine give me a second.
>tfw all you want is a trap because genetic girls only hurt you
Too many faggots on this board , we need to purge this filth
Take it from a trap that knows like 60+ other traps you should just find a redpilled genetic girls. Traps are WAAAY crazier. Gender dysphoria really fucks you up.
Of the 200+ girls i know irl only 2 are tumblrinas. Of the 60+ trannies i know atleast HALF are tumlbrinas
the imgur collection is loading 2 more minutes
>redpilled genetic girls
>a fucking leaf
Of course it's a tranny
there are a few iv met. dont be a faggot
not all trannies are hons silly. This one is pretty cute and even got the OFFICIAL STAMP OF APPROVAL from TRUMP
Can you explain to me why traps and trannies, just like real women, feel entitled to male validation? You all go insane when you don't get it.
>Take it from a trap
commit Sudoku you ugly fagget
A fucked-up-brain-wiring man who thinks they are a woman, is a fuckup degenerate crazy person? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, really?
>God bless you
>Traps are WAAAY crazier.
In my experience most of their politics are pretty good.
t. Guy who has fucked over9000 traps
It's all their worth dude.
>feel entitled to male validation?
the thread will 404 before i get to explain fully but the reason a lot of traps crave validation is they are extremely insecure.
>is in a trap thread
>tells people who are traps to kill themselves
someone feels guilty for fapping to traps
you would be surprised how many people refuse to believe this
fml one of those pics is me xD
Where the fuck are the pics
well-deserved trips
>there are a few iv met
You're just like the redpilled gf faggots
>they're really rare, guys, but trust me, I found one!
>she's not playing me lol
>so what if I implied my political views before her? that doesn't prove anything
>3 months later
>Sup Forums I didn't believe the nigger meme, but I got cucked today!
You're a fucking faggot dressed as a woman, but you don't get the first thing about them. Their lives are based on it's social aspects, they can naturally play any retards like you into believing they're actually redpilled.
Wait is this the same trump chick now revealed to be a tarp ??
>>so what if I implied my political views before her?
my gf is the one who got me into guns
Which one of them is op's pic? Their both ugly though.
the one on the left. they used to pretend to be sisters but they arent, they are just really similar looking.
also just found another pic of them adding it to album
hurry before thread is taken town
K...kek wills it?
What's going on here? Is kek trolling us?
Is it degenerate to be slightly jealous of traps?
Your trap-loving gf, right?
Fuck off, cunt. Post your faggot trap body or you're full of shit.
>being jealous of people with mental illnesses
No bro cancer patients have it awesome
Is this a bernie supporter album or what?
Not trans, traps.
What's the best way into a trap's boibucc? For women, it's universally agreed it's money. But what is it for traps? What makes them crave you and be subservient?
>Post your faggot trap body
i dont need validation anymore sorry. I dont care if you believe me, i used to be top cam on chaturbate when i was stupid whore.
no i have a different album for bernie supporters. do you want to see it
This is,
Give them attention
Fucking faggots either way
>implying they are that far apart
>What's the best way into a trap's boibucc?
dont do it. do not fall for the trap meme. Im being 100% honest with you its not worth it. Even if you just wanna fuck one its not worth it. just fap till you die.
Trying to find a decent not crazy trap is like trying to find a double rainbow unicorn
I don't even know how they can function. If you were passable you would have to be so fucking horny all the time, I already get boners from slight provocations if I don't jack off multiple times a day.
If I could look down and see a female body and have my own dick at the same time, holy fuck
And yet again, Sup Forums has proven as an excellent source for shemale porn.
It is probably the only thing Sup Forums is good for.
hold on il add some more
>when you see a bigot, racist that doesn't like traps
I gotchu senpai
>i used to be top cam on chaturbate
>i dont need validation anymore
It checks out.
This user isn't wrong. You know the saying about sticking your dick in crazy?
Yeah, you might have hot boi sex, but goddamn traps make your craziest ex seem like a fucking saint.
If you must, pay a prostitute. Don't start a relationship.
time to fap?
k i just added some new pics to the hon album enjoy. they should be near the top
So is
Im not a fan of the lesbians one but hey what ever you want
is it the pic of the faggot?
I have a kind of feminine body, but I don't get horny at myself. It's only when I think of crossdressing or something.
how the hell did you know about my butts and lesbian albums?
i like girls now tho
>getting an STI
I'm pretty good not having HIV cuz.
Trap folder said uploaded by == listing of all albums.
Appreciate the butts, keep up the good work
Wtf is this trap bullshit on /pol for. Gtfo back to /b.
>Appreciate the butts, keep up the good work
thx i actually have my pic in there too ;) actually i think i have some pics to add to the butts album (not mine) let me look
Shut up and answer the fucking question
Jesus fucking Christ. What the hell was that.
How do they feed themselves? How do they earn money?
He/she would be handy to have around if you are going camping or doing some painting.
>thx i actually have my pic in there too ;) actually i think i have some pics to add to the butts album (not mine) let me look
post contact email and ill swap photos
k added some new ones to the butts album, the 1st one is my favorite
mental illness photo swap when
feed their ego and make them feel like they pass, they are feminine, they are like real girls, etc etc etc. i shouldnt tell you how to woo traps but fuck it, if they are dumb enough to date men they deserve what they get.
im not into men
why the fuck do they ban for posting nudes of these dudes?
I made the original #traps4trump post. I deeply regret what I created.
Ok that is fucking gross and weird
i was a Trap4Trump until i realized he flipflops on anything and everything, has backed down on the wall and said it was "just a suggestion", and is probably not going to do any of the things he said he was going to do.
autismbux. Trump is going to take it away which is why they are trying this hard to get bernie
>double rainbow unicorn
kill yourself you raging faggot
>im not into men
I meant swap other peoples butt photos but okay
i dont need other peoples butt photos i have lots
>not getting the reference
its supposed to mean something extremely rare that you will never see. Im sorry that flew right over your head.