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I feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose, you stupid fucking faggots.I feel like the same fucking faggots are in these threads every night posting the exact same fucking content. I swear to god, it's like reruns for neckbeard millennials. Find some new goddamn material you cardboard cutout cunts. Jesus Goddamn Christ on a Crucifix, I have seen that fucking One Piece jerk off jpg a thousand times. I've seen the shit tier greyhound dressed up as one of those faggot daddy-long legs Star Wars machines a thousand times. I've seen Neanderthal forehead man and his pitiful shit at least a thousand times. Is nothing funny anymore? I'm going to go back to watching porn with polka music for my laughs. At least there are an infinite number of possibilities combining anal or BBW with different types of accordions. Fuck you and fuck ylyl. I don't lose you stupid fucking faggots.
Oh yeah I’m the bad guy
U mad.
"Handfree Frey"
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8 out of 8